HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-01-ConCom-min 1 Ov5 MOROVI" Off` OP aw PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES APRIL 19- Conservation Commission Meering broadcasted by LexMedia 't ING'10 AGENDA Monday, October 1"2019, 6:30 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 02421 Monday, October P 2019, 6:30 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 02421 Commissioners Present: David Langseth, Dick Wolk, Duke Bitsko, Alex Dohan, Kevin Beuttell and Ruth Ladd Staff Present: Katie Luczai, Staff Assistant 6:30 pm New Business/Pendine Matters Issue Order of Conditions: 3 Patterson Road DEP 201-1150 BL 1106 On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 6-0 to issue the order of conditions. Issue Order of Conditions: 21 Revere Street DEP 201-1151 BL 1107 On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to issue the order of conditions. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 4 Peachtree Road DEP 201-1076 BL 1033, 139 Wood Street DEP 201-1017, BL 974 and 5 Fairfield Drive DEP 201-1068 BL 1025 The requests will be heard at a later date. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 288 Concord Avenue DEP 201-1045 BL 1002 Mr. Langseth told the Commission that the surveyor, upon completing the as-built, noticed a discrepancy in which the stormwater runoff now drains to a different location than was proposed and approved in the order of conditions. Mr. Dave Crossman spoke before the Commission. 2 Mr. Langseth stated that the Commission will need more information in order to determine if the changes made during the construction process will need to be presented as an insignificant plan change or will need to be filed as an amendment to the order of conditions. Request for Plan Modification: 30 Patterson Road DEP 201-1076 BL 1033 The request will be heard at a later date. Request for Plan Modification: 18 Cooke Road DEP 201-1119, BL 1077 Mr. Zoltan Juhaz presented before the commission several changes proposed including remove and move of a portion of the retaining wall. A concrete bound is proposed to mark the "do not disturb" area of the site as well as a short landscaping wall in the front of the dwelling. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve the request for the insignificant plan change. Request to Extend the Order of Conditions for 0 John Hosmer Lane DEP 986 BL 944 by 1 year (from 11/30/2019 to 11/30/2020) On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 6-0 to extend the order of conditions for 0 John Hosmer Lane by 1 year. 7:00 pm New Public Meetings/Hearings DET 19-28 RDA, 1332 Massachusetts Avenue Applicant: Lexington Field and Garden Club Project: Landscaping and repairs to walkway Ms. Holly Samuels presented before the Commission. Ms. Donna Hooper, Ms. Nancy Troutman and Ms. Ashley Rooney of the Lexington Field and Garden Club sat in the audience. Ms. Samuels stated that the Munroe Tavern lawns are uneven, making it unsafe for visitors. The Field and Garden Club is proposing to fill in the lawn depressions, replacing the path materials and installing stone steps with a handrail. The native wildflower garden is within the 25 foot buffer zone. The Club is seeking guidance on invasive species management. Mr. Beuttell stated that the Commission will not be approving the wetland delineation as a part of this filing. Mr. Wolk and Mr. Langseth noted that there is garden debris currently dumped in the wetlands, observed at the site visit. They proposed an alternative location for debris such as a compost bin outside of the buffer zone. 3 Mr. Langseth stated that the Commission can give the Club flexibility to select which of the two proposed pervious materials they want to use for specific sections of the walking path. Mr. Langseth stated that, though the Commission typically asks that the 25 foot buffer zone be left undisturbed, this is an instance where, since the garden is comprised of native plants and serves an educational purpose, it should be allowed to be maintained as it is currently. Regarding invasive species management, Mr. Bitsko noted that invasive removal could be taken care of through manual or mechanical methods. Mr. Langseth noted that, if they wish to use herbicides in the future, it be added as a condition that the applicant come before the Commission again to ask permission. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 6-0 to issue a negative determination with conditions. Continued Public Meetings/Hearings DEP 201-1156 BL 1112 NOI Cont. Hearing, 2 Barrett Road Applicant: Seiko Ikezu Project: Raze and Rebuild of a deck and shed DEP 201-1150 BL 1106 *Issue order of conditions if hearing is closed On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to close the hearing. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to issue the order of conditions. DEP 201-1137 BL 1094 NOI Cont. Hearing, 127 North Street Applicant: Ying Chen and Katherine Van Stry o/b/o Bull Realty, LLC Project: Raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling *Request to continue until November 4-, 2019 at the applicant's request. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing at the applicant's request until November 4, 2019. DEP 201-1155 BL 1111 NOI Hearing, 453 Concord Avenue Applicant: Cotting School Project: Construction of a new athletic facility Ms. Megan Buczynski, Ms. Bridget Irish and Ms. Meagan Kearns presented before the Commission. 4 Ms. Buczynski stated that per the Commission's previous comments, they did look into moving the pathway from the fifty foot buffer zone. The pathway was unable to be moved due to grades. In regards to the catch basin outlet that leads into the conservation easement, Ms. Buczynski proposed several options. The Commission determined that a catch basin with riprap stretching to the lowest point of the slope would be the best option. Ms. Buczynski stated that they are intending on planting trees for screening purposes within the buffer zone. The planting of the trees is not included in the permit application so cannot formally be approved or discussed. Mr. Bitsko recommended that the applicant look into alternative pathway materials. Mr. Langseth noted that the proposed catch basin and associated riprap is intruding onto the conservation restriction area. If the activities intrude onto the area they will need to be pulled back onto the school's property. Mr. Langseth and the Commission asked that the conservation restriction areas on the property be marked with tall markers. Mr. Bitsko asked if the applicant uses boulders as markers that they be embedded into the ground instead of being placed on top of the earth. Ms. Buczynski and her team will address the proposed catch basin, pathway material and conservation restriction area for the next meeting. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Wolk, the Commission voted 6-0 to continue the hearing until October 7, 2019 at the applicant's request. DEP 201-1146 BL 1103 NOI Cont. Hearing, 96 Lowell Street Applicant: Sander Alves Project: Addition to a single family dwelling within the 200 foot riverfront area Mr. Dave Crossman and Mr. Daniel Carr presented before the Commission. Mr. Carr stated that an operations and maintenance plan was provided. The stormwater management calculations were revised. One maple tree is proposed to be removed. The driveway was shifted in order to save two apple trees. A spot grade was added to the low point in the driveway. Mr. Langseth read the engineering memo into the record. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Wolk, the Commission voted 6-0 to close the hearing. 5 DEP 201-1149 BL 1105 NOI Cont. Hearing, 3 Diamond Road Applicant: Ellan and Robert Siegel Project: Addition and Drainage work to an SFD Mr. Smyers presented before the Commission. Mr. Smyers stated that Ms. Mullins and he had a site visit. Mr. Smyers stated that the groundwater level is at an elevation of 180.6. The location of the proposed infiltration pond will remain in its originally proposed location due to its elevation. Mr. Smyers stated that the applicant now proposes to remove the stone and filter fabric that has been installed from the culvert out to the street. The stone will remain at the bottom of the Swale while the sides of the Swale will be cleared to allow for growth of vegetation. Mr. Beuttell stated that the Commission and the applicant should consider what restoration efforts should be required for this project. Mr. Smyers stated that they will be removing the stone which will be an improvement to the resource area. Mr. Langseth asked for a quantitative presentation of the removal of the stone as opposed to the qualitative measures which Mr. Smyers is describing. The Commission noted that the removal in the stone Swale is outside of the applicant's property. The Commission cannot approve work being done on an abutting property without the abutter's consent. The Commission discussed the progression of the quality of the wetland over time and to what extent the wetland should be restored. Mr. Siegel stated that they are willing to remove the fill that they recently installed. The Commission asked the applicant to submit a planting plan. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted to continue the hearing to October 21, 2019 at the applicant's request. Pendine Matters Approve Meeting Minutes: 8-5-2019, 8-19-19, 9-3-2019, 9-16-2019 On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted to approve the minutes from 8/5/2019 and 8/19/2019. The minutes for 9/3/2019 and 9/16/2019 meeting minutes will be discussed at a later date. 6 Review site visit scheduled for October 5, 2019 (meeting on October 7, 2019) The site visits will remain scheduled for October 5, 2019.