HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-31-CPC-min Minutes of the Community Preservation Committee Thursday, October 31, 2019 Parker Meeting Room Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 4:00 PM Committee Members Present: Marilyn Fenollosa (Chair); Charles Hornig (Vice-Chair), David Horton, Jeanne Krieger (arrived 4:01), Joe Pato, Bob Pressman, Lisah Rhodes, Melinda Walker, Dick Wolk. Administrative Assistant: Gina Federico Absent: Wendy Manz, Capital Expenditures Committee liaison to the CPC. Other Attendees: Katherine Labrecque, Management Fellow; David Langseth, Vice Chair, Conservation Commission; Nathalie Rice,Town Clerk. Ms. Fenollosa called the meeting to order at 4:OOPM. The Committee introduced themselves to Mr. Langseth, vice chair of the Conservation Commission replacing Mr. Wolk as the Conservation representative for the CPC. FY21 CPA Funding Request Town Clerk-Archives& Records Management/ Records Conservation & Preservation- Ms. Rice requested $20,000 in CPA funds for the conservation and preservation of historic municipal documents and records.The documents to be conserved include but are not limited to selected Colonial Tax Warrants, a 1873 Tax Book, Police Department Journals from 1874-1909 and Valuation Books from 1916-1918. The FY21 request is part of an ongoing annual request. Ms. Fenollosa asked if there is an anticipated end date for the annual request. Ms. Rice did not indicate an anticipated end date for the annual request. Ms. Rice explained that documents that are 50 years or older are considered historic, documents from 1945 and newer most likely can be preserved by Town Staff. Ms. Rice estimates that all past appropriations for this annual request will be complete by December 2019, and final bills will be paid in March 2020 with the exception of the FY20 appropriation. Mr. Hornig asked how Ms. Rice determined the $20,000 pace and if she is able to keep up with the degradation of the documents. Ms. Rice explained that the Town Archivist has identified documents that need preservation and that they are comfortable with the current pace of work. Ms. Walker asked if a percentage of the appropriation goes to the archivist salary. Ms. Rice explained that the appropriation does not 1 pay for the archivist salary. Ms. Rice invited the Committee to tour the records room. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (9-0). FY21 CPA Funding Request Town Managers- Restoration of Margaret Lady of Lexington Painting- Ms. Labrecque requested $9,000 in CPA funds for the restoration of historic Margaret Lady of Lexington painting located inside the Cary Memorial Building. Ms. Labrecque explained that the painting is in fair-poor condition, both aesthetically and structurally.The request is to hire a qualified conservator to restore the painting back to premier/ pristine condition as well as restoring the gold frame. Ms. Labrecque explained the history of the painting and noted that the painting is listed as a site to see in Lexington. Ms. Labrecque provided the Committee with a detailed condition report, resume of conservator Elizabeth Leto Fulton, the Town of Lexington Historical Commission vote declaring the painting a "Historic Resource" as well as a photo of the painting. Ms. Labrecque noted that the conservator would not be available until January 2021 and the project will approximately take 4-6 months to complete. Ms. Fenollosa asked if the price quoted by the conservator would hold until January 2021. Ms. Labrecque said yes. Mr. Horton asked if the restored painting will return to its current location. Ms. Labrecque said yes the painting would return to Cary Hall and hang on the far left wall from the entrance. Ms. Rhodes asked if the current lighting would continue to be used. Ms. Labrecque was not positive if the current lighting would continue to be used but noted that she would contact the conservator about the proper lighting. Ms. Walker inquired about the insurance on the painting. Ms. Labrecque explained that since the painting would be transported in a Town vehicle, all items within the vehicle would be covered by insurance. Ms. Fenollosa asked if the painting had been appraised and what the value is. Ms. Labrecque was not aware of an appraisal and as a follow up to Ms. Fenollosa's request noted that she would send along an appraisal if one is available and information regarding insurance. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (9-0). LexHAB- Farmview Funding Request Breakdown-The Committee discussed a memo between the Town of Lexington and LexHAB regarding the Farmview project dated 7-17-19 as well as an excel spreadsheet detailing the cost breakdown of LexHAB's Farmview supplemental request provided by Pat Goddard. Ms. Fenollosa stated based on the information provided in the excel spreadsheet that the Committee would not be able to support the request of$323,097 because $169,347 of the request is for reimbursements and change orders.The Town cannot reimburse for work done before 7-1-20 if the appropriation is approved at 2020 Annual Town Meeting (ATM). $153,750 of the $323,097 request is for final paving, landscaping, fencing, appliances, and solar elements. Based on the timeline provided in the original request for funding, the work would be completed before July 1, 2020. Funds that are appropriated at 2020 ATM are not available to be spent until 7-1-20. The Committee discussed holding a Special Town Meeting before ATM to present the request for$153,750 so that funds would be available before 7-1- 20. Ms. Walker stated that she would like to discuss the memo and the FY21 funding request 2 with LexHAB present. Ms. Fenollosa discussed the contract between the Town and LexHAB highlighting the clause "LexHAB intends to apply for alternate sources of funding for implementation of the scope of work outside of the Triumph Modular Construction contract. Should these alternate sources not be available, LexHAB will utilize their own resources to complete the scope of the work and complete the project scope as outlined in the funding request at Town Meeting" as well as "If they are not able to secure outside funds, LexHAB has committed to utilizing their own resources and funding to complete the work". Mr. Pato stated that LexHAB came before the Board of Selectmen (BOS) and made two promises. One was that they were not going to ask for additional funds for Farmview and secondly that they would complete the project. Based on the discussion the BOS will potentially not support the request because of the contract. Mr. Hornig stated that LexHAB is anticipating an additional request for affordable housing on Vine Street in FY22 for$3.5 million. Mr. Pressman reminded the Committee that LexHAB does not have full time employees and that they have done extremely well with limited resources and a limited staff. Mr. Pato stated that LexHAB has done well with a lot of obstacles but they made a commitment to the Town. Mr. Pressman explained that LexHAB did not do a good job assessing their finances before they signed the commitment with the Town. Ms. Walker stated that she supports every comment made by Mr. Pressman and that LexHAB promised to look for additional funding sources and they were denied so that is why they are looking to the Town for support. It was the general consensus of the Committee that LexHAB is a worthy organization that needs Town support. Review and Approve "Guidelines for the Use of CPA Funding by LexHAB"-The Committee discussed "Guidelines for the Use of CPA Funding by LexHAB". Guideline five approved on 1-17- 19 states "Buildings on the Cultural Resources Inventory should not be acquired with CPA funds for the purpose of demolition". The revised guideline five states " Buildings on the Cultural Resources Inventory should not be acquired with CPA funds for the purposes of total demolition except in cases where the existing structure is unsound or unsafe and said condition cannot economically be remediated". The revised guideline was approved by LexHAB's attorney Pat Nelson. The Committee discussed the Guidelines and future revised number five to state "Buildings on the Cultural Resources Inventory should not be acquired with CPA funds for the purposes of total demolition except in cases where the existing structure has been determined by a qualified professional to be unsound or unsafe and said condition cannot economically be remediated". The Committee voted 9-0 to approve the guidelines as amended. Ms. Federico stated that she would send the revised Guidelines to Pat Nelson for approval before sending to the BOS for final approval. Needs Assessment- Ms. Fenollosa reminded the Committee about the 2019 Needs Assessment Report and stated that the edited drafts should be sent to Ms. Federico before Friday November 22nd for review during the public meeting on Thursday December 5th. A public hearing is scheduled for Thursday December 12th to receive comments from the public. 3 Committee Business- Ms. Rhodes updated the Committee on Town fields. After a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 5:51 PM. The following documents were used at the meeting: 1) FY21 CPA Funding Application-Archives & Records Management/ Records Conservation & Preservation 2) FY21 CPA Funding Application- Restoration of Margaret Lady of Lexington Painting 3) Elizabeth Leto- Fulton Condition Report/Treatment Proposal dated 4-28-2019 4) Elizabeth Leto- Fulton Resume 5) Historical Commission memo to Jim Malloy dated 2-22-18 6) Photo of Margaret Lady of Lexington Painting 7) Memorandum to Jim Malloy from Carolyn Kosnoff dated 7-17-19 8) LexHAB FarmView Lowell Street- Modular Construction Documents dated 5-15-19 9) Email correspondence from Suzie Barry to Marilyn Fenollosa date 10-26-19 10) Guidelines for the Use of CPA Funding by LexHAB amended 1-17-18 11) Guidelines for the Use of CPA Funding by LexHAB revised 12) 2018 Needs Assessment Report 13) FY21 Project List 14) FY21 Meeting Agenda/Schedule Respectfully submitted, Gina Federico Administrative Assistant Community Preservation Committee 4