HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-25-HPB-minLexington Housing Partnership Board Meeting Minutes for June 25, 2019 Attendees: Bob Peters, Harriet Cohen, Jeri Foutter, Betsey Weiss, Bob Pressman, Melinda Walker, Wendy Manz, Paul Linton, Mary Haskell, Rich McDonough Absent: Melanie Thompson Attendees: Mark Sandeen, Hongsheng Tang Action Items: ■ Mr. Linton to post a statement to the HPB website to indicate that the HPB Meeting Minutes can be found on the Town's website — Archives section. ■ HPB members: review the material at the links provided by Jeri Foutter regarding the 40R and 40S legislation and please read about the Massachusetts starter home initiative (see this article for a summary of the starter home initiative). o 40R ■ https://www.mass.gov/service-details/chapter-40r ■ https://www.chapa.org/sites/default/files/TheUseofCh40R 2018.pdf 0 40S ■ https://www.mass.gov/service-details/chapter-40-s ■ http://www.concordsgdev.com/pdfs/050522 CHTF School Funding.pdf o Housing Production Plan ■ Section VI - Goals and Objectives, p. 43-p. 53 - info for HPB and goals we can work on. ■ p. 42 2.6 talks about modifying overlay districts The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen. The meeting was called to order at 6:47 pm. 1. Approve Prior Minutes (May 21, 2019) The date was corrected on the May minutes and one other minor correction was made. Ms. Walker moved approval of the minutes as amended. Ms. Weiss seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 2. 952 Waltham Street / Mr. Hongsheng Tang The HPB discussed with Mr. Tang the role of the HPB in his proposal. The HPB chair signs the LIP application (which comes later in the process). The HPB is not authorized to act as a governmental agency in the Chapter 40B proposal. The HPB asked Mr. Tang to return to the HPB when he has a firm proposal for the 952 Waltham Street property. 3. Council on Aging Update This update was tabled to a later meeting. Lexington Housing Partnership Board 4. Planning Board Update Mr. Peters said that the Planning Board will be meeting on June 26 to discuss Bridges and Waterstone. The balanced housing special permit for 15-17 Fairland Street is also continued to the meeting on June 26. The Rangeway discussion has been postponed until July 24. The Concord Ave subdivision proposal has been withdrawn. The Planning Board has tentatively schedule a hearing on July 10 for the 186 Bedford Street property. 5. 186 Bedford Street Development Precinct 8 town meeting members met privately with the Ciampas and Michael Martignetti to discuss their concerns. The Ciampas answered many questions. Some minor changes were made to the plan to reflect Precinct 8 TMM concerns. The general sense of the attendees is that it was a very productive meeting. 6. SPRD Update Ms. Weiss reported on the recent SPRD meeting. Several people who have experience in property development in Lexington said that Lexington's SPRD is well done, but the interpretation of the SPRD by the Planning Board is often at issue. 7. LexHAB Update LexHAB received one proposal for a developer who can build on Lowell Street using pre -fab units. Even that proposal came in over budget. LexHAB needs an approximately $500K additional to complete the project. LexHAB is seeking a grant for the additional funding. If they are not able to fund the additional money through a grant, they will ask for CPA funds to cover the shortfall. 8. HPB letter - supporting Baker Act to Promote Housing Choices Ms.Weiss sent out a draft of the letter to the HPB on the morning of June 25, 2019. Ms. Walker moved that the HPB approve the letter as sent to the HPB with final wording to be determined by a subset of the HPB. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 9. Massachusetts Housing Partnership's 13th Annual Housing Institute Ms. Walker and Ms. Thompson attended the Mass Housing Partnership's Annual Housing Institute. Training for officials in suburban and rural communities for advocating for affordable housing. The day was extremely useful in providing background information on affordable housing and on reframing the arguments for affordable housing. Ms. Walker strongly urged HPB members to review the information at www.mhp.net/2019HI and at www.thecasemade.com. Further useful information can be found at www.housingtooIbox.org. 10. An Act Establishing A Right To Counsel In Certain Eviction Cases, House Bill No. 1537 There is a Massachusetts Right to Counsel Coalition that is working to provide legal counsel to indigent tenants facing eviction. Lexington Housing Partnership Board Ms. Haskell suggested that HPB join the Mass Right to Counsel Coalition. The HPB asked Ms. Haskell to verify that it is within the purview of the HPB to join the Coalition. In the interim, the HPB members will read up on the Coalition so that it can have an informed opinion on whether to join the Coalition if it is within the HPB's purview. 11. New Business Town Goal Setting: based on the feedback he has heard, the Town Manager has concluded that the Town needs to change the goal setting process. The process is just now being defined. The Town has asked some committees for input to the goal setting process, but not the Housing Partnership Board, which had previously been invited to participate. Ms. Foutter will contact the Town Manager to ask him if there will be input regarding housing during the goal setting process. 12. Action Items There was no update on the action items. 13. Set Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be on July 23, 2019. 14. Adjournment Ms. Weiss proposed adjournment of the meeting. Ms. Cohen seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.