HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-21-CONCOM-min,)S MOR/VIN r PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES tl� H . ue>' .. .r."M� Plll 5 APRIL 19TH Conservation Commission Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia LEXING'T 0 AGENDA Monday, October2lst 2019, 6: 30 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 02421 Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, David Langseth, Dick Wolk, Duke Bitsko, Alex Dohan, Kevin Beuttell and Ruth Ladd Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director and Katie Luczai, Staff Assistant 6:30 pm New Business/Pending Matters Request for Plan Modification: 30 Patterson Road DEP 201-1076 BL 1033 Raouf Mankaryous of Alpha Omega Engineering, Inc. presented before the Commission. Mr. Mankaryous stated that the house was constructed lower than proposed which impacted the drainage system. The applicant proposes to adjust the grass areas which would alter the grading to allow water to flow towards the catch basin. The grass will be graded by two to three inches. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve the insignificant plan change. Informal Meeting for initial project feedback at 1040-1050 Waltham Street with VHB Mr. Kevin Sheehan and Mr. Chris Nowak presented before the Commission a potential redevelopment at 1040-1050 Waltham Street. Mr. Sheehan stated that they are initially proposing a 170,000 sq. foot building and associated parking garage. All areas within the 25 foot buffer zone are proposed to be cleared of structures, parking areas, etc. which totals about 2,000 square feet. An additional 2,000 square feet of pavement will be removed from the 50 foot buffer zone. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to adjourn the meeting to take the annual photo. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to re -open the hearing. Enforcement Update and Restoration Plan Approval: Willard's Woods to rear of 7 Graham Road, Dave Winnick Mr. Winnick presented before the Commission a restoration plan. Mr. Winnick had unintentionally removed 388 inches of trees on conservation area. The replanting plan includes 55 trees and shrubs native to the conservation area and listed on the Lexington preferred planting list. The Commission recommended replacing some of the trees with cherry or oak trees as well as adding shrubs. Ms. Mullins stated that Mr. Winnick proposes funds for the trust funds for long term maintenance of conservation land. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the restoration plan. Issue Order of Conditions: 453 Concord Avenue DEP 1155 BL 1111 On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Wolk, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the order of conditions. Issue Order of Conditions: 6 Peachtree Road DEP 201-1157 BL 1113 On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the order of conditions. Issue Certificate of Compliance: 6 Milk Street, 201-1039 BL 996 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the certificate of compliance. Issue Certificate of Compliance: 85 Maple Street, 201-1100 BL 1057 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue a partial certificate of compliance. Approve Busa Farms Agriculture License 2019-2020 On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the Busa Farms Agriculture License. Discussion: Running Bamboo Threat Concern and Request for Bylaw Change This item will be discussed in full at the November 4th, 2019 Conservation Commission Meeting. Approve Closing on Kendall Rd (32-114) and Sherburne Rd S (32-135) conservation commission land acquisitions and authorize the Town Manager, in the Town Manager's reasonable discretion in consultation with town counsel, to execute all final closing documents on behalf of the Town On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the closing on Kendall Road and Sherburne Road. [Commented -spelling 7:00 pm New Public Meetings/Hearings DET 19-31 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CDOA-19-31 RDA, 24 Columbus Street Applicant: Joseph Barr Project: Site activities associated with razing and rebuilding a new dwelling within the 100 -foot BVW Buffer Zone Mr. Joseph Barr, homeowner and contractor and Mr. Fred Russell, project engineer presented before the Commission. The applicant proposes to demolish and rebuild a single family dwelling which encroaches two feet into the 100 foot buffer zone. An infiltration system is proposed. Concerns of the Commission: The grading in the rear of the dwelling Response of the Applicant: Grading of the yard will be increased by six to twelve inches. The Commission will vote to issue a negative determination with conditions once engineering has reviewed the project. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Wolk, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the meeting until November 4th, 2019 at the applicant's request. 7:17pm DET 19-29 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CDOA-19-29 RDA, 0 Jefferson Drive Applicant: North Shore Residential Inc. Project: Construct a walking trail within the 100 -foot BVW Buffer Zone Mr. Jack Sullivan of the Sullivan Engineering Group presented before the Commission. The applicant is proposing to construct a three foot wide hiking trail within an existing easement. No mature trees (greater than 6 inches in diameter) will be removed. Minor changes were made to the trail during the Commission's site visit. Concerns of the Commission.- During ommission:During the removal of the top five inches of soil that the trees will not be disturbed more than necessary. Add a special condition to not disrupt tree roots greater than 1 inch. How the material will be brought in. Response of the Applicant.- The pplicant:The applicant will construct the trail according to the minor changes made during the Commission's site visit which may not be reflected in the submitted plan. The material will be brought in using mechanical equipment. Ms. Mullins noted that the proposed trail has received the consultation of the Greenways Corridor Committee. The easement was issued in its current location as a result of the initial feedback of Chairman Hamilton and the GCC. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue a negative determination with conditions. 7:21pm DET 19-30 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CDOA-19-30 RDA, 125 Worthen Road Applicant: Marco Bader Project: Removal and reconstruction of a basement slab and installation of a subsurface infiltration system with overflow connection to drain system discharging to resource area Documents Submitted: Mr. Josh Mico of Howard Stein Hudson presented before the Commission. The applicant proposes a four inch HDP perforated underdrain pipe within the building that leads to an infiltration system. Concerns of the Commission.- Engineering ommission:Engineering submitted an unfavorable memo The sump pump size and the flow rate of the infiltration system Reponses of the Applicant.- Mr. pplicant:Mr. Marco Bader, property owner, stated that they wish to install the piping before the ground freezes. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until November 4, 2019 at the applicant's request. DET 19-32 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CDOA-19-32 RDA, 18 Sanderson Road Applicant: George and Lena Athanasiadis Project: Construction of second story addition over an existing deck within the I00 -foot BVW Buffer Zone Documents Submitted: Mr. Bob Labrie of Erickson Construction and Mr. George Athanasiadis presented before the Commission. The applicant proposes to construct a three season porch by enclosing an existing 16 x 22 foot porch over a 20 x 20 foot concrete slab. There were no Concerns of the Commission. There were no Responses of the Applicant. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue a negative determination with conditions. Mr. Beuttell recused himself from the filing for 70 Ward Street. DEP 201-1158 BL 1114 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CNOI-19-19 N% 0 Earl Street Applicant: Louise Barbic Project: Construction of an accessory barn and grading within the 100 -foot BVW Buffer Zone Mr. Bill Ward, property owner presented before the Commission. The applicant had obtained a conservation permit previously for the same project which is to construct an accessory barn structure. The new proposal shifts the barn structure further into the property setbacks. The applicant proposes a stormwater mitigation system by creating a shallow depression. The applicant additionally proposes invasive species management. Concerns of the Commission: Vegetation at the bottom of the depression. The proposed grading details. How the water will flow as directed given the depression. How vehicles will access the garage without affecting the infiltration basin. The proposed invasive species management is primarily located on town owned property Responses of the Applicant: The applicant wishes to create a garden in the depression outside of the basin. The grading will go from 2:1 slope where the barn is located to a 4:1 slope towards the southwest of the property. The applicant can place boulders around the infiltration basin as a visual marker to discourage vehicles driving through the basin. The applicant can minimize their invasive species management to activities solely on their property. The Commission asked for a revised grading plan which indicates a path for vehicle access as well as a more extensive detailed invasive species management plan. Chairman Hamilton read a favorable engineering memo into the record. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 6-0 to continue the hearing to November 4, 2019 at the applicant's request. 8:02pm DEP 201-1159 BL 1115 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CORD -19-1 ANRAD, 109 Reed Street Applicant: Todd Cataldo Project: Confirm delineated wetland boundary Documents Submitted: Mr. Richard Kirby, wetland scientist from LEC Environmental presented before the Commission. Meridian Associates prepared the ANRAD plan and completed the survey. Mr. Kirby presented the delineated wetlands at 109 Reed Street. There is a single family dwelling and gravel driveway on the property. There is an intermittent stream causing the 200 foot riverfront area to come onto the property in addition to the bordering vegetated wetland and associated buffer zone. There were no Concerns of the Commission. Ms. Mullins stated that herself and Ms. Ladd had visited the site and supported the delineation. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. 8:08pm DEP 201-1160 BL 1116 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CNOI-19-21 NOI, 20 Maguire Road Applicant: Boston Environmental Corporation Project: Installation of a utility duct bank and transformer pads within BLSF and 200 -foot Riverfront Area Mr. Richard Kirby, wetland scientist from LEC Environmental, Mr. Bill Podolski and Mr. Mike Toomey from Boston Environmental Corporation presented before the Commission. Mr. Kirby presented the proposed installation of a utility duct back and transformer pads. The current transformer pad will be removed and replaced with a hand hole which is an electrical utility access point. The land surrounding the transformer pad will be replaced with lawn causing a slight decrease in elevation. Two transformer pads totaling 100 square feet are proposed to be installed above the new lawn. Concerns of the Commission: If there is a conservation easement on the property then why is it being mowed? Ensuring no filling more than allowed. Responses of the Applicant: The representatives will inform the applicant of the conservation easement mowing regulations. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. DEP 201-1161 BL 1117 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CNOI-19-22 N% 140 Marrett Road Applicant: David and Andrea Joliat Project: Demolition of existing dwelling and barn and construct a new dwelling within the 200 - foot Riverfront Area and the 100 -foot BVW Buffer Zone Mr. Richard Kirby, wetland scientist from LEC Environmental and Mr. Al Gala, project engineer presented before the Commission. Mr. Kirby presented the proposed raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling within several resource area buffer zones. The former homeowner had previously been before the Commission to obtain an order of conditions to resolve an outstanding violation on the property related to dumping fill in the wetlands. The former homeowner did not begin the restoration of the wetlands. The current homeowner is proposing a revised restoration plan in addition to the proposed work related to the dwelling and landscaping. There will be a significant amount of grading in the front of the dwelling to provide for screening. Mr. Kirby noted that the homeowners reserve the right to subdivide the lot in the future in order to construct a second dwelling. The restoration area will be around 200 square feet. Concerns of the Commission: The Commission noted that some of the restoration work is proposed to take place on town land. The displacement of water from impervious surface areas. The Commission asked that as a part of the Operations and Maintenance plan that a requirement be added to require the applicant to inspect the two grates involved in the stormwater management system in addition to the inspection ports. The Commission proposed a special condition that if the applicant intends to construct an additional dwelling in the future that the dwelling be required to install a stormwater management system that achieves the performance standards set in the Wetlands Protection Act. The Commission was concerned with the location of the catch basins for the inspection ports and drain inlets which are proposed with no sumps or pre-treatment before entering the system. It was recommended that the location of the inspection ports be moved. The Commission was concerned with the proposed swales in the front of the dwelling. The Commission was concerned with the proposed porous asphalt driveway and asked that testing be completed during installation. The Commission asked for a more legible planting plan. Responses of the Applicant: Mr. Gala noted that water will be sent to two infiltration systems, one in the rear and one in the front of the dwelling. Mr. Gala stated that the design of the swales is intended to intercept the water and push it towards the driveway so it will intentionally infiltrate. They can re -design it so it can alternatively sheet flow. Mr. Gala stated that as a part of the Operations and Maintenance plan they will be testing the installation of the porous driveway during the construction process. Mr. David Joliat, homeowner noted that the grading was designed as such in order to accommodate for the elevation of Marrett Road. Chairman Hamilton read a favorable engineering memo into the record. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until November 4, 2019 at the request of the applicant. Continued Public Meetings/Hearings DEP 201-1162 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CNOI-19-17 NOI, 0 Hartwell Avenue (Hanscom Field) Applicant: Massport Project: Vegetation Management within wetland resource areas Mr. Beuttell recused himself from the vote. Mr. Langseth cannot vote due to a former absence. Mr. Jim Stoleki and Mr. Craig Cohen from Stantec presented before the Commission. Mr. Stolecki presented an update to the vegetation management plan at the Hanscom Air Force Base. As per the previous hearing the applicant had been asked to provide details regarding the monitoring reports. Mr. Stolecki stated that the monitoring reports consist of photos throughout a five year period with an official report filed at the end of the five year period. Mr. Cohen noted that they will be selectively cutting and chipping trees. Ms. Mullins noted that in the order of conditions annual reports are required at the end of each calendar year instead of every five years. Concerns of the Commission: A letter was submitted from the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife relating to endangered species on the property. The Commission asked for the response by the applicant. Responses of the Applicant: The applicant is working on a response for the Department. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 5-0 to continue the hearing until November 4, 2019 at the applicant's request. DEP 201-1149 BL 1105 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CNOI-19-7 NOI Cont. Hearing, 3 Diamond Road Applicant: Ellan and Robert Siegel Project: Addition and Drainage work to a SFD within the 100 -foot BVW Buffer Zone Mr. Scott Smyers, wetland scientist with Oxbow Associates presented before the Commission. Since the previous hearing Mr. Smyers and the applicant have responded to the Commission's questions and comments. The applicant will be removing the recently installed stone swale and planting where the stone is removed. Small fore bays will be installed in the swale. The adjacent abutter gave consent for the work on their property. Concerns of the Commission: The Commission asked that the erosion control in the rear of the garage be moved further from the resource area. Responses of the Applicant: The applicant noted that the erosion control was placed to allow for construction vehicle access. Ms. Mullins asked the limit of work be identified on the plan. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. DEP 1153 BL 1108 Viewpoint Cloud Record #: CNOI-19-15 N% 70 Hancock Street Applicant: Charles Foster Project: Addition to a single family dwelling within the 100 -foot BVW Buffer Zone Mr. Jason Lavoie, civil engineer and land surveyor from the Jillson Company presented before the Commission. Mr. Lavoie presented the proposed 400 square feet addition to the single family dwelling outside of the 50 foot buffer zone. Concerns of the Commission: The Commission was concerned that there was no proposed restoration plan but asked that the FENO markers be marked on a plan as a condition. Responses of the Applicant: The applicant agreed to install FENO markers. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. Pending Matters FY 2021 Capital and Operating Budget Update Town organizations are discussing upcoming budgets at this time. Approve 2020 Conservation Commission meeting calendar On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the 2020 meeting calendar. Review site visit scheduled for November 2, 2019 (meeting on November 4, 2019 The site visit will remain as scheduled. Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Gardens, Community Preservation Committee, Greenway Corridor Committee, Land Acquisition, Land Management, Land Steward Directors, and Tree Committee Mr. Wolk recommended that the Conservation Commission consider collaborating with town entities responsible for recreation and housing o to formulate a strategy to increase base funding for ongoing maintenance of land and buildings. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 to adjourn the meeting.