HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-30-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 30, 2019 A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Selectmen’s Meeting Room, in the Town Office Building was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bob Creech with members Ginna Johnson, Charles Hornig, Robert Peters, Richard Canale, and planning staff Eve Tapper were present. *************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION**************************** Appointment of a New Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Member: The Planning Board began deliberations on the proposed appointment of Mr. Christopher Herbert to the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. The Board Members agreed that Mr. Herbert has an impressive CV and that his expertise on housing issues will be useful on the committee. On a motion of Ms. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to appoint Mr. Herbert to the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. **********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION*********************** 1040/1050 Waltham Street-Sketch Plan for Proposed Planned Development: Present were Kevin Sheehan, of Greenland Realty Partners (the owner), began his presentation by introducing the members of his development who were present at the meeting: Ed Grant, legal counsel, Al Spagnolo, project architect, Bob Michaud, traffic engineer, Nick Skoly, VHB and Phil Dorman, Greenland Realty Partners. Mr. Sheehan outlined the reasons that his company had chosen this site for development as a life-science lab and office building.  It is close to an existing suburban life-science cluster  It is easily accessible from Routes 128 and 2 and is a convenient location for potential shuttle service to the Alewife T station.  There are several amenities within a 5-minute walk  The current use of the site is commercial  With several larger parcels surrounding this site, it is possible to create a true mixed-use development. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of October 30, 2019 He further explained the existing conditions of the site and described the outreach that the applicant has already done before presenting this sketch plan to the Planning Board. The plan they were presenting was designed while taking into account both the existing conditions and the feedback they received to date from the abutting commercial property owners and from the South Lexington Civic Association, the residents of the Brookhaven and Avalon developments, and Town officials and staff. He described general components of the sketch plan including: Lab and office uses and a parking garage;  170,000 square foot building with an FAR of 0.65;  Total building coverage will increase over existing conditions, but there will be a slight reduction in the impervious surface on the site. Al Spagnolo, the project architect continued the presentation by showing a rendered site plan and building elevations. A Planning Board Member asked whether the driveway around the back of the building would be a one-way loop road. The applicant team responded that the issue has not be decided yet. Kevin Sheehan then laid out what he thought were the potential benefits for the Town from the project. He organized the benefits into the following categories: Fiscal Benefits; Design Quality; Community Focus; Sustainable Features; Safety Improvements. Bob Michaud, the project traffic engineer, gave a brief overview of transportation issues. He noted that they had done a preliminary traffic study and were working on a more comprehensive study to be finished later this Fall. Minutes for the Meeting of October 30, 2019 Page 3 Mr. Sheehan closed the owners’ presentation by explaining their proposed timeline for the project. They plan to file a PSDUP before the end of the calendar year and hope to be placed on the Warrant for the 2020 Annual Town Meeting. Before the Chair opened up the floor for questions from the Planning Board, he reiterated to the applicant that they should leave the meeting with a clear idea about what the Board Members would like to see in subsequent filings. Board Members Comments and Questions:  The project should be sustainable with net zero fossil fuels, green roofs, stormwater management practices, green infrastructure, adequate snow storage and only native plantings.  The next filing should include perspectives of the proposed project as seen from the nearby residential developments.  The large building will become a “gateway” for Lexington as it would be located close to the Waltham city line and it fits well into the surrounding area.  The building elevations show many (perhaps too many) different materials on the front façade. And the architecture should not be factory-like per the proposed architectural design. Several Board Members asked about the project’s relationship to the vacant neighboring parcel (the former Friendly’s site). The owners responded that they had reached out to the neighboring property owner, but that they do not have control over that parcel. The Board members suggested looking at ways to coordinate efforts with the other owners. One Board Member reminded the other members that when looking at this project and the density that might be approved here, the Board should also be consistent and allow the same intensity of use on other parcels along Waltham Street in the future. There was an extended discussion between Board Members and the applicant about alternate modes of transportation to and from the site especially public transit, shuttle service and bicycle amenities that could ultimately connect Lexington Center to the City of Waltham. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of October 30, 2019 In response to a question by Board members about the proposed uses on the site, Mr. Sheehan explained the building has been designed as a life-science building with 15’ between floors and 33’ structural bays. But he noted that in his past experience, these types of projects usually have about 50% lab space and 50% office space to support the lab work. Several Board Members were interested in seeing the frontage along Waltham Street activated with pedestrian-friendly uses and amenities. There was also concern from the Board about the curb cuts not in line with existing curb cuts on the opposite side of Waltham Street. There was further discussion of the economic model of the project and the mix of uses proposed on the site. Audience Comments:  Kevin Johnson, 283 Concord Ave. was concerned about the front setback and transportation options to the site.  Steve Heinrich, Potter’s Pond was also concerned about the front setback. He was also concerned about the proposed size of the parking garage. Several Board Members suggested that if the upper stories of the building were stepped back from the front setback that might address some of the resident’s concerns.  Jeanne Krieger, 44 Webster Rd responded to the Board Members comments about activating the front façade of the building. She believes that there is plenty of retail uses in this area and suggests that using the site for a life-science building is the best option. While most of the Board Members agreed that more open space on the site would be welcomed, they were wary about a proposed trade-off to provide this outdoor space by reducing the footprint of the building and increasing the height to keep the same square footage. The applicant has reached out to South Lexington Civic Association Executive Board, Brookhaven, but not yet to Glen Meadow nor to Avalon residents nor to South Lexington Minutes for the Meeting of October 30, 2019 Page 5 residents in general. The Board suggested that they do so to enable the Board to take the results of that input into account. The discussion on the sketch plan ended at 8:39pm. PUBLIC HEARINGS 453 Concord Avenue-Limited Site Plan review of the Cotting School Athletic Addition: Mr. Creech opened the continued public hearing at 8:41 p.m. The applicant has requested a continuance to November 20, 2019, and an extension of the action deadline to December 31, 2019, subject to the Board’s approval. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Peters, it was voted, 5-0, to continue the public hearing to November 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room and extend the action deadline to December 31, 2019. Restrict Automatic Teller Machine use in the CB District, public hearing: Mr. Creech opened the continued public hearing at 8:42 p.m. Mr. Jerry Michelson and Howard Levin from the Lexington Center Committee were present. Mr. Levin explained that since the opening of the public hearing, the Lexington Center Committee had decided to simplify the article. They now propose to change line H.1.07 to prohibit ATMs as a primary use in the Central Business zoning district. The Committee does not believe an ATM definition is necessary at this time since the Zoning Board of Appeals has already ruled that primary use ATMs are actually banks. The Planning Board Members discussed this proposal at length. On a motion of Mr. Canale, seconded by Mr. Peters, it was voted, 5-0, to close the public hearing on Article 6 at 9:01 p.m. On a motion of Mr. Canale, seconded by Ms. Johnson, it was voted, 4-1, (Mr. Hornig opposed) to bring forward Article 6 to Special Town Meeting. Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of October 30, 2019 The Planning Board and the members of the Lexington Center Committee continued to discuss proposals for additional changes to the Zoning By-law with respect to ATMs that may be brought to Annual Town Meeting in the Spring of 2020. *************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION**************************** Planning Board Outreach scheduled for November 6: th The Chair asked the Planning Board Members to discuss the proposed November 6 listening session. As part of the conversation, the Board Members were updated on the Town staff outreach efforts regarding Warrant Article 8 – to secure funding for a 25% design of Hartwell Avenue. The Board agreed to postpone the Planning Board listening session indefinitely until the design consultant is on board. Hartwell Avenue Zoning Initiative Discussion: The Board began a discussion about the Hartwell Avenue Zoning Initiative. Mr. Peters recused himself from this discussion and left the meeting room. One member requested that the consultant for this project present his additional findings to the Planning Board at th its November 20 meeting. Several Board Members reiterated their concerns that the zoning proposal will not be ready for the consideration during the 2020 Annual Town Meeting. Schedule: Mr. Peters reentered the room and the Board discussed the future schedule. They agreed to meet on November 6, 2019 to review and approve a Planning Board report on Article 6. They also agreed that the following Planning Board Members would present articles at Special Town Meeting: Article 5 – Mr. Hornig Article 6 – Mr. Creech Article 7 – Mr. Creech Article 8 – Mr. Hornig The Board will also plan to meet at 6:30pm in the Parker Room in Town Hall on November 12 and November 13 before the start of Town Meeting on those two dates. Board Member and Staff Updates: Minutes for the Meeting of October 30, 2019 Page 7 Board Members gave updates on the following: SPRD Committee Route 2A stakeholders meeting School Master Plan Advisory Committee Community Preservation Committee Housing Partnership Board Vision 2020 Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Ms. Tapper gave an update to the Board on proposed changes to the MOU for the 186 Bedford Street regarding ambient noise. Minutes of September 11, 2019: On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to approve the Planning Board minutes for September 11, 2019 as amended. On a motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:28 p.m. The meeting was recorded by LexMedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in Planning Board packets. 1050 Waltham Street:  Cover Letter from Greatland realty, dated 9/25/19 (3 pages).  Sketch plan submission, dated 9/24/19 (5 pages).  Preliminary Building Plans (5 pages).  Traffic study from MDM dated 9/25/29 (11 pages).  Traffic Study Attachments (31 Pages).  Memo regarding public facilities from VHB dated 9/24/19 (5 pages).  Preliminary revenue estimates from Mr. Fougere (1 page).  Application dated October 18, 2019 (5 pages). Cotting School, 453 Concord Avenue:  Request to continue the public hearing and extend the action deadline (1 page). Schedule: Page 8 Minutes for the Meeting of October 30, 2019  Proposed Planning Board Schedule for 2020 (1 page). Robert Peters, Clerk