HomeMy WebLinkAbout201910-24-CPC-min Minutes of the Community Preservation Committee Thursday, October 24, 2019 Parker Meeting Room Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 4:00 PM Committee Members Present: Marilyn Fenollosa (Chair); Charles Hornig (Vice-Chair), David Horton, Jeanne Krieger, Joe Pato (arrived 4:40 PM), Bob Pressman, Lisah Rhodes, Dick Wolk. Administrative Assistant: Gina Federico Absent: Melinda Walker Other Attendees: Wendy Manz, Capital Expenditures Committee liaison to the CPC; Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs; Dave Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works; Myles Kleper, Resident; Harold Miller-Jacobs, Resident; Kathy Scott, Resident. Ms. Fenollosa called the meeting to order at 4:OOPM. FY21 CPA Funding Request Recreation-Athletic Lighting Ms. Battite requested $450,000 in supplemental CPA funds to complete the Athletic Facility Lighting project at the Center Recreation Complex. The request is to complete the lighting improvement at the Gallagher Tennis Courts, Center basketball courts, and Town Pool Complex. In 2018 Annual Town Meeting (ATM) approved $975,000 under Article 10 (g) for upgrades to various sites at the Center Recreation Complex. The lighting upgrades were not completed at the sites because the bid came in over-budget. Mr. Hornig asked if the FY21 request was sufficient to complete the project. Ms. Battite explained that Recreation has a detailed cost sheet and that they are confident that the request will be appropriate to complete the project. Ms. Fenollosa asked about the color of the LED lighting. Ms. Battite explained that the LED lighting used will be the same as the lighting at the Center baseball field. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (7-0). FY21 CPA Funding Request Recreation- Park & Playground Improvements- Sutherland Park- Ms. Battite requested $95,000 in CPA funds to update and replace the playground equipment and install a bike rack at the Sutherland Park. The surface tiles at the entrance of the playground will be reset, an accessible route to the dugouts at the baseball field will be created, and an accessible path will be extended from the existing asphalt path to the water fountain near the entrance of the park. 1 Mr. Hornig asked about the life span of a playground including equipment before it is obsolete. Ms. Battite explained that the life of a playground depends on usage and if codes have changed, but a typical playground has a life span of 15-20 years. Mr. Wolk asked if$100,000 is an average cost to update and replace a playground. Ms. Battite explained that the cost varies depending on the size of the playground and if the playground is already ADA compliant, and referred to the cost breakdown detailed on the CIP. Mr. Horton asked about vandalism at Sutherland Park. Mr. Pinsonneault stated that Sutherland Park is located in a popular neighborhood so the vandalism is minimal, and that Lincoln Park receives the most vandalism. Mr. Pressman asked about Recreations park and playground improvement priorities. Ms. Battite explained that Recreation intends to submit a request for CPA funding every year as detailed in the CIP. The list of priorities would only change if something is uncovered during a monthly inspection. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (7-0). FY21 CPA Funding Request Recreation- Park & Playground Improvements-Athletic Fields- Harrington School Field- Ms. Battite requested $370,000 in CPA funds for excavating the infield areas, laser grading, and new in-ground irrigation systems at the Harrington, Bowman, and Franklin fields. Based on the findings of an ADA Compliance Study, the gravel driveway will be paved to allow for additional parking and a formal entrance at Harrington field in addition to other accessibility upgrades. Construction is anticipated to commence in the summer of 2021. Ms. Fenollosa asked if it is typical to request funds so far in advance and noted that if ATM votes to approve the project, funds would be available 7-1-20. Ms. Battite explained that she is requesting funding in advance because of the public bidding process and timing with the school season. Mr. Hornig asked how Franklin field is used and about parking. Mr. Pinsonneault explained that Franklin field has ball fields used for baseball and softball youth programs and that most people park on Allen Street or at the Clark School. Ms. Battite explained that the field is permitted for 600 hours of use. Mr. Hornig mentioned that LexHAB owns the land and Mr. Pinsonneault and Ms. Battite were not aware of this fact and stated that the Town has always maintained the area. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (7-0). FY21 CPA Funding Request Recreation- Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing- Valley Tennis Courts- Ms. Battite requested $100,000 in CPA funds to resurface, paint, and restripe the tennis courts and install a bike rack at the Valley Tennis Courts. The existing overgrown stone dust path will also be paved. Ms. Scott introduced herself to the Committee as a lifelong resident and expressed her interest in the Town placing regulation pickleball lines on the tennis courts that are being resurfaced. Ms. Battite explained that currently the Town has pickleball lines on the tennis courts at the Gallagher and Clark facilities.The Recreation Committee anticipates a capital request in FY2024 for a standalone pickleball court. It is the hope of the Committee that a planned feasibility study (see next project description) will identify an area for the pickleball court. Mr. Miller- s Jacobs explained that he is a part of a pickleball organization called Pickleballers Anonymous and that when he wants to play pickleball he has to travel to Woburn or Belmont to play. Mr. Miller-Jacobs requested that Recreation consider advancing their request for the construction of a pickleball court. Ms. Fenollosa thanked the residents for attending the meeting and expressing their concerns. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the Valley Tennis Courts project (7-0). FY21 CPA Funding Request Recreation-Athletic Fields Feasibility Study- Ms. Battite requested $100,000 in CPA funds to complete a feasibility study of the Town-owned athletic fields. The study will determine the feasibility of expanding the capacity of Town-owned athletic fields and other recreational facilities by determining which fields/facilities could be improved upon. 14 Town-owned properties would be included in the study. Ms. Fenollosa asked if the results of the study will affect Recreation's five year plan. Ms. Battite explained that the results will potentially introduce new projects or prioritize others. Ms. Battite and Mr. Pinsonneault explained that they would be looking for a landscape architect to conduct the study whose firm has experience with athletic fields.The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (7-0-1) Mr. Pressman abstained. DPW Review of Past Appropriations& FY21 CPA Funding Request- Battle Green Master Plan- Mr. Pinsonneault reviewed a document that he prepared at the request of the Committee detailing the status of past appropriations. He explained that the main reason why Article 2613/7 Historic Cemetery Preservation at Ye Olde Burial Ground has been delayed is because the consultant was temporarily unavailable. Recently the Town has contracted with Ivan Myjer to provide specifications and oversight for repairs at the historic cemeteries.The work is going out to bid fall/winter 2019/2020. Mr. Wolk stated that he is skeptical of Mr. Pinsonneault update and urges the Committee to monitor the progress of the project. Mr. Pinsonneault explained that the reason why the Battle Green Master Plan has been delayed is due to a number of reasons including the fact that the original architect is no longer in business, coordinating with the Center Streetscape plan and other utility work, coordinating with the Visitor's Center rebuild and lack of staff resources. The Town has hired Environmental Partners to develop plans and specifications for the work which will go out to bid fall/winter 2019/2020. Mr. Hornig asked if the scope of the project has changed since the first appropriation since essentially the phase structure has collapsed. Mr. Pinsonneault stated that the original plan was to phase the work out to minimize disruptions to the community but since the original architect is no longer in business the project will not be completed in phases as originally intended. Mr. 3 Pressman asked if the amount requested is adequate to complete the project. Mr. Pinsonneault responded yes. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (8-0). Minutes-After a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the Public Meeting on 10- 17-19 were approved as submitted (8-0). Committee Business- Ms. Federico informed the Committee of the schedule and stated that she will distribute a listing of meeting dates and agenda items. Final project votes will take place on Thursday December 5th Ms. Fenollosa discussed the annual Needs Assessment Report and reminded Committee members to start working on their appropriate section if they are responsible and instructed the entire to Committee to review the document as a whole. A public hearing is scheduled for Thursday December 12th to receive public input on the 2019 Needs Assessment Report. Ms. Fenollosa informed the Committee of the new conservation representative David Langseth replacing Mr. Wolk. Mr. Langseth is expected to join Committee meetings in November. After a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 5:34 PM. The following documents were used at the meeting: 1) FY21 CPA Funding Application-Athletic Lighting Facility 2) FY21 CPA Funding Application- Park & Playground Improvements- Sutherland 3) FY21 CPA Funding Application- Park & Playground Improvements-Athletic Fields 4) FY21 CPA Funding Application- Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing 5) FY21 CPA Funding Application-Athletic Fields Feasibility Study 6) FY21 CPA Funding Application- Battle Green Master Plan- Phase 3 7) Dave Pinsonneault Overview dated 10/23/19 8) Minutes from 10-17-19 Respectfully submitted, Gina Federico Administrative Assistant Community Preservation Committee 4