HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 10-17--CPC-min Minutes of the Community Preservation Committee
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Parker Meeting Room
Town Office Building
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
4:00 PM
Committee Members Present: Marilyn Fenollosa (Chair); Charles Hornig (Vice-Chair), David
Horton, Jeanne Krieger, Joe Pato, Bob Pressman, Lisah Rhodes, Dick Wolk.
Administrative Assistant: Gina Federico
Absent: Melinda Walker
Other Attendees: Wendy Manz, Capital Expenditures Committee liaison to the CPC; Carolyn
Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Suzie Barry, Selectmen, liaison to LexHAB; Bob
Burbidge, Vice Chair, LexHAB; Bill Kennedy, Chair, LexHAB; Lester Savage, LexHAB; Caileen
Foley, Executive Director, Lexington Housing Authority; Cathy Severance, Special Events
Manager, Town Managers Office.
Ms. Fenollosa called the meeting to order at 4:03PM.
Vote to elect Chair and Vice-Chair- Mr. Wolk informed the Committee that he is resigning from
the Conservation Commission at the end of November and therefore will no longer be the
Conservation Commission representative for the Community Preservation Committee. After a
motion duly made and seconded, the CPC voted (6-0-2) to reappoint Ms. Marilyn Fenollosa as
Chair of the CPC (Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Pressman abstained). After a motion duly made and
seconded, the CPC voted (7-0-1) to appoint Mr. Charles Hornig as Vice-Chair of the CPC
replacing Mr. Wolk (Mr. Hornig abstained).
Annual Town Report FY19- Cathy Severance took the Committee's photo for the 2019 Annual
Town Report. Ms. Walker was absent from the photo. The Committee discussed the CPC
submission to the 2019 Annual Town Report and Mr. Pressman suggested minor changes to the
second paragraph. After a motion duly made and seconded, the CPC voted (8-0) to approve the
2019 Annual Town Report as amended.
FY21 CPA Funding Request Lexington Housing Authority- Greeley Village Community Center-
Ms. Foley requested $130,000 in CPA funds for the preservation of the Community Building at
Greeley Village from destruction and harm. The total cost of the project is approximately
$205,000, with the remaining$75,000 to be obtained through the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The scope of the
project includes replacing the windows and exterior doors as well as preserving the ramp,
decking structures and the second level porch at the Community Building. Ms. Foley explained
that the Community Building provides TV, Wi-Fi, and kitchen use for residents as well as
housing laundry units and an emergency generator.
Mr. Pressman also noted that there is a library for residents to use. Mr. Pato asked when the
building was built. Ms. Foley stated that the building was built in 1974. Mr. Hornig stated that
the Committee has not been presented with financial figures for FY21 yet and as with every
project CPA funding availability and project priorities need to be considered. Mr. Wolk
discussed the possibility of the structure being located around wetlands and Ms. Foley stated
that the architect has mentioned it in preliminary talks. The Committee voted in a straw poll to
support the project (8-0).
FY21 CPA Funding Request LexHAB- 116 Vine Street- Mr. Kennedy requested $75,000 in CPA
funds to select a design team, conduct neighborhood meetings, and develop the project scope,
budget, and schedule for affordable housing units at 116 Vine Street (Leary Farm). A
subsequent request of$3,425,000 is anticipated for FY2022 for design, construction, and
contingency. Mr. Kennedy explained that in 2009 $2.7 million in CPA funds were appropriated
to acquire 14.2 acres of farm land known as Leary Farm, and 30,000 square feet of the land was
reserved for use as affordable housing. A report was issued in May 2011, entitled "The Final
Report of the Leary Property Community Housing Task Force", recommending that five or six
units of affordable housing be built in one or two structures. Mr. Kennedy explained that the
affordable housing would be similar to the units at Farmview.
Mr. Wolk asked if a specific 30,000 square feet has been designated for the project. Mr. Savage
explained that there is a rough idea of where it is located but survey work has not been done.
Ms. Fenollosa inquired about the Hosmer House and if there are plans to relocate the building
to the Leary Farm. Ms. Barry stated that at a Board of Selectmen (BOS) meeting the Selectmen
voted in favor 5-0 to move the house but a location has not been determined. Ms. Barry
explained that the BOS will discuss the police station renovation and the Hosmer House at a
BOS meeting in November. Mr. Hornig asked if the FY22 request is for new construction, not
including moving the Hosmer House, and if LexHAB will be able to produce six units of housing
within the "Guidelines for the Use of CPA Funding by LexHAB". Mr. Kennedy explained that the
request does not factor in the Hosmer House and that LexHAB has learned from Farmview. Ms.
Krieger asked if the scope of the project were to change to include the Hosmer House, would
$75,000 be an adequate request. Mr. Kennedy explained that the request is based solely on five
or six units of new construction at Leary Farm. Mr. Pressman suggested increasing the request
to $100,000 if the Hosmer House were to be included. Mr. Kennedy noted that $100,000 is not
his estimate but LexHAB would need additional funds to include the Hosmer House in the scope
of the project. Mr. Hornig suggested a straw vote on $75,000 and if the Hosmer House is a part
of the project, then to increase the request to $100,000 when more information is known. Mr.
Pato brought forth a motion to increase the amount of the request to $100,000 for design with
or without the Hosmer House. The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (8-0).
FY21 CPA Funding Request LexHAB- Farmview Supplemental Number 2- Mr. Kennedy
requested $323,097 in supplemental CPA funds to support the completion of the Farmview
Affordable Housing project. 2014 Annual Town Meeting (ATM) appropriated $1,284,653 in
funding and further appropriated $1,400,000 in funding at the 2018 ATM to build six units of
affordable housing on the Lowell Street property previously known as Busa Farm. Mr. Kennedy
explained that Triumph Modular has been contracted to build the six units and the project is
expected to be completed by mid-winter 2019-2020. The remaining work includes final paving,
landscaping, appliances, and solar panel installation. Occupancy is anticipated for summer of
Ms. Fenollosa asked Ms. Kosnoff if there are any agreements between LexHAB and the Town
regarding Farmview. Ms. Kosnoff explained that there is an agreement in place that LexHAB
would supplement all funds over the Town appropriations for additional work. She also
explained that if the supplemental funds from other sources were not available it is her
understanding that LexHAB would not come to the CPC for funding. She further stated that she
was not anticipating this request. Mr. Kennedy stated that LexHAB has explored supplemental
funding through MassHousing but Farmview is unable to meet the $350,000 per unit threshold.
Ms. Fenollosa asked if the FY21 funding request is outside of the Town's agreement. Mr. Pato
stated that it is his understanding that there would be no further use of Town funds. Mr.
Kennedy explained that if CPA funds are not available then they will seek alternative ways to
fund the project. Mr. Pressman explained that if LexHAB had to fund the request themselves it
would leave them roughly$368,000 of useable funds. He stated that amount in reserves is not
adequate for maintenance of over 70 units of housing. Ms. Krieger suggested an annual request
for funding. Mr. Kennedy explained that an annual request would be very difficult because of
tenants.The Committee voted in a straw poll to support the project (5-1-2).
Review of Open CPA funded projects& Balances- Ms. Fenollosa informed the Committee of
communications that she had with Ms. Kosnoff and Town Manager Malloy regarding open CPA
projects. At the suggestion of the Town Manager Ms. Fenollosa contacted Town Counsel to
inquire about the Committees ability to rescind past appropriations for projects that have
stalled or have had little progress. Mr. Hornig suggested calling in departments who have
outstanding appropriations that are five years old or older or have had little progress to explain
their status and justify why the funds should not be rescinded. Ms. Kosnoff stated that it has
been an effort of the Finance Department to clean up capital articles and that she would
support the Committee if they were to place an article on the Town Warrant to rescind the
appropriations, and that it should be done every year as an act of good housekeeping. The
Committee identified the projects that they are interested in discussing with the departments
including Grain Mill Alley 80/16, 80/15 , Battle Green Master Plan 8E/15, 8E/14, 8F/12, and
8E/11, Tourism signs 261/7, and Historic Cemetery Preservation at Ye Olde Burial Ground 2613/7.
CPA Trust Fund Increase- Ms. Federico informed the Committee of a webinar that she attended
hosted by Stuart Saginor of the Community Preservation Coalition. Ms. Federico explained that
on November 15th the Town will receive a state match of roughly 11.5% before any state
budget surplus. The 2019 state match was already factored into the financial figures Ms.
Kosnoff presented for FY20. The figures that Ms. Kosnoff presents for FY21 funding will factor in
the new recording fees collected at the Registry of Deeds. It is anticipated that the Town will
receive over a 30% state match on November 15, 2020 roughly estimated at $1,400,000.
Board and Committee Training- Open Meeting Law Update- Ms. Fenollosa informed the
Committee of a training opportunity to attend workshops on November 19th or 20th to review
the Open Meeting Law and how it impacts the work done in municipalities. The training will be
given by Town Counsel and the Town Clerk. She informed the Committee that she will be
unable to attend.
Minutes-After a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the Public Meeting on 3-
12-19 were approved as submitted (7-0). Ms. Krieger abstained from voting because she was
absent during the 3-12-19 meeting.
Committee Business-The Committee discussed future meeting dates and decided to continue
to meet on Thursdays at 4:00 PM. Ms. Federico informed the Committee that the Capital
Improvement Projects CIP's will not be available to view until October 23 d.
Ms. Fenollosa discussed an upcoming panel presentation "Community Preservation Act: Past,
Evolution, Present" on November 1, 2019 from 9:15-11:30 AM at the Fowler Library in Concord
sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Concord-Carlisle.
The Committee was updated on the Supportive Living Inc (SLI) ribbon cutting ceremony on
October 10, 2019.
Ms. Fenollosa noted the recent Boston Globe article detailing the dangers of artificial turf. Ms.
Rhodes gave an update on the Towns artificial turfs and noted that she will have more
information in the following weeks.
After a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 5:58 PM.
The following documents were used at the meeting:
1) Draft of CPC Annual Report
2) FY21 CPA Funding Application for LHA-Greeley Village Community Center
3) FY21 CPA Funding Application for LexHAB- Farmview Supplemental #2
4) FY21 CPA Funding Application for LexHAB- 116 Vine Street Affordable Housing
5) FY20 Summer Update- Outstanding Projects and balances
6) Kevin Batt Email dated 5/29/19
7) Master List of CPA appropriations through FY20
8) CPA Trust Fund Webinar Overview
9) Town Manager Board and Committee Training- Open Meeting Law Update memo
dated September 23, 2019
10) Minutes from 3-12-19
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Federico
Administrative Assistant
Community Preservation Committee