HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-12-LBAC-min Approved Meeting Notes Ill,,,,,,exlIngtari Bicycle Advisory Committee 09/12/20"19 17" Hudson Roam, I Kliird II:::::Iooiir, Cary I lall (1605 I110ass Ave) ATTENDEES Members: Peggy Enders, Matthias Beebe, Kevin Falcone, Omar Khudari, Lou Savarino Absent: Bob Hausslein, George Gagliardi, Mike Tabaczynski Liasons: Sgt, Paul Callahan (police), Ross Morrow (DPW), Joe Pato (Select Board) Visitors: Mark Sandeen (Select Board), Sandra Shaw,Archana Dayalu AGENDA 1,Appoint Scribe 2, Review June and July 2019 Meeting Notes 3, Bikeway Detour and Bike Lane Pilot 4. Recommendations to Select Board (followup) 5. Liaison reports 6. Other business (New GCC Route L) NOTES Meeting started at 7:30 PM when quorum was reached. 1. Scribe is Omar Khudari 2, Bikeway Detour/Protected Bike Lanes on Mass Ave • Bikeway paving is complete;the temporary protected lanes have been taken out • Ross is on the Select Board docket for 9/23; his comments: 0 DPW received about 100 messages. Majority (80%) were negative. Criticisms were: lanes were small, parking in lanes, sight line problems, pavement condition, gravel. Positive feedback: thank you for effort (suggestions for improvements). Maybe 5%completely positive. • No complaints about new unprotected bike lanes near Seasons Four. However, they are technically temporary, but won't be removed. Next summer, road work project will include permanent bike lanes. o Happy we tried it. 0 Funds weren't available for better signage. Was shoehorned into bikeway repaving project. 0 Didn't have enough pavement to do protected bike lanes "right." Member comments: 0 Hopefully the project won't backfire and cause the town to resist protected lane 0 1 sideswipe auto accident during the test plus one rear-end 0 Parked cars"forgot about the rules" i.e. ignored no-parking signs and driveways 0 Arlex oil and Lexington Toyota needed more space for large vehicles to turn. 3. Recommendations to Select Board (followup) • Peggy presented to Select Board on 9/9 • First meeting in October, Joe Pato will present a motion for setting a speed limit and a draft letter to legislature. • In discussion about e-bike classes, Joe said he felt if the town imposes a 15mph speed limit, it won't matter what kind of bike it is. • What about enforcement? • Bikeway might not be a public way. Even it is declared a public way, police have more important issues that take all their capacity now. We don't want to force people to slow down at commuting hours. Sign could say"Voluntary speed restriction,"or just"l 5mph." 4. Liaison reports a. Police: Sgt Callahan reported a total of 22 bike incidents to date this year; 13 were bike vs, auto, more than half at Bikeway intersections. Nine were bike riders falls on the bikeway. PID participated in Bikesmart Saturday, PMC kids ride Sunday, 87 hrs of bike overtime, trying to get bike officers on Center duty. Down 7 officers, will lose one more in December. Nationwide shortage. 10/19 non-civil-service exam. At 5AM today, a$6,500 unlocked bike was stolen in front of Ride Studio Cafe. b. DPW: Surveying Hancock and Bikeway intersection in preparation for redesign. Mass Ave hill bike lanes on hold. Will pick it up in Spring. New paving on bike path is great.A vendor came in trying to sell a sensor for flashing lights at crossings. The detector can also be used for bicycle counts and speeds. 5. Other business: a. Matt Beebe: got an email proposing an off-street path connecting Minuteman Bike path and Wood St. Most of the land is conservation wetlands. Peggy gave brief history of West Lexington Greenway plan. Wetlands issues, need for expensive bridge over wet areas in the woods. Ross: Long range plan for 2030 to redesign Hartwell Ave. Until then, it will have the standard roadside 5-foot lane. b. Bob Wolf from Lincoln wants to work together with us to lobby for protected bike lanes on 2A. 6. Minutes from July and August were approved. ACTION ITEMS Peggy will send email out to ask for a volunteer to meet with Bob Wolf of Lincoln The meeting was adjourned. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways 1, Treasurers' Report 2, Website: Kevin Falcone is continuing to work on moving and improving the current site. 3. Grant Street Pocket Park: Peggy said that she and Bob Hausslein have had conversations with the Trustees of Public Trusts to use existing Blossom Fund money to improve the park behind the town center with plantings and Adirondack chairs. 4. Transportation Options Open House will take place on Saturday, September 21, The Friends will have a table. Recorder: Omar Khudari Editor: Peggy Enders