HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-03-CONCOM-minvs MORNIN O V � y Q S APRIL 19TH ZEXIN G 0 Meeting Minutes Conservation Commission AGENDA Tuesday, September 3 d 2019, 6:30 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 02421 Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, David Langseth, Duke Bitsko, Dick Wolk, Alex Dohan, Kevin Beuttell and Ruth Ladd Staff Present: Karen Mullins and Katie Luczai 6:30 pm New Business/Pending Matters Issue Order of Conditions: 20 Maguire Road DEP 201-1147, BL 1103 G A condition will be added to the order of conditions pertaining to actions to be taken if any contaminants are found during the tank removal process. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the order of conditions. Issue Order of Conditions: 758 Marrett Road DEP 201-1145, BL 1102 A condition will be added regarding testing of fill material under the fields. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the order of conditions. Issue Amendment to Order of Conditions: 85 Maple Street DEP 201-1100 BL 1057 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the order of conditions. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 38 Adams Street DEP 201-819 BL 777 The request will be heard at another time. The Commission decided to conduct a site visit to view the restoration efforts. Reauest for Certificate of Compliance: 139 Wood Street DEP 201-1017, BL 974 The request will be heard at another time. Request for Certificate of Compliance: Lot 11 Winding Road previously known as 167. 173 s and 177 Cedar Street (Partial COCl DEP 201-105 8, BL 1015 On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the partial certificate of compliance. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 66 Munroe Road, DEP 201-946, BL 904; 201-973, BL 931 The request will be heard at another time. Request for Expenditure from the Lexington Nature Trust for the Parker Meadow Accessible v Trail Project Design Phase Ms. Mullins stated that a survey of project costs has been conducted. The survey has found that an additional $11,000 will be needed. Mr. Bitsko asked if there was a contingency in the proposal if they need additional resources. Ms. Mullins stated that they do not expect any additional costs. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the request for expenditure from the Lexington Nature Trust. Approve Greenway Corridor Committee request to install ACROSS Route L Signage at Daisy Wilson and Dunback Meadow Ms. Dohan recused herself from the vote. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve the Greenway Corridor Committee request. Approve Meeting Minutes: 8-5-2019, 8-19-19 The meeting minutes will be approved at another time. Review site visit scheduled for September 7; 2019 (meeting on September 16, 2019) The site visit date will remain on September 7, 2019. Performance Standards (including Buffer Zone and Stormwater Management) Amendments to Regulations Chairman Hamilton recommended that the Commission create a working group to focus on the information provided by the MACC and create recommendations for the amendments to Buffer Zone regulations. Chairman Hamilton suggested himself and Ms. Ladd to be a part of the working group. The Commission supported the idea. Chairman Hamilton recommended that a working group be created to discuss the Stormwater Management amendments to regulations. Mr. Langseth, Mr. Bitsko and Mr. Beuttell volunteered to be a part of that working group. 7:00 pm DEP # 201-1126 BL 1083 NOI Cont. Hearing, 6 Blinn Road Applicant: Lauren Dillon Project: Proposed raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling Chairman Hamilton read the favorable engineering memo into the record. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. Issue Order of Conditions: 6 Blinn Road DEP 201-1126, BL 1083 (because hearing closed On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue the order of conditions. The Commission asked that the applicants submit a planting plan to be approved by the Commission. 7:02pm New Public Meetings/Hearings DET 19-25 RDA Meeting, 98 East Street Applicant: Colin Smith Architecture Project: Replace front stoop Mr. Colin Smith and Mrs. Kennedy, the homeowner, presented before the Commission. Mrs. Kennedy asked to enlarge the front stoop in order to allow for proper doorway access. Pervious pavers will be installed where current pavers will be taken out for construction of the enlarged landing. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to issue a negative determination with conditions. 7:05pm DEP 201-1107 BL 1065 Amendment to Order of Conditions Hearing, 17 Banks Avenue Applicant: Pengcheng Zhou Project: Amend Order of Conditions to include dry well and grading changes that impact drainage Mr. Deshang Wang presented before the Commission. Mr. Wang stated that they have eliminated the retaining wall. The groundwater separation and the recharge galley remained the same. The proposed amendment results in less impact than the request for insignificant plan change. An operations and maintenance plan is not applicable since the retaining wall was eliminated. There is no backflow anymore on the property. Chairman Hamilton read the engineering memo into the record. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. 7:07pm DEP 201-1151 BL 1107 NOI Hearing, 21 Revere Street Applicant: Ernest Rogers Project: Raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling Mr. John Rockwood and Mr. Bob Bibbo presented before the Commission. Mr. Rockwood presented the proposed single family dwelling and stormwater system within the 200 riverfront riverfront area. Chairman Hamilton read the engineering memo into the record. Mr. Bibbo addressed the engineering comments and will provide additional details. Chairman Hamilton noted that Mr. Bibbo will have to contact the Engineering Department to resolve the comments. Mr. Langseth stated that in regards to the two feet of separation, Dr. Chiang, the project engineer needs to clarify the existing grades and proposed infiltration system. Mr. Langseth asked if a hydraulic analysis was submitted to provide greater detail on the sump pump. Mr. Rockwood stated that after the site walk they revised the plans for the dwelling to provide one foot buffer on either side of the dwelling. Mr. Beuttell wants grades to be noted on the plan. Mr. Beuttell asked the applicant to provide details regarding the fabric surrounding the water chamber as well as providing clean washed stone for that detail. Chairman Hamilton asked about the calculation of the amount of increased impervious surface for the proposed project. Mr. Rockwood stated that the new dwelling will create an additional 295 sq. feet of impervious surface within the 50 foot buffer zone. Overall the project will include an additional 700 square feet of impervious surface. There will be about 2,500 square feet of area restored within the 25 foot buffer zone as mitigation. Chairman Hamilton asked if it were possible to move the proposed dwelling away from the river. Mr. Rockwood noted that the zoning setbacks and buffer zones provide difficult circumstances. Chairman Hamilton noted that the bordering vegetated wetland on the side of the property is a less important resource area than the river. Chairman Hamilton emphasized his belief that it would be better to propose the dwelling more than 26 feet from the river. Mr. Rockwood noted that the bordering vegetated wetland on the east side of the property adjacent to the Minuteman Bikeway is mostly a swale. The woods between the property and the bikeway act as a buffer. Mr. Langseth stated that he agrees that it would be better to move the dwelling closer to the bike path, but the Commission should be very clear when drafting the permit as to why they are recommending this in order to not establish a bad precedent. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until September 16, 2019 at the applicant's request. 7:35pm DEP 201-X BL X NOI Hearing, 453 Concord Avenue Applicant: Cotting School Project: Construction of a new athletic facility Ms. Bridgette Irish, Ms. Megan Kearns and Ms. Megan Buczynski presented before the Commission. Ms. Kearns reminded the Commission that they issued an Order of Resource Area Delineation earlier in 2019. Ms. Buczynski stated that the proposed addition includes a corresponding driveway and overhang. The current gravel driveway is proposed to be paved with an underground infiltration system to be installed. A walkway and ramp are proposed along the side of the building adjacent to the wetlands. Due to requirements by the Fire Department, they are required to have a point of access around the entire building. There are two proposed infiltration detention basins. The drainage system is designed in a "round about" way in order to capture and treat all water runoff from the building. A catch basin and rip rap is proposed to be installed in order to slow the flow of water coming out onto the conservation restriction area. Ms. Buczynski additionally explained they may have to replace an existing gas line. A lighting plan was not submitted but will be submitted for review for the following meeting. Ms. Ladd asked what happens to the water runoff from the new paved walkway. Ms. Buczynski stated that the walkway is tilted inward. A leaching basin may have been installed but Ms. Buczynski will follow up regarding that. Ms. Buczynski stated that the walkway is paved in order to achieve the 5% grade requirement for accessibility. Mr. Beuttell asked how the fire gravel access drive is being modelled. Ms. Buczynski stated that it was modeled as runoff curve number 80. Mr. Beuttell noted that the driveway is supposed to be over compacted dense stone which is impervious. Mr. Beuttell asked if it were possible to alter the model to allow at least a little bit of water infiltration in there. Mr. Beuttell noted that the discharge point for the walkway is still going to allow for a fair amount of water moving through the area. It is located about five feet up on the slope. Mr. Beuttell raised his concerns regarding the slope and how it will affect erosion. Ms. Buczynski stated that they will re -design the walkway. Ms. Ladd asked what kind of vegetation is on the wetland side of the walkway. Ms. Kearns stated that there is a lot of buckthorn and other woody vegetation. It is a mix of native and invasive. Mr. Bitsko asked if it were possible to install a more natural basin just north to the proposed gravel fire access driveway. This could provide a series of step pools down to the actual wetland in order to eliminate the pipe to evoke a more natural flow. Ms. Buczynski stated that they will look into it further. Mr. Langseth asked if the existing design has a grate on the top. Ms. Buczynski confirmed. Mr. Langseth asked if they have conducted hydraulic testing. Ms. Buczynski stated that they have modelled it through HydroCAD. Mr. Langseth raised his concern about whether the test modelled to predict how much force the flow would provide and if it was able to lift the top off of the grate. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until October 1, 2019 at the applicant's request. Bpm DEP 201-1150 BL 1106 NOI Hearing, 3 Patterson Road Applicant: Duggan and Sons Project: Raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling Mr. William Hall and Mr. Chris Duggan presented before the Commission. Mr. Hall presented the proposed raze and rebuild of the existing single family dwelling. There are two gravel driveways on the property. They wish to rebuild the dwelling using the existing foundation which is a slab on grade. There is a proposed rain garden. The gravel driveways will be removed. Chairman Hamilton read the engineering memo into the record. Mr. Beuttell asked what the gravel driveways will be replaced with. Mr. Hall stated that they will be replaced with loam and seed. Mr. Bitsko asked what the highest drop will be from the retaining wall. Mr. Hall stated that the retaining wall will be at the tallest two feet. Mr. B itsko asked if there was anything preventing the rain garden from overflowing onto the neighboring property. Mr. Hall stated that there is a swale. Grading for the swale will be provided. The operations and maintenance plan will be revised. Mr. Sal Pace, an abutter, voiced his concerns regarding the current state of demolition of the dwelling as a point of safety for the neighborhood. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until September 16, 2019 at the applicant's request. 8:13pm Continued Public Meetings/Hearings DEP 201-1137 BL 1094 NOI Cont. Hearing, 127 North Street Applicant: Ying Chen and Katherine Van Stry o/b/o Bull Realty, LLC Project: Raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until October 1, 2019 at the applicant's request. 8:14pm DEP 201-1146 BL 1103 NOI Cont. Hearing, 96 Lowell Street Applicant: Sander Alves Project: Addition to a single family dwelling within the 200 foot riverfront area Mr. Daniel Carr and Mr. Dave Crossman presented the proposed project before the Commission. Mr. Crossman stated that they are altering 2,045 square feet of riverfront area for the proposed construction. Mr. Beuttell asked the applicant to show detailing for the surface depression and the fabric details for the infiltration system. A letter detailing riverfront performance standards will be submitted by the applicant. Mr. Langseth asked what happens to the drainage on the north side of the property. Mr. Carr stated that the water flow is uncontrolled. Mr. Langseth noted that the uncontrolled water flow that is directed to Lowell Street could be a safety concern. Mr. Langseth recommended that the water be directed to the side to keep the water on their property rather than directing it to the street. Ms. Dohan asked to clarify the proposed trees to be removed and those proposed to remain. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until September 16th at the applicant's request. DEP 201-1149 BL 1105 NOI Cont. Hearing, 3 Diamond Road Applicant: Ellan and Robert Siegel Project: Addition and Drainage work to a SFD Mr. Scott Smyers presented before the commission. Mr. Smyers noted that the revisions included adding a tree detail, the limit of hydric soil and infiltration pond detail. Mr. Smyers asked Ms. Mullins to review the history of the property. Ms. Mullins stated that there were wetlands on the site when landscaping and grading took place. A stone swale was installed where a vegetated wetland was located. The stone swale was found to be located on the abutting property after a survey was conducted. Mr. Langseth asked if the applicants and their team could use the stone swale for drainage even though it is on the abutting property. Mr. Smyers stated that the neighbor has not agreed nor disagreed that the applicant could use the swale for drainage. Mr. Beuttell asked if we know what the wetland boundaries were before the wetland was filled in. Ms. Mullins stated that they do not know how far the wetland extended. Mr. Smyers noted that j ewelweed and white pines are prevalent in the area. Mr. Smyers stated that the area does not function as a wetland currently. Mr. Beuttell noted that there is no proposal to remove the stone. Mr. Smyers stated that they would ideally leave the stone alone. Mr. Beuttell stated that he cannot vote in good conscious knowing that a wetland was altered. Chairman Hamilton read the engineering memo into the record. The Commission discussed possible restoration efforts that could take place. Mr. Langseth suggested that the project at large could be treated separately from the violation (alteration of the previously existing wetland). Mr. Beuttell and Mr. Bitsko raised their concerns regarding drainage. The hearing was temporarily paused. Mr. Russell, the project engineer, joined Mr. Smyers. Mr. Russell expressed his confidence in the proposed drainage system. Mr. Russell stated that the majority of the water runoff is directed to the infiltration pond and corresponding swale/pipe. Mr. Bitsko raised his concern if a large storm event were to occur. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Langseth the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until September 16th, 2019 at the applicant's request. 9:30pm DEP 201-X BL X NOI Cont. Hearing, 2 Barrett Road Applicant: Seiko Ikezu Project: Raze and Rebuild of a deck and shed Ms. Ikezu stated that they have chosen a 10' by 10' sized shed instead of the originally proposed larger shed. The foundation will be made of nine concrete blocks. The shed is proposed to be in the same location of the existing shed. The Commission recommended that they move the shed outside of the floodplain or at least partially outside of the floodplain. Susan Caldarella, an abutter, voiced her opposition of the shed. Sharon O'Connor, an abutter, voiced her support for the shed. The Commission asked the applicant to propose a specific type of vegetation that will be planted where the current shed is being removed if the new shed goes somewhere else. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to continue the hearing until September 16, 2019 at the applicant's request. DEP 201-1148 BL 1104 NOI Cont. Hearing, 91 Hartwell Avenue Applicant: John Cappellano Project: Construction of patio and landscape work Mr. Rich Kirby and Mr. Eric Joseph presented before the Commission. Mr. Kirby reported that he conducted a soil test and was able to dig down 14 inches until he hit a compacted gravel layer. There was no soil saturation at that time. The revised plans submitted showed more detailed grading and some proposed maple trees to assist with drainage. Mr. Joseph showed the Commission the revised grading which varies between 1% and 1.5% grades which will ensure that water will flow away from the patio. Mr. Kirby stated that gravel that will be installed will have a void ratio which will be greater than the current soils that are there. The project overall has a net increase of 50 cubic feet for flood storage. Mr. Langseth stated that though the Engineering Memo states that the applicant is not in compliance with the engineering standards for conservation, he believes that the project may be considered in compliance because the only stormwater being managed in the patio area is the precipitation that falls on the patio. Mr. Kirby inquired about the possibility to "bank" the flood storage acquired in this project for the larger project the applicant proposes to apply for in the future. The Commission decided to not comment on that idea at this time. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. DEP 201-X BL X NOI Cont. Hearing, 7 Lois Lane Applicant: William Keim Project: Construction of deck and patio Ms. Cerise Jalelian presented before the Commission the supplemental information that the Commission had asked for. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. DEP 201-968 BL 926 Amendment to an Order of Conditions Cont. Hearing, Rangeway Extension and SFH Lot Applicant: Suzanne Raymond Project: Construction of a roadway, retaining wall and single family dwelling Mr. Fred Russell and Ms. Raymond presented before the Commission. Chairman Hamilton read the engineering report into the record. Ms. Mullins stated that the applicant will have to go before MassDEP again to have this project approved. Mr. Eric Wilker, an abutter, mentioned a proposed storm drain to be replaced which has a pipe beneath it. Mr. Wilker asked that the pipe be replaced. The Commission discussed the potential merits of replacing the pipe. Mr. Russell suggested that the Commission add a condition for the applicant to assess the quality of the pipe when the project begins in order to determine if the pipe needs to be replaced. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 to close the hearing. Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Gardens, Community Preservation Committee, Greenway Corridor Committee, Land Acquisition, Land Management, Land Steward Directors, and Tree Committee Ms. Dohan stated that she represented the Conservation Commission at a recent Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw Amendment Committee meeting. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 to adjourn the meeting. l Opm