HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-04-LHRC-min Town of Lexington, Human Rights Committee Meeting Friday, October 4, 2019 Lexington Community Center 8:05-9:26 Present Committee Members: Monami D. Roy(Chair), Tanya Gisolfi(Vice Chair), Georgia Swann(Clerk), James Barry(Police Department),Fuang Ying Huang,Melissa Interess(Town Manager's Office Member/Human Services Department),Johnny Cole(School Department Member), Cleveland Coats Liaisons and Guests: Scott Bokun(School Committee Liaison),Jill Hai(Board of Selectmen Liaison), Pastor Brent Maracle(LICA Liaison),Valerie Overton(LexPride Liaison),Mark Corr(Chief of Police), Mable Amar(Guest),Anthony Serio(Human Services Department) 1. Welcome at 8:06 am 2. Welcome to New Members of the Lexington Human Rights Committee a. Johnny Cole(Member appointed by Superintendent of Lexington Public Schools) Director of Equity and Student Supports and Civil Rights Officer b.Melissa Interess(Member appointed by Town Manager)Director of Human Services for the Town of Lexington c. Cleveland Coats (Community Member Appointed by the Board of Selectmen) d. Georgia Swann(Community Member Appointed by the Board of Selectmen) 3. Motion to Approve September Meeting made by TG, seconded by FYH, all voted in favor. 4. Procedural Considerations a) Open Clerk Position--GS ran unopposed and was unanimously elected to the role. b) Possible change of monthly meeting day/time including member availability and possible desire to change the meeting day/time. After some discussion, agreed to change time to start at 8:15 but keep the first Fridays of the month. No objections from members. No objection from BOS and SC liaisons. No public comments. c) Rules on Public Commenting. ■ Discussion on moving public commenting on matters not on the agenda to the end of the meeting to accommodate more residents. MDR also reminded the attendees that comments could always be made electronically, which would also accommodate more detail. ■ Also explained new public comment log and rules for the same ■ No comments or objections from the members. ■ No comments or objections from the SC or BOS liaisons. ■ Public expressed concern whether the 6 minutes time allotted for comments at the end of the meeting would be sufficient and would accommodate public comments. ■ LHRC noted that 6 mins is the same amount of time as last year and that the meeting would be managed to allow for that last 6 minutes and again clarified that the public comment time is limited to 6 minutes for matters that are not on the agenda and that comments on agenda items would be allowed as usual. 5. Chair Report a) Noted role of LHRC ■ Listening to Lexington resident concerns, offering support where appropriate and referring to other agencies where appropriate ■ Support community efforts in line with our stated mission including educational programming and public advocacy ■ Make recommendations to the BOS/SC b) Noted LHRC does not publicly acknowledge emails sent to us, solve problems right away or always give answers quickly c) Expectations of the LHRC's community(Lexington resident)members ■ Attend most of the meetings ■ Community Members Participate in 2-3 workgroups per year ■ Be connected to the community at large and bring back any relevant concerns from the community to the LHRC ■ Attend LHRC community events ■ Encourage community members to engage with the LHRC d) Recommended using initials for members in Minutes to eliminates unconscious gender bias; unconscious racial/ethnic/religious bias; need for gender identification e) Updates since last meeting i. Met with BOS liaison ii. Working on website update ■ Requesting LHRC website to include packet and Sponsorship Request Form and Commenting Guidelines (in process) Community organizations encouraged to reach out using the sponsorship form. iii. Met with Metro North ADL(Anti-Defamation League) ■ Participants included Arlington HRC (Human Rights Commission),police from Arlington Bedford, Burlington, Rabbi from Winchester,ADL people ■ Discussed with Arlington HRC possible joint initiatives,joint programming and using ADL resources, discussed hate crimes vs hate incident ■ Discussion on the difference between"hate crimes" and"hate incidents"and JB explained that there are acts that are "hate based"that are not actual crimes, e.g. speech, that may be hurtful. Vandalism is an example of a crime that may have an element of hate. Noted that any incidents should be reported to the Lexington Police Department (LPD), Lexington Public Schools (when appropriate)and the LHRC. ■ Lexington Police Chief was also present and further explained that a"hate crime" requires intent, and that the LPD wants all incidents reported to them so that they can gather evidence and also noted that JB is the Civil Rights Officer for the Police Department and reports incidents or crimes to the state for recording. iv. Met with Arlington's Rainbow Commission V. Attended Community Coalition event on White Fragility by Robin D'Angelo vi. Met with Town Celebrations MLK Day Committee vii. Noted Church of Our Redeemer and First Parish are working on a Dismantling Racism curriculum to be rolled out as early as Spring 2020 and that other houses of worship are considering this or other curriculum ■ No member comments on the above ■ No comments from the BOS liaison or the SC liaison ■ Public Comments: • Community member commented on why the LHRC is referencing the activities of Arlington,MA and expressed concern about being limited in her freedom of speech due to fears that she may potentially face litigation if she says something deemed "offensive". • MI,MDR and TG reiterated that public comments need to be logged so they are recorded accurately. • Lex Pride Liaison reminded attendees to speak loudly to ensure that the meeting is accessible to people with low hearing. • MDR noted previous request for microphones and MI confirmed that the request had been made and noted that with an 8:15 start time getting microphones ready is more feasible. 6. Liaison Appointments • MDR recognized and thanked two existing Liaisons to the LHRC Jill Hai(BOS/SB)and Scott Bokun(SC)both of whom dedicate time and care to the LHRC. • MDR explains that the LHRC has an interest in getting its own members to be liaisons to certain standing groups in the community to better serve the public. • GS agrees to act as liaison to CoD(Commission on Disabilities) • TG agrees to act as liaison to LICA. (Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association) • MDR notes that Jeffrey Toronto has agreed to be the liaison to the CoA(Council on Aging). • MI explains that the CoA is part of the Human Services Department. And MI attends Human Services Committee meetings as staff. • MDR wants to begin with a liaison to CoA but will consider HSB at a later time. • CC agrees to act as liaison to the Chamber of Commerce • TG asks for liaisons to reach out to chairs of the organizations they will be working with. • MDR follows up with expectations of liaison and notes that if a cultural organization wants an assigned liaison,they are encouraged to contact the LHRC. 7. Committee Member Reports and Liaison Updates • JC mentions the Twitter account @LexingtonDEI,working to improve processes around discipline, looking at preventative steps and practices. Also working on equity audit,racial equity and LGBTQ,while a consultant is being hired to look at Special Needs issues. MDR asks for clarification on who will address the needs of the Special Needs community. JC reiterates that a consultant is being hired to look into Special Education issues. MDR asks if JC is still a resource for the SPED community. JC will be overseeing the entire audit along with the Director of Special Education. Recommendations will be made at the SC meeting in the next year. • MI mentions that Human Services continues to partner with the community to secure space for different groups to utilize. • JB had no new incidents to report other than the incident on Tarbell Ave which should be going to trial in the next few months. https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/O1/03/man- arraigned-for-civil-rights-violations-lexin tg on/pT6awMPVURnnKgaHyS2EVP/storvhtml • GS and CC had nothing to report. • TG met with Arlington's Rainbow Commission to understand functions, goals are and effectiveness as an organization independent of the Arlington HRC. 8.Not In Our Schools Workgroup Report(TG and MDR) • TG and MDR met with officials from Diamond MS (JT was there for part of the meeting). Last year a pilot was tested at Hastings ES who felt the material was not appropriate for their students. The desire is to find a way to use beneficial parts of the program with grade 8 students at Diamond. Also,noted that schools were using various programs across the district. • Discussion on community concern that there is not a unified curriculum across schools that could address bias and bullying and desire for a program that reaches all students with the intention of possibility expanding to utilize Not In Our Town to reach the larger community. • LHRC asks for comments from liaisons • BOS liaison asks for clarification of the background of NIOT and NIOS • TG explains that these organizations are independent and originally suggested by the BOS. • BOS liaison wants to state for the record that the organizations are independent and are not affiliated with any other organization. • TG confirms this. • No public comments 9.No Hate November Workgroup Report(JT, FYH, MDR) • November 2nd family friendly event(movie Wonder)will be screened at the Community Center • November 18th panel discussion will be hosted at Cary Memorial Library. Invitations to participate have been extended to LPS and Town of Lexington representatives. Public encouraged to be involved and invited to get in touch with the LHRC and everyone asked to help advertise and attend. 10. Other Carryover Items a. MLK Day Community Conversation on Race Workgroup (MDR, GS, TBD Public Members) • GS volunteers to join workgroup • LHRC calls for anyone with interest to volunteer for the public event workgroups, interest can be expressed by emailing LHRC b. Race Amity Day Workgroup (TG, CC, TBD Public Members) • CC volunteers to join workgroup. • LHRC calls for anyone with interest to volunteer for the public event workgroups, interest can be expressed by emailing LHRC • LHRC notes that the public workgroups are usually limited to 3 LHRC members and unlimited numbers of community members. c. School Discipline Disparity Workgroup (MDR, TG, JC) • Members of the workgroups already included MDR, TG and JC is added as the third member. 11.New Proposed Workgroup --Understanding Our Town(CC,FYH,MI) • Intention of workgroup is to look at the demographics of the Town of Lexington to better understand the public that we are supposed to serve. • MI asks for clarification,there are sources of this information within town government. • Clarification that there is a desire to know town demographics and methodology of data collection which may allow LHRC to be more helpful and better serve the public. • MDR mentions FYH wants to be on the Workgroup, CC agrees to join. • MI also volunteers to join the workgroup as she would be able to help find info. • TG mentions that LHRC charge does not include a section on Housing Discrimination which the state required an HRC to address if there is no separate body • MDR notes that the public event workgroups are open to the public and that the charge is being studied. 12. Public Comments for Items not on the Agenda • LexPride liaison asks for clarification on the composition and formation of workgroups • Public community member spoke on implicit bias and expressed concern on perceived "microagressions"by people in the audience. • Chief Corr announces that the Lexington Police Department is having its first non-civil service entrance exam testing/hiring event. Chief Corr would like to encourage minority candidates to apply. TG asks for clarification of civil service exam system vs new system. Chief Corr confirms that civil service is no longer used for hiring giving the department more flexibility in hiring, however minority candidates are still needed; especially candidates with language skills. Test date is 10/19/2019,registration is due by 10/16/2019. 13. Confirm Next Meeting Date- 11/0 1/2019 8:15 am Motion to Adjourn 9:26 am-TG, Second MI,All in favor LIST OF DOCUMENTS LHRC Chair Report by Mona Roy LHRC Member Sign-In Sheet LHRC Guest and Liaison Sign-In Sheet LHRC Public Comment Log LHRC Sponsorship Form LHRC Comment Guidelines Respectfully submitted, Georgia Swann Clerk, LHRC