HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-18-HSC-min Town of Lexington Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday 9/18/19 @ 7 PM Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Road Attendees: Gail Fields (Co-Chair), Lea Garden Elkin (Co-Chair), Pam Joshi, Betty Borghesani (COA Board liaison), Martha Kurland, Melissa Interess (Director of Human Services), Doug Lucente (Board of Selectmen Chair), Leslie Zales. Gail called the meeting to order at 7:12 after our group photo for the Town's Annual Report. AGENDA 1. Welcome & introductions 2. Review and accept minutes of May 15, 2019 meeting — all in favor, no edits. 3. Committee membership update — Bonnie Tenpas and Helen Walsh have resigned from the Committee. 4. Review proposed updates to Committee charge and structure a. Doug explained the process of changing a Committee's charge in Lexington. Board Chairs must present proposed edits to the Board of Selectmen. The Board would then discuss and approve or request modifications to the Charge. Doug suggested providing a draft to some of the Board of Selectmen members prior to presenting the proposed updates to facilitate the process of approval. He also suggested that thought be given to what the original intent of the Committee was and how Human Services and the Town has evolved in considering what the future of the Committee should look like. Doug noted that the Board of Selectmen will be looking at all Town Committees to understand overlaps and work towards efficiencies that support the priorities of the Board. b. Melissa noted things we should review in process of changing our charge: frequency, location, and timing of meetings; the actual Charge based on Board of Selectmen priorities and what the Committee wants to focus on; number of members. c. A discussion began with the following points/questions made: i. What are the gaps or redundancies in our services compared to what other groups and committees are providing to the town? ii. The Charge should include "across the lifespan," as the Human Services department serves residents of all ages. iii. What issues should be prioritized? e.g., food for students in the summer, mental health supports, housing, addiction (vaping, opiates), domestic abuse, etc. iv. Look at distinction between what Human Services department provides vs. what the schools provide and ways to collaborate. Melissa noted that the Mental Health Task Force is a significant collaboration with the schools. v. This Committee is most productive and effective when they are advocating for something. vi. There's a need to keep finger on pulse of what the other providers are doing. In-town community groups (LICA, IAL, CARL, LexHAB, LexPride, Community Coalition, etc.) What are they seeing/experiencing/needing in their own communities?We should go to them. vii. This committee used to monitor, e.g., look at how resources were being spent/deployed. This department did not always function well and now it does; is there still a monitoring component that should stay in the Charge? viii. Committee must remain advisory to the Board of Selectmen, especially in light of recent issues in the community. ix. How can we help with pieces that are unknown? Where should we be spending our resources? Are there grants we are not applying for? We still want to hear about needs, gaps, and overlaps from staff. x. Is there a need for a community providers group meeting once or twice a year to develop goals for Committee and Department moving forward. A. Take the next meeting to discuss charge more deeply after committee members have had time to think about it more. 5. Annual report - to be discussed between Chairs and Human Services Director 6. Liaison/staff reports a. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Human Services department has a few things planned. A speaker event with a published Boston College Professor. There will be posters put up in Town building bathrooms, the high school bathrooms, and any retail locations that are willing to have them posted. They will have pull tab tear offs with resources, as well as signs of domestic violence. There will also be a cell phone drive to benefit Jane Doe Inc. These will be promoted widely through email, social media, Public Information Officer. b. The Mental Health Task Force is presenting an update to the Board of Selectmen and School Committee at the end of October. The Task Force is still in a building phase, but a lot has been accomplished and there are many goals that the Task Force plans to achieve in the coming years. c. William James Interface– not discussed. d. Vaping event: speaker is a doctor affiliated with Harvard Medical School. The event will take place in early Nov in the evening (location TBD). The schools are involved in the planning. e. Budgeting Presentation 101 was created with the help of one of the Human Services Department volunteers (a former bank president); meant for families who have sought financial assistance, help through the holidays, etc. It is an offering, not a requirement. They sign-up for the presentation with Tony, then are offered one-on-one appointments with the presenter for setting up a budget. f. Filled vacancy of Municipal Assistant: a 28 hour position (as it was before), primarily focused on transportation support. g. MSW Intern started last week. 7. New business a. Events coming up: i. Climate Strike –support our LHS Students. September 20, 10-11 AM. LHS Football Field. ii. White Fragility Event: discussion sponsored by the LCC at the library on Wed Sept 25, Sun Nov 3 and Thurs Nov 7. 8. Next meeting date: Oct 16 at 7p.