HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-10-HASTINGS-min JS MORIVIN e`° Ilia o 0 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE K 4 _" AVAIL 19T" L�xING"LO� Meeting School Based Site Council— Maria Hastings Elementary Date Monday, 6/10/19 Time 7:45 am—8:30 am Location Library, Maria Hastings Elementary, 7 Crosby Road, Lexington, MA Members Present: Debbie Krasnow, Louise Lipsitz, Kimberly Ryan, Grace Lee, Stacy Beuttell, Beverly Montgomery, Brenda Rich a. Approve minutes of 4-29-19 meeting a. Beverly moved, Kim seconded b Member review of School Improvement Plan- any questions or suggestions as we move to next year? a. Louise discussed staff development for Teachers college-Hastings turn b. 7 implementation steps for action plan c. Literacy-PAR-directives for early identification of students for dyslexia-Hastings implemented this for K Screening-will discuss if we are getting the valuable data as kids are struggling with it. i. Aimsweb plus-under literacy to progress monitor d. Math-5 looked at children's work with grade level teams-could look at children's skills for Response to Intervention e. Technology, new specialist-work with technology and software devices, helped with building project. All MCAS was on computer this year-technology specialists supported. f. Louise reviewed the logistics of taking MCAS in Hastings. g. Social Emotional-Jessica Minnahan did not join Hastings this year, but she is available to us if we need her i. Beverly asked how we reflect on the Bullying-Louise reflects on her personal goal-not a public document ii. Faculty meeting will discuss how to build in social emotional learning blocks into the day. Trying to find ways for fewer transitions. iii. PBIS-reviewed MASCOT-individual children receive Hastings Heros tickets-whole community celebrates iv. Beverly asked if there was criteria for handing out Hastings Heroes tickets. She said kids talk about how many tickets they get and comparing. Louise noted that this is helpful feedback and she will bring the information back to the staff. h. Julie Hackett support diversity,equity that was in place when she started. Katie O'Hare Gibson, the new asst. principal brings her expertise to Hastings. i. Louise is on the redistricting committee with parents and other CO-to look at the district line to make sure that the new Hastings expands in size and other school decrease. There will be a vote in mid-fall. All options will be reviewed before bringing them to the public. i. LPS website-can write to Maureen K or school committee members if you want to give input on the redistricting. ii. Where is the population in the schools, and balance Diamond and Clarke and how the elementary children graduate from the elementary schools and feed into the two Middle schools. j. Beverly asked about ALICE-staff has practiced but students have not. Emergency team is putting together criteria for how to train students and staff. k. Louise will develop a SIP and will get drafts out to the staff. b. Budgeting update c. Building project update a. Going according to plan. Teacher will have money to come in this summer to pack. After next February vacation the new school will open. Furniture is set. Monies offered for new music room and new art room. d. Site Council Elections (Beverly & Stacey rotating out) a. No elections yet. But thank you to you both for your service. e. Member input Beverly moved to adjourn. All seconded.