HomeMy WebLinkAbout2300.1-2 Two legal notices concerning the County Commissioners, 1854 Io the Hon. Board of Commissioners for the Coun= ty of Middlesex: HE undersigned citizens of Woburn and Lex= ington,respectfully represent that the PtIblie Highway leading from Cambridge Street ins Wo- burn to the Old Turnpike in Lexington,is,chtui:- tons,hilly,:.in some places too narrow to accom- modate the public travel, and,we petition your Board to come and view the said highway and make such 61terations in the widenings, straight- ening and igrhding said•road,as in your judgment common convenience and necessity require.• As in duty bound;we ever;pray. ABRA'HAM DURER and others. Woburni March 17,1854. Commonwealth of Massachusetts.. MIDDDESEX„SS. At a meeting of the Coun- ty Commissioners for said County of Middle= sex, at Cambridge, in said county, on the first Tuesday of January,in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four,and by adjournment on the fourth Tuesday of March,A.D., 1854. On the foregoing.petition, Ordered, that the" Sheriff of said County,or his Deputy, give notice to all persons and corporations interested therein,_ that said Commissioners will meet for the purpose' of viewing the premises and hearing the parties,. at the Town Hall,in Woburn, on Saturday, the day of May next,at nine o'clock in the forenoon,.by serving the Town Clerks of Woburn and Lexington,each,with a copy of said petition and this order thereon,thirty days at least before said view,and by publishing the same in the Low- ell Patriot and Republican,a newspaper, printed at Lowell,three weeks successively,the last pub- ligation to be fourteen days-at least before said views and also by posting the same in two public'+ places in said towns of Woburn and Lexington,of his doings herein,to said Commissioners,at the time and place fixed for said view and hearing Attest: M.PRESTON,Asst.Clerk. Copy of Petition and order thereon. Attest:. M.PRESTON,Asst.Clerk.- A.=true copy. Attest. LEVI PARKER,-Deppty.Sherifi',. -•es tv Yf _ iii a .. .-.1 - . Y. 1 i 23 © © . l To the Icon. Board of County Commissioners for the County of Middlesex. ho ui�ller ned,legal voteLrs of the toygp 1ti burn. e @•Lfuldq t1 on 3'q Mn. Board M at tgh- �` ay frdm theTlfg a*%`l�Cl!leads from t7V� re to Kendall's Mills,and all in Woburn—commencing at or near the land of Lnther A.Towle,running a westerly e�urs 4 the road which leads from Cambridge stre=t o Turilpike in Lexington,ending,� at a point at lal.Peirce,_in,Woburn. And to alter the 6r7laTttvei''a7 t ail 1NghwAy from said point of ending,to said Turrlpike in Woburn and Lex- mgton, ABRAHAM DUREN and others. Woburn,Oct.16th,1854. LOmmOT%b)eaItb of g�ta>slsacfju�ett�, MIDDLESEX,SS. At a meeting of the County Com- missioners for said County of Middlesex,at Concord,in said county,on the first 'i'rtosdi�y of September,in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-foui,and by adjourn- ment on the first Tuesday of November,in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four. On the foregoing petition,ordered.that the Sheriff of said County,or his Deputy,give notice to all persons and corporations interested therein,that said Commis- sioners will nnuet for the purpose of viewing tiie preen. ises and hearing the parties at the Woburn Centro De- pot, on Wednesday, the thirteenth day of December next,at one of the clock in the afternoon,by fervmg the Town C.lcrks of Woburn and Lexington each with a copy of said petition and this order thereon,thirty days at least before said view,and by publishin_the same in Ithe Middlesex Journal, formarly I"Woburn Journal," three weeks successively,tile last publication to be four- teen days at least beforo said view, and also by posting The same in two public places in each of the towns of F1'ohurn and Lexington,fourteen days before said view; and that he make return of hi► doings herein,to said , Commissioners,at the time and place fixed for said view and hearing. Al.PRESTON,Ass't Clerk. Copy of petition and order thereon. Attest: 1N.PRESTON,Ass't Clerk. A copy,attest: LEVI PARKER,Deputy Slierift. -)-I On :