HomeMy WebLinkAbout2038.3 Report of committee on a "steam-gong" for the schools and on the needs of the Fire Department, 1893 t Your committee appointed in March 1892, to provide a steam-gong to be used in connection with the public schools and, in addition, to con- sider and report upon the needs of the Fire Department , beg to report as followe : - A chime steam-whistle has been purchased and placed upon the pimping station of the Lex.Water. Co . , at a total cost of $3?.22. , the ap- propriation therefor having been $50. This whistle will be blown i:y the Water Co. , without expense to the Town, whenever it may be necessary to convey information to the teachers and pupils regarding school sessions. A code of signals has been arranged and is published in the report of the Supt. of Schools, Should it be found, upon more extended trial , that this whistle is not easily heard in all sections of the Town, a larger one will be substituted. Your committee have met sev(: ral times to consider the needs of the Fire Dept, , the officers of the { ire companies being invited ''to meet, informally, with them. As a result, your commi-ttee are ready to indorse the request of the Fire Dept, , should it be. made, for an appropriation suf- ficient to cover the purchase of the following articles/(�}�ich, it seems to your committee, are urgently needed, viz: - / 18 buckets for the chemical engines, u� uco► ' 35 One single swinging-harness for the hose wagon, 75. Two cut- off spray nozzles, 2 It is the sense of your committee that, with the above exceptions, and aside: from certain repairs that, it is understood, will be made from the regular appropriation for fire purposes, the ' equipment of the Fire Dept . , a.s-`as complete as. is uecessary 'and possible under its present or- ganization. It is evident that adequatQ. general protection against fire in such a town as Lexington, can be given only by one or more steam fire- engines; but, as this is a question involving an entire re-organization of - the fire seryice, as well as a considerable expenditure of money, your com- mittee do not feel competent to ma p recommendations further than to call the attention of the Town to the grave necessity of rovi.ding adequate protection against loss by fire, fo " the public and private property of the Town, ES �/LA!C4AJ g MINORITY REPORT ON COMMITTEE FOR PURCHASE OF STEAM GONG ARID IPTVRSTIGATION OF NEEDS OF FIRE DEPART1.0"TT, As a member of the above Committee I subscribe to all of the report with . the exception of the concluding pa.ragraph', to which I respectfully dissent , a.nd would recommend the purchase of a steam fire-engine for the Town of Lexington, the stain for the purchase -therefor to be expended Linder the direction of the Selectmen. and Fire ' Fngin:ee:rs . i / �l cu (Ar