HomeMy WebLinkAbout2037.16 Handbill, sale of bonds of the Lexington Gas Light Company, offered by Mills & Blanchard, Boston, 1894 We offer, subject to sale $30.9000 First Mtge. Six Per Cent. Sinking Fund Gold Bonds —OF THE— Lexington Gas Light Company, OF LEXINGTON, MASS. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF MASSACHUSETTS. Dated .1flay 15, r894. Due Jfay 15, 1914. Denomination, $Soo. Interest semi-annually, Yvlay and November. Principal and interest payable in gold coin at the office of the Old Colony Trust Company, Boston, Trustee. Capital Stock fully paid in cash, $30,000 Total Bonds authorized and outstanding, $30,000 Certificate filed with Secretary of State dated September 9, 1895- ASSETS. ' LIABILITIES. Real Estate, - - - $ 5,616.00 I Capital Stock, - $30,000.00 Machinery, 69,322.00 Debts (including bonds, - 33,503.00 Cash and Debts Receivable, - 3,391.00 Surplus, - I4,06.00 Materials, - - - 19o.00 Reserved for Depreciation, - 600.00 $78,519,00 $78,5 i9.00 EARNINGS. Net earnings for year ending June 30, 1895, - - - - - $4,391.04 Interest on $3o,000 bonds at 6 per cent., - - - - - - - 1,800.00 Surplus (over 8 per cent. on capital stock), - - - - - - $2,591-04 For the first nine months of the present year the Company has earned $4,5oo net, and the earnings for the year ending Yune 3o, 1896, will be considerably over $S.Soo, or three times the interest charge on the bonds. The Lexington Gas Light Company was organized under the laws of Massachusetts in 1874, and has been doing business continuously since that date. In 1892 its capital stock was increased and an issue Of $30,000 of bonds authorized for the purpose of extensions and the building Of an electric light plant. Within the last three years $4$,000 have been expended in new equipment, and the business of-the Com- pany has been very successful and on the constant increase. The company lights the streets of the town under contract and also furnishes either gas or electricity for private consumption. This issue of bonds is secured by a first mortgage given to the Old Colony Trust Company, Trustee, covering all the property now owned Or that may be hereafter acquired by the Company. We recommend these bonds as a safe home investment. Price 102.75 and accrued interest. MILLS & BLANCHARD, Long Distance Telephone 248. DEVONSHIRE BLDG., 16 STATE ST., BOSTON.