HomeMy WebLinkAbout2956 Warrant for a Town Meeting to be held on March 4, 1899 M E of MONDRY, MTkRCH 49 1339. To ABBOTT S. WITCI3ELL, Co-.stable of Lexington, CREETINC: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified by law 'to vote in town affairs, to assemble at the Town Hall, on Monday, the fourth day of March, A.D., 1889, at nine o'clock in the forenoon,.to.act on the following articles, viz.: ARTICLE 1.—To choose a Moderator. 1889, to be expended under the direction of a committee ART. 2.—To hear the report of any Committee that may be of the Lexington Historical Society. Y ready to report,and act thereon. ART. 16.—To see if the town will make an appropriation to construct sidewalks with concrete or other material where ART. 3.To choose town officers for the ensuing year, includ- / the abuttors will pay one-half the expense thereof. ing one member of the School Committee for the term of #_ three years. ART. 17.—To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to ART. 4.—To choose one member of the Cemetery Committee draw from.any unappropriated money in the treasury for for the term of three years. the payment of contingent expenses. ART. 5—To provide for the support of the-Poor the ensuing ART. 1$,—To see if the town will make an appropriation year and grant money for the same. ! towards sprinkling the streets of the two villages during_ . ART. 6.—To provide for the support of the Highways the / the coming season. < ensuing year and grant money for the same. 19.—To see if the town will provide a reading room for ART. 7=To provide for the support of the Public Schools the the East Lexington branch of the Cary Library. ensuing year, including the several grades, and grant ART. 20.—To see if the town will appropriate the sum of two money for the same. hundred and fifty dollars for instruction in sewing in the �( ART. 8.—To provide for the support of the Fire Department schools. the ensuing year,and grant money for the same. ART. 21,—To see if the town will appoint a committee to e_T. 9—To provide for the support of the Street Lamps for report at the April meeting concerning a new school the ensuing year, and grant money for the same. house for Hancock schools, or act in any manner relat- ,RT. 10.—To see if the_town will accept the list of jurors pre- ing thereto. sented by the Selectmen. ART. 22:—To see if the town will -make an appropriation for the payment of land damages as awarded by the County ART. 11.-To see if the town will vote for or against granting Commissioners on account of improvements on Main ' licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors in answer to street. the following question: "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in this town?" The vote ART.-23.—T9 see if the town will instruct the Selectmen to on the above question shall be by ballot "Yes,"or "No," petition the Legislature to amend the act of Incorpora- and the check-list and registering ballot box shall be tion of Cary Library so that the town shall have a rep- used, as provided by law. 777 resentatieWon its Board of Trustees. ART. 12.—To see if the town will make the appropriations for ART.—M.—To see if the town will accept the ten feet on the town expenses the ensuing year, as submitted by the south-east side of Mount Vernon street, as given by Levi Selectmen, or act in any manner relating thereto. Prosser, making the street fifty feet wide instead of forty ART. 13.—To see what measures the town will adopt in rela- feet. tion to the collection of taxes the ensuing year, or act in A T. 2 .—To see if the town will pay for placing a water any manner relating thereto. closet in the Masonic apartment of the Town Hall, or ART. 14.—To see if the town will authorize their Treasurer, act in any manner relating thereto. under the direction of the Selectmen, to borrow money j f., for any necessary purpose in anticipetion of the collec- ART. 26.To see if the town will appropriate the sum of two tion of taxes for the current year; the same, to be. paid hundred dollars for care and improvement of the ceme- f directly from the proceeds of said taxes; or act in any tery, or act in any manner relating thereto. manner relating thereto. ART. 27.—To see if the town will remit the amount due for AR 15.—To see if the town will make an appropriation of two rent from the Lexington Savings Bank, or act in any hundred dollars for the proper observance of April ig, manner relating thereto. HEREOF FAIL NOT, and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our, hands at Lexington, this fourteenth day'of February, A.D. 1889. WEBSTER SMITH, Selectmen ` ALBERT W. BRYANT, of CHARLES T. WEST, Lexington. A True Copy. Attest: ABBOTT S. MITC'HELL, CONSTABLE OF LE,XINGTON. THE REGISTRARS OF VOTERS will be in session on THURSDAY, February 21, from 7 to 9 o'clock, P.M., and on Wednesday,. February 27, from 7 to 10 o'clock, P.m., at the Selectmen's Room,to prepare the voting list for the foregoing meeting, The new copies.of the By-Laws of the town will be at the Town Hall for distribution at the above meeting, or can be had prior to said meeting on application to the Town Clerk. Parsons'Steam Print,147 Milk Street,Boston. o