HomeMy WebLinkAbout2912 Warrant for Town Meeting of March 4, 1844 To Jonas M. Muzzey, Constable of the Town of Lexington, - - - - Greeting. You are hereby required,in the name of the Commonwealth of :Massachusetts,to notify and warn (in manner and form as prescribed by the By-Laws of the Town) the Inhabitants of the Town of Lex- ington,qualified by law to vote in Town affairs,to assemble at the old Meeting House,in said Town, on MONDAY,the fourth day of MARCH next,at zinc o'clock,A:M.,to act on the following Arti- cles,viz.: ARTICLE I. To choose a Moderator. ARTICLE II. To choose Town officers. ARTICLE III. To adopt measures for repairs of Highways, and grant money for the same. ARTICLE IV. To grant money for the support of the Public Schools the ensuing year. ARTICLE V. To adopt measures for collecting taxes the ensu- ing year. ARTICLE VI. To adopt measures for supporting the Poor the year ensuing. ARTICLE VII. To bring in their votes for a County Treasurer. ARTICLE VIII. To see if the Town will'choose a committee to audit the accounts of the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund,and'the Overseers of the Poor. ARTICLE IX. To see if the Town will .authorise the Prudential School Committee to employ teachers for the schools. ARTICLE X. To see if the Town will choose a Committee to report to the next town meeting,the,expediency of providing for iwo -annual schools in town,with a plan founded upon a just regard to the benelit of the various sections of the Town. ARTICLE XI. To see, if the town will instruct the Selectmen withhold their approbation from all persons who may apply to them to be approbated as venders of intoxicating drinks as a beverage. ARTICLE XIT. To see if the town will choose a Committee to appear before the County Commissioners,to object to the licensing of any individual in the town of Lexington,for the sale of intoxicating drinks as a beverage. _ ARTICLE XIII. To hear report of Committees,and act thereon. Hereof fail not, and make return of.this warrant with your do- ings theron on or before the time prefixed. Given under our hands, at Lexington, this thirteenth',day February,A. D. 1844. BENJAMIN MUZZEY9 Selectmen J. SIMONDS PARKER, of ALBERT W.BRYANT, Lexingto NOTEā€”The Selectmen will add no names to the voting list after the polls are opened.