HomeMy WebLinkAbout2910 Warrant for Town Meeting of November 13, 1843 To Jonas X. Muzzey, Constable of the town of Lexington, . . I I Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Lex- ington who are qualified by law to vote for State Officers, to assemble at the Old Meeting House,in said town,on MONDAY,the thirteenth day of November next, at half-past twelve o'clock,P.M.,at whicil time the Poll will be opened for the following purposes, viz: first to determine whether the town will choose a Representative to represent the town in the next General Court to be holden in the city of Boston on the first Wednesday of January next, and if they determine to choose said Representative, to bring in their votes for the same. Also, to bring in their votes for Governor,Lieutenant Governor and Senators of said Commonwealth, agreeablI to the Constitution,thereof, on one ballot. And you are alike required to notify and warn the aforesaid inhabi- tants to meet at the aforesaid place at three o'clock,P. M., to act on the following articles: ART. 1st. To choose a Moderator. ART. 2d. To see if the town will grant the same amount of money which was granted last year for the purpose of defraying the expense of fuel and ringing the bell at the Unitarian Meeting House, in the East Village,and the Universalists and Baptist Meeting Houses; said money to be divided in the same proportion it was last year. ART. 3d. To see if the town will take measures to provide a Globe or Globes and some other apparatus for each of its District Schools. Hereof fail not,and make return of this Warrant to the Selectmen. on or before the time prefixed. Given under our hands, at Lexington, this twenty-third day of October, 1843. 'BENJAMIN MUZZEY, Selectmen J. SIMONDS PARKER, of ALBER.T W. BR.YANT, Lexington. NoTE.—The Selectmen have decided that no names will be ad- ded to the voting list after the above warned meeting is opened,and that they will be in session at the I Monument House,' kept by Josiah D. Howe,on,Saturday, Nov.11th, 1843, from 5 to 8 o'clock, P.M., and at the same place,,from 8 to 11 o'clock, A. M., on the 13th of November, 1843, to correct the said voting list; which will be previ- ously posted according to law.