HomeMy WebLinkAbout2801 Report (draft), "By-Laws relating the Water Department," no date but presumed 1907 � ! ` ■�- � � '� ■ ■ f . � / _ . � , �/ � -, a � / . - � �\ ;� � . . .y �\ . �� . � �t �m �f �§ �\ �a �/ \� �g �\ - _ �v � �x <� \ � _ . � . . . . �) n By-Laws relating to Water Department Section 1. The provisions of Section 1 of the "Rules and Regulations of the Water Department" adopted by vote of the town on March 23, 1896 , and subsequently approved by the Superior Court shall be continued in force and considered as a part of t= ese By-Laws . Said section reads as follows : Section 1. At a meeting called for that purpose , to be held in April, 1896 , the town shall elect by ballot a Water Board , consisting of three legal voters , to be called Water Commissioners , one of whom shall be elected. for the tern of three years , one for the term of two years , and one for the term of one year , all of said terms to date .from the annual meeting in March, and thereafter the town shall annually elect by ballot one member of said board for the term of three years. Every in.ember-elect of said board shall be sworn to the faithful performance of his Z duties . No member shall receive any salary or other compensa- tion for his services . Section 2 . Such Board of Water Commissioners, subject to the direction and control of the town as expressed by a a ants .from time to time shall have the voters of the in bit , care and management of the town' s system ofwater supply r derived ,f IUm the Metropolitans System, and of the property and bu,*iness connected with such su _ pl a„r , including 11 con- struction and repair work and the making of contracts there- for . Section 3. The Water Board may appoint a superintendent , �ro t �V registrar and other necessary subordinate officers or agents, define their duties and fix their coz-iipensation; but no Com- missioner shall hold any office or position of erlol=ent under the Board. Section 4 . The rates to be paid for water 'oar private takers shall_ be those from tim.e to time established by vote of the town, or , in the absence thereof, by action of the 'dater Board. section 5 . The Water Board Maur establish and alter from time to time , such rules and regulations, not inconsist- ent ..frith votes of the town, or of these b T-laws , as to the Board mar seem proper, governing the use of water , the kind of service or other pipes to be employed in such use and the manner of connecting and ma-, ntaining the sa, e , the met.sring of .,;rater , and any other matters connected with the con.d,zct of the business of supplying water to customers or exacting pay- ment therefor . Said rules and regulations , except as may otherwise be expressly agre:.d in writing, s):iall be considered a part of t tee contract with every person who takes water; and the eater Board may shut off the water and prohibit its use of any person rho neglects or refaces to comply ;rvitri the same . Section b . All bills for water shall be co t lected by the registrar or o;her person appointed by the Water Board for that y urpo se , and such collector shall give bond to the town in a sum and witFl surety approved by the Wat- ,er Board for 2 the f .-thful discharge of his duties . He shall make re port weekly to the Board of all sups collected, and concurrently there';rith pay over the same to t_.e town treasurer . Section 7 . The town treasurer shall k?�,10 a separate account of all water rents and receipts , and of all charges , expenses and interest on account of the water sjrstem and the water debt . All mone„rs so received , and all appropriate ons :made by- the, town 1'or any purpose connected with the water department, shall be used in payment of the ;crater debt- and interest there- on, and the expense of operating and el>tendi ng the water system, and shall be paid out by the treasurer on orders or bills approved by the !Vat;;r Board. Section 8 . The gdrater Board shall annually, on or be - fore the first day of January in each year, present to the IIIselectmen, for "oublication in the town _report, a stater-i.ent of the condition of the water department , which shall show in detail all receipts and expenditi-zres during the year , and also the names of all persons who are at the time in default in the payment of water bills , with the mount due from each. Section 9 . All existing by-laws or rules and regula- tions inconsistent with the foregoing provisions are hereby repealed . 3 j ;� I I i �,�� z � o � a