HomeMy WebLinkAbout2798 Report of Committee on Water Department, no date but presumed 1906 A.
The Committee appointed to investigate the condit4.01,,S of the
7(ater Department mlde a rcliort under date of Y-Ay 21st $ 1906 , and at an
adjourned Town meeting, the Tovvn received +b.( report is one of Progress,
continued the Committee in existence , adopted its recomme,ndat ions, and
at the same. time authorized the selectmen
"To sell all Water Torks luildings and macbirc-ryl including the
"dwelling house on the TJ�ircoln ,'Itreet pror1crty, and a sufficJc- nt
"parcel or pircols of land adjoining, such buildinLps to ry.,.akc thic-m
"a- vailable to 1-urc".1-asors" .
Upon seeking a ciastorw- r for this property, the :E1,electmen found
that to sell it in X items 4 as not the best course to pursue ,
plart 4cu144r1y t:cs ,here J. IA s some "i- cs, ion --ts to sonc= of the boundaries of
the differ Ent lots . Therefore , it apjcars to be necessary for the.
Selectmen to come to the, Town for a broader and more sl,eclfic authoriza-
tion to sell this prol.erty .
The recommend, tion of the Cormuittee is that the crtta.rc property,
consisting of buildings :-ind -neac.",ow lands be sold at a price not less
than a sum to be deterr.ined by the Assessors and Selectment , - reservilni- ,
hovvever, some five acres of land now used for ai.:3av�-ground .
Tt Is the 4.n+-cnt! ,1-i, of the Selectmcn to insert an article JrL the
warr,irt for the next '--arch "neeting asking for this authorizat-Lon .
The C-,�.Ie of t1hiu will, cert-,-dn1,-,,r, 1-rove bereficial to
the T. own inasnuch .-is it will produce enough money to reduce the tax r.--�te
for 1907 alfou 0•1 .50 per �1000, - besides ; 1-lacing the jxoperty in the
hl,.Inds of individuals wlio will improve the same , -and pay annual t-,,.xes
Vrhile the committee does not know the ex;tot condition of the
finances of the Water Poard, the account must necessarily show a great
improvement over the conditions-Lons of 1Tay last, in,-tsnuch is the receil-AS
water from the Town, ark from individuals, wi 11 include fifteen Monthp'-
income , - tlhit is, the last three riojiths of 1905 and the full twelve
months of 1906 , - and this addition it three month:,, ' income is estimated
-J, ''5, 000 . `besides this, a large income h:is bcon obtained fro variolr*
sources which will not, be ava{ lable in futi;re years, so while the
over-drafts of this department will be practically wiped out on April
1st , the- income which has c:r.abled the 'department to bra.ng about this re-
salt h.ts not come from the: increased r<:ztes charged the water takers .
We under st .Ind that this increase has `iounted to only �860.
duri.n. the last six months of 1906 ; therefore, we can only depend upon
some. t1500 or �, 1600. increase over the old income from the present
wa.tcr rates. Therefore , 4,e believe it would be extrerel.y unwise to
ma.kc: any reduction in the, rates, - at a.e,ast for the prese;nt .
Tre; believe , however, that the Town should be metered, and to
this end we suggest the passage at this meeting of the follooing, vote ;-
"VOTED that the Water Roard is hereby authorized ard requested to
111;,rocure and install from time to ti.rx teater meters uifon the premises
"of suer, t,Ake rs of water as shall al ply for meters and pa�i the actual
►►cost of l rocura.ng and installing them.
"The rates to Tie paid for me,tcred water shal11 sn the absence _
"of a detcrmi.n--iti on of ther,i by vote of the Town, be those from t i..me
,,to t, ime_ established d b;,r the 'Water Board ; and the Foard ma, deduct;
"from the water bills of one taking; water through such Meter two
►►dollars a vear, or at that rate: fcr of a wroar , until the
"aggregate of such deductions shall a*nount to the ori�; naj. cos#, of
"tI e Installed rw: cr . IIi,,ch meters shall be: lW-Pt in rf-Pair the
"Water epartment at 11.he expense of the ownor, the cost-, of rcp ,.irs
'Inl.d( from time to time -:o be adoLed to his -water bill .
"Each al,plicant for a meter small sign zn agreement ikd tri the
"Town to abide: by th(:- fora:.€ oing t;erTris of this vote and such other
"provisions not i.noonsi st.ent herewith as the, 'A'ater Board may de:ter-
aJ�,, „ _ , ;; c�c a3:p1 C ter _c: �, 14�lj be accor,^rariio d bir a del-os i t of ten
►,d.oll .-.rs as an advance:, payment on account of cost of the i.nsta lle d
"meter" .
Undeir such vote a good beginning may be m,zde during the present
Ear, and if aft the end thc;:reof it should be found that P. considerable
ml,er of t, akers,- especially the larger risers, shall not have availed
:rtzsel.ves 9f the privilc:-, accorded, it will probably be 'best to pass a.
making the installment and use. of meters obli.gat�or�r u�.}cn �1.1 �zsers .
T1:.e Comnli.t,tee will offer at this mootIng revised F.,(-Laws cover;l
the �te:r ,rNepartmcnt affairs which arc-, more in accordance v,ith the
pre sf ,. conditions.
This report is submitted as Report of Progress,
F.o sp otfull %ww"w -.
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V 0 t a d that the 'Water Board is heeaby w-ithorixod
arid requested to procure and install fro-i time to time water
meters upon ui tU he pr3.raisas of much takqrs of water as shall apply
for Yn.st-,rs and pair t-I'le actual cost of oroclAring and installing
The rates to be paid for met-arad vat,-,r shall, in the
absence of a determination of them by vote of the town, be
tho e from time to time established by the Water Board; and the
Board may deduct from the water bills of one taking 'water
through such meter two dollars a year, or at that rate for
part of a year, until the aggregate of auch deductions shall
am,Dunt to the original cost of t!25 ins-tailed matlar . Stich
met,3rs shall be kept In repair by the Water. Department at the
expense of the owner , the cost of repairs made from time to
time to be added to his water bill .
each applicant for a water shall Gig an agrewrient
with the to-.ff-n to abide - tjy the foregoing terms of
this vote and such other provislone not inconsistent herewith
as tbra Water Board ma�), determine . Flack application shall be
acco-rapani--id by a deposit of ton dollars as an advance Pa.,rMent
on account of coat of the installed meter .
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