HomeMy WebLinkAbout2793 Report concerning the need for an additional school building [the Munroe School], School Committee to Town Meeting, March 18, 1904 r--
In accordance with the request voted by the Town at the special
meeting held March first, the School Conffni.ttee submit to-night pl�-.ns and
estimates for a new six-room building for the primary and lower gramriiar
grades . to be erected within the district bounded by Winthrop and Percy
Roads . Front several plans submitted to theri the Committee have selected
those prepared bir Mr . Willard D. Drown of this toT:rn, and feel that they
can heartily commend them to the Town c:n i score
tr e , ccre 0,f attractiveness sim-
plicity , practicability and economy. Every point has been carefully stit-
died in the light of experience and of the legal requireinents for school-
house construction, and with the purpose of introditcirig no features not
absolutely essential . Scrutiny is invited of the printed descriptions Caid
plans which are no'-,, in your hands . Perspective dra?rings of the exterior
of the building are also here for inspection this evening . One of these,
for a ttwr&stcry brick structure, was made before the meeting of ArEarch lst
asked for plans for a two-story wooden building, and a second sketch has
therefore been maCie In CC17iL fiance wi th the preference expressed by that
meeting . Estimates for both brick and `rood have been obtained from **N--
reliable builders , that the Town may act adviSedly in making its
final choice , and with the actual designs before it . The CiEuiiittee have
no other wish than, that the practical question whether a <<rooden building
at $22, 500 . is really cheaper and more economical to the To,,m in the long
rnn than brick bitilding at $251000 . , and whether the difference of
$3500 . for the latter is or is not worth paying for the sake of greater
durability, warmth, exemption fro,, painting and repairs , and better pro-
tection against fire, shall receive frill consideration.
From the estimates now before us we relieve that; the building if
constriicted of ;rood, can be built for 5�22, 500 . , including heat' ing., plumb-
ing and architect ' s fees . To this must be added 1000 . for flirnishing,
and the cost of the land and grading .
In selecting a suitable lot for the building, the Committee have
considered every available an desirable lot in the district indicated,
and they are agreed that the land oil the north side of Bloomfield Street,
near Highland Avenue , belonging to Mr. Roger I . Sherman, is exceptionally
well adapted for the purpose, all things considered . It is accessible to
the children from the Wobltrn Street and Yount Vernon districts , and frill
meet the needs of the increasing residential population which the niiildinu
of Highland Aveniie and the development of the neighboring• territory seem
likely to bring in the near future . The dimensions and shape of the lot
are also favorable . lVith a frontage of 150 feet on Bloomfield Street , it
affords amply room for . our proposed building, and leaves a space of 211;
feet on either si?de, ,•�rhile a depth of 300 feet make it possible to set the
building rrell back from the side talk and still leave a playground of 180
by 150 feet in the rear . This can be entered at grade from the playrocrns
in the basement, the ground falling off so as to make this possible, and
to ensue fine limht for the playrooms, perfect drainage, and; easy grad-
ing . The also affords the best l ig--_lt Tor the six
classrooms . Finally, the land, comprising 45 , 000 feet, or a trifle over
an ;acre, is offered us by Mr . Sherman for its assessed valuation, $2700. ,
being at -the rate of six cents a foot, which seems to tls reasonable . If
- - %Te allow 0750. for grading;, vie have a total fcr a wooden building, furili-
titre, land , and grading of about $27,000 . , or for a brick building cf
$30, 500.
7Ve again express wir hope and confidence that the Town will
promptly take the necessary steps to insure the immediate: erection of the
building, so that it may be ready for occupancy b, Sept . 1st, and to this
end we ask that a committee of three be appointed to secure the land and
sltperintend the erection and gradi-rg , and that the Town, appropriate and
provide the necessary funds therefor .
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