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2788 Letter, Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Town Treasurer, cover letter for report on "Town of Lexington 3-1/2% Metropolitan Water Loan Notes," February 4, 1903
TOV7 OF LFXIIIGTON 3-1/2 % .11i1FTROPOLITAM WATER LOAN 1903 ITOT.FS. Princi. >>,c1 , Date . Due . Price . Prerniz/,in. Total . $P-,?.00. 00 Fe b. 3, 1903, Feb . 3, _7 904, 100. 20 4 . 40 2, 204. 40 2,200. 00 " If If it If 1905, 100. 38 8. 36 ?_, 208.36 2, 200. 00 it ►. „ ,► 1906, 100. 57' 12.54 2, ?.12. 54 2,200. 00 '• it ,. If " 1907, 100. 74 16. 28 2,216.28 2,200. 00 „ r, If ►, „ 1903, 100. 91 ?0. 02 2, POO. 02. 2,200. 00 „ ., „ .r 1909, 101 . 08 23. 76 2, 223. 76 2, 200. 00 If if „ If ►► 1910, 101. 24 27.28 2,P27. 28 2,?,00. 00 " " If " " 19,11, 101 . 40 30. 80 2, 230. 80 ?, 200. 00 " If " If " .19.12, 101 .55 34. 10 20 234-. 10 ?,200. 00 If ►, It " 1913, 101 . 69 37. 18 2,?37. 18 2,200. 00 „ If ►► „ ,► 1914, 101 . 83 40. 26 2., 240. 26 2,200. 00 „ It If If " 1915, 101 . 97 43. 34 2,243.34 2,200. 00 " " If 1916" 102. 10 46. 20 2, 246. 20 2,200. 00 ►, „ ,► 11 19170 102. 23 49. 06 2..249. 06 2..200. 00 " ►► ►, „ ►, 1918, 102. 35 51 . 70 2,?51 . 70 2,200. 00 ►' " If " 1919, 102. 47 54. 34 2,?.54. 34 2,200. 00 ►, If IF If ►, 1920, 102. 59 56. 98 21 P,56. 98 2,200. 00 ►, „ If rr rr 1921, 1 O2. 70 59. 40 21 .?.59. 40 21 POO. 00 •, ,► ►, ►, ,► 1922, 102. 81 61 . 82 2,261 . 82 20200. 00 " ►► If ►► ►, 1 9?"3, .102. 91 64. 02 2.,2E%4. 02 $741 . g4 $44, 741 . 84 11 W JL fad . ,S� ,....... .. February' .4, . 19.03._ 1&. George D. Ha-rington, Treasurer, Lexington, Massachusetts. Dear Sir:- In compl trance with my promise I enclose herewith a s to teinent ref at ing to the purchase b:y the Colrifnonweal th, of your ToU,n, of fort;; four thousand dollars ($44, 000) 3-1/1 % 1.1,'etropol t t;an Dater Loan, 1903 notes I trust that the ftgures furnished will he perfeetlil clear to ;Tote and sat is factory. Yours verb trul f, Die. h-i H.S.P. Treasurer,