HomeMy WebLinkAbout2785 Report on actions of the town related to the water supply, 1902 1 . Vote by the Iletropolittm Water and Sewerage Board,
September 4, 1902.
Voted: o sul�r it the following proposition to the 'town of Lex-
i.ngton : that the Board will admit the t oi¢rn of Lexington to the
.Jetropoiitan Water District upon the payment by said town of the sum
of t$27 ,250, this sure to include the value of the ton-inch via.ter pipe
whi(-h. extends nearly half a i-lile in length from the Arlington torn
line to a point opposite they old Arlington Pumping Station, the value
being; about $3,500 , as estimatod at the time of the admission of Ar-
lington into the district, and with the understanding; t-luat the mini-
Mum rates for the use of grater should not be lo.°rered for water to be
used for the purposes of irrigation.
2 . Vote a� ley the tow, of Lexint;ian, December 10 1190-721 .
Voted: That the town enter the lJotropolitan . ystem of Nvater
supply, tluat the corLriitt,;e appointed August ` 5th, 1 -02, be i tk or-
ized together write the Selectmen to zmake and exo(-Iute the necessary
contracts wi th-e part of the town to c; trry this Into effect , Includ-
ing purrl ase and layirae, of necessary pipe . "
.A. tm%3 copy,
Attest :
( 1,11,;Fled) Geo . D. Jlarrini ton,
ov'n "1 rk.
Town Seal.
4. Arti.rle for warrant for the of FI town moeting.
To soo if the: town will authorize its COmmittee r.ppointe'd at
In meeting of the town held on Au4nmt 25, 190, and it." sea eetMon,
to r?fze with. the Commonvrealth and the 11-3etropoli.tan Water and Setveragt
Board, an agreement relative to the �upplyi.nj of water to tllc; town,
and will authorize the treasurer to past the sum Which r!ay be re-
quired for such admission; and to take such other action in the
premises €s nay be doomed necessary or proper.
(Undoubtedly other Rction vrill have to he called for and
talcon :for the purpose of raising the necessary ,honey. )
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5. Vote to be passed by the to-r,,,. of Lexington.
/ Voted: That the co?inittee appointed by the town at its neeting
lie,Id on August '. 19020 and the selectmen, Navin;.° Made application
for the acLrission of the town into the Metropolitan Ua.ter District ,
which action is hereby ratified and confirmed, be :authorized ca.azd in-
structed to execute , acknowledge and deliver in the name and behalf
of th() to,in of Lexington an agreement with the Commonwealth and the
Metropolitan eater and Sewerage Board, that the Board, in fi.zrnishing
'water to the toan in accordance with the provisions, of chapter 488
of the Acts of the ;year 18959 and acts in amendnent thereof or in
addition thereto, shall deliver israter at or near the boundary line
between the towns of Lexington and Arlington into the present ten-
inch Tna.in vfa.ter pipe laict in Massachusetts Avenue, , rtn.,t tl,at the
Treasurer be authorized and instructed, vilien so directed by the said
committee and the selectmen, to u�ay "0 t;he COT' omz'fe alth the sun; ()f
twenty-seven thousand, two hundrod and fifty dollars,' thrat anount
being required by the Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Hoard upon the
admission of said town into said District .
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6 . 'Vote to be passed by the Hetmpolitan Later and SeweraZe Board. .
Voted : �' � X t f That upon the o
�� . payment y the tom of ��eiix�;�,on o:. the
SUM Of 'P2701350 to the Co---,mi ionweal Lea, and the execut J cn wi IC"! the Com-
m0liwealth Lind , the IIetropolitan Water Sewerage Board of mn t�.ree-
ent as requirod by tho Board relative to the supplyin`, ofwater to
the town, thy; Secretary be cuuthorized to deliver to the tome a re-
lease of' all the .interest cox the Comonwealth and the Board, in all
that portiwl of the ten-inch i,,iain water pipe 1,,i.;d in M-assachusett
Avenue which extends in t ke town of Lexington from a point thirty
feet distant westerly fro,i the 'boundary liTic, 'eeti-,iecn said to-an and
the town of Arlington .
Agreement by the town of Lexington ,
KNOW ALL R. BY THEISE PRESMImis that the! tOt", of !_Xxint,'ton a
municipal corporation in the county of Micidlese,% and Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, by
its corimittee ap-
apointed at a meeting of the t Own hold on Aut,>U.st 2.15V 1902 and
its selectmen,
tiOn of one dollar to it, Paid by the Corinonwealth of massne.husetts
through the 'Ple't-ropolitem Water and Sewer,,i'ge Board, established by
chaptor 168 of tlr- Acts 'lie of year 1901
� U '0 the receipt whereof Is
hereby acknowledged, and of the admission of isaicj town into the Me-
_Vropp-litan Water District upon the payment of the sum of twenty-
seven thousand,two hundred and 1'Ifty dollars, doth hereby agrae. with
the Common-vealth of Massacl-jusetts and said Board,, and conscnt that
the Board, in furni.shint; vrater to the town in iir.,cordaxice witil the
Provisions of chapter 488 of the Acts of the year 18OY5 axic, fjcts 11,
&Yiendnent thereof or in addItion thereto, sh,-all deliver -,.'Tater at or
near the boundary line, between the towns of Lexington and Arlington
into 'present ten-inch main whter -pi-Df, in fja
ilvellue. ae- -
111 WITNESS WHEREOF,, tho said town of Lexingrton has caused Its
corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be sighed,
aelmowledged and delivered in its narrie and behal-f by
its Cony'l-ittee
appointed at a meeting of the town held on August 25, 1902, and
its selectmen, hereto
du1,j authorized by vote of said town hereto an? axed, this
d- dr o 1903.
ovn (; " Lexington
Comt'ittee appointed by tine town
can Auj-;ust 95, 190P .
Signed and sealed
in presence of
Gonnon.trealth of Massachusetts .
II'liddlesex, 9s.
Then personaliv appeared the above nmzed
— tyelentnen, tang ttok1lowledged the
foregoing instrument to be the, free; act wid deed of the tcvrn of
Bgfore rye ,
(Vote, annexed) Justice of the Peace.
Vote to be passed by the Metropolitan eater and Seworag
,e Board.
Voted : ghat the town of lexi.ngton, having applied to be ad_
/ mitted into the Iletropoli.tan Water District , under the provisions
of chapter 488 of the Acts of the .year 1F,95 and acts in IM-endrient
thereof or in addition thereto, and having paid to the Con. monvrealth
the sure of twenty-seven thousand, tyro hundred and fifty dollar,, and
having executed with the Coninonwealth a certain €igree*rent as required
by said Board relative to the a u�)plying of water to said tovfn, be ad-
mitted into the Mctm politrin dater District, and that said town be
furni ,hed 1rfith water in accordance with the ter? , prescribed by said
Act Of 1895 for the cities and towns na.ried in seotion 3 t .em.,of,
accorcLance wit -L the further terms set forth in said agreement .
9 . Release of the ten-inch main to 'the town of Lexington.
That we, Henry it . Sprague,, Henry P. Walautt and James A. Bailey.
Junior, the Vetropolitan Afater and sewerage BoarA, duly constituted
and appointed under and acooriing to the provisions of ohapter 168
of the *lots of tile legial,,iture of the Com.onwealth of Massachusetts.
of the Year 1.901 , he rein aoting on behalf of the 0oimnonwealth, by
virtue and in exeoution of the power anA authority oonferrel upon
us by saiet not and of everY other power area authority us hereto en-
abling, and in oonsi(teration of one dollar and other valuable oon-
siderations to said Commonwealth yaiA DY the Town of Lexirgton, a
municipal oorporation duly existing by law in the oounty of MiAdlesex
a,r.4 Oor-Lmuonwealth aforesaiAf the receipt whereof by the Oommonwealth
is hereby aoknowleUed, hereby grant , bargain, sell, transfer wid
convey unto the Town of Lexington aforesaid anA its aRsigns all of
the ten-inch oast iron water pipe located in the town of Lexington,,
oonveyel to the Ooimonwealth by the Town of Arlington by 4eeA A-ated
January 28, 1899, and reoorciwl with MilAleeex South District Deeisq
book 27154 rag$ 4.91, said pipe extending for the distance Of nearly
half. a mile from the, bounlary line between the towns of Lexington
and Arlington to a Voirt or-posite the pumping station of the Arling-
ton water works i3i.entionei in said rleed,, excepting, however, and not
hereby ionveying, that part of sate) pipe which lit-.a within thirty
( 30 ) feet of said boundary line, measuraA upon the centre line of
saiA pipe.
TO iiAVE AND TO HOLD the above grarteod and transferre4 I:remises .
with all the privileges and appurterianoes thereto belonging,, to the
Town of Lexington aforesaiA and its aasigne,) to its an-I Vietr own Lee
and be hoof forever,, but without covenant or warranty on our part , ex
press or implied.
IN WITLESS WHEREOF We, the sail Henry H. Sprague, henry P.
Walcott* and James A. Bailey, Junior. the Metropolitan later anA
Sewerrx£ a Boar4 a.t ores! € irl, have hereunto set our hands and seaslev
this thir.—I AV or January in the Year one thousand nine hunfired arvi
SigneA an•I aenIeA
in Vreeer a of
January 1903.
"then personally ay), ear ,l the above naineA Henry 8., Sprague, henry
P. Walcott. anA James A. Bailey, Junior, the Metropolitan Water AnA
Sewerage Boarri aforeeaiA, and aaknowleAged the foregoing instrut ent
to be their Free aat and. deed.
Before s ie,
Justice of the Fea e.
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