HomeMy WebLinkAbout2780 Memorandum, James Lawrence Carney and Town of Lexington, supplementary conditions, September 19, 1902 THIS 1rLEEA1ORA.!TDT2,f, made this nineteenth day of September, 1902, between Jamm s Lawrence Carnev and the Town of Lexington (the same � being supplementary to an agreement between the same parties dated i September 8 , 1902) , WITNT,SSETH as follows: It having, been discovered that the base lire of the High-- School Building at the front entrance is nine inches more or less higher than the same line as it is made to appear on the plan which is re- ferred to in and forms a part of said agreement , it is hereby mutu- ally understood and agreed that said variation of nine inches more or less in the base line shall not Lmpair said agreement ; and the parties hereby bind themselves to the performance thereof understand- ing that said plan is to be considered as if each and all of the grade lines shown thereon had been made to appear nine inches more or less higher tZ an the same are now marked on the plan. Except as herein explained and modified, said agreement of Sept , 8 is to remain in full force and effect . IN Vr1TXF,SS WHEREOF , the parties have hereto set their hands, the day and year first above written, the Town acting herein by Robert P. Clapp , Chairman of its Building Committee. (Signed) J,7LLaes Lawrence Carney. TOWIvT OF LEXIAIGTOIT. By Robert P. Cla.pp Chairman 5uilding Committee. The Aetna Indemnity Company, surety on a bond given by said Carney to the Tow l of Lexingt on under date of Sept . 8, 1902, con- ditioned upon the faithful performance of said agreement een Carney and the Town of Lexington bearing even date with said��bond , hereby assents to the foregoing memorandum, and agrees that the � obligation. of said bond shall attach to the original a -regiment as above explained and modified. THE AETITA INDDIJUTITY CO.MPAi;Y, ( Si:c-ned) By Frank E. Barnard, Assistant Secretary. " �7. Herbert Boynton, Attorney in Fact . a H I S A 0 R F EM EN m made this eighth day of September, 1902, by and bet een the Tovrn of Lexington (a^ting by its High School House Building Coo— ittee) , hereinafter called the Town, and J. Lawrence Carney, of Boston, herein called the Contrac- 10 tor, WIT14ESSETH as follows : In consideration of the s greerr.ents oat the pest of the Town heraiii contained, the Contractor hereby undertakes and agrees to furnish the labor and materials for, and do the work of th grading and plantinthfot whoroon the new High School Building in Lexington is situated, all work to be done in confomity with the plans &,- d specifications therefor prepared by trooper & Bailey , Architects , the sane being hereby referred to and made part hereof . For identification they are initialed by the respective signers hereof . The work en iGracted for includes the construction of drive-ways, guttors, side walk, and retaa.ni.ngJ wall. , all as in- dicated can plan or eal.led for in the specifications ; and this work.. as well as everything required by the plans and specifications shall be done to the satisfaction of the Architects and Building Com.ai.ttee . The agreed, price for the completed job , Including the plants and shrubs to be furnished and planted by the Contrac- tor is the sum of Twelve Huddred Dollars ( 1200 . ) f payable as below provided; w-id the Contractor agrees to have the job finished (save only as the specifications require care or repair after the sulb- stantial original coyapleti.on of the work) not later than the �-- day of 1902,.A., " �' Ac �.r ; -moo,- o� a � he Town agrees to accept the work when completed and to pay therefor said sun of Twelve -Htmdred Dollars ( 1200. ) , and to make the payment in instalments as follows, viz. : at the .4 end of each week HC> of the value (determined by the Architects) of the work then already done, an accumulating reserve to be held back until the job shall be substantially completed. Thereupon the re- served zV shall and will be paid, less only such amount (not ex- ceeding 5;� of the total contract price) as the Architects shall deem, to be reasonable as a protection against such subsequent care 1 and repair as are required of the Contractor by the specifications. Finally it is understood and agreed by the Contrac- tor that he shall give the Town a bond, with satisfactory surety, for the due and faithful performance of this contract (the premium whereon not exceeding fifteen dollars shall be paid by the Town) and that the making and delivering of sueh bond is a condition precedent to any liability on the part of the Town hereunder. 11d WIT7TEsS WIUMOP the Town h s caused these pr es- ants to be signed in its behalf by of its High School Ftouuse Building Committee, and said Carney has haro- to set his hand, this eighth day of September, 1909. Town of Lexington By Chairman (High School (Building ( rnmnitcomit- (tee. -z- SPEC IFIC AT IONS for work to be done can the grounds about the new High Sohool build," ing for and in the Tarn of Lexington, Ya.ss . 9 from the -plans and under the directions of cooper and. Bailey, Arclaitelcts . 'fork to be done in general is as follows: Regrade the grounds; clearing away all rubbish9 construeti.ng the drives and gutters , cultivating and seeding the grounds , and all other croak that may be directed in connection therewith as shown upon the plans and described in these Specifications and in accordance with such additional directions as may be jTi,ven by the architects. The ground is to be cleared of all treaa, if any, not shown on plan as remaining, .and rubbish of everT kind that comes in the way of the new construction. The st u-p s and roots of the trees and bushes are to be thoroughly taken out , and with the brush and other unsuitable or surplus material removed from the premises . All trees indicated on grading plan and the stone c o-11 will main in their present positions . The loam to the full depth to which it exists is to be removed from all areas, and is to be spread or piled, venere di- rected. Loam is to be kept free from sub-soil and debris, and all roots and stones removed at the first handling. After the loam has been removed the surface of the land is to be brought by excavating and fil.l.ing, as the case may be, to a sub-grade of at least ten inches below the finished grades, where turf is required., as shoe or directed, eighteen inches below Finished grade, where shown by shaded areas on planting plan, and eight inches below finished grade where drives are to be built . Care is to be taken in grading around trees, to dis- turb the roots as little as possible, 'gees between the street and sidewalk having their roots L=edia.tely recovered with fine low. and banked around, as directed. Wherever the grade is raised more than a. moot about a tree the trunk shall be protected by a rough stone walling, as directed. (There will be only two trees to be, so treated. Carey is to be tasten to grade the sup: "gra.ded surfaces to graceful, ;slopee$, In accordance with the indications given by the contours on the plan, and supplementary directions from the archi- tects . It is estimated (but not guaranteed) that there is already on the premises, available for use, sufficient material to sub-grade the lot in accordance with the requirments of these spec- ifications . It is to be distinctly understdod and agreed however by the contractor t1hat should there be any def-a.cioney in such ma- terial for the Sub"grading, he shall at his yawn expense furnish and bring from the outside enough to make goad the deficiency, such out- side material, if any, to be of good quality and satisfactory to the architects . such available sub-grading material is to be under- stood as embracing in addition to the loose dirt lately dumped upon the premises, whatever may be obtained through the cutting down of the legit in front of the building to the grade shown on the plan and also whatever may be procured by cutting into the ridge or high ground lying in the rear of the building and near line of Fames F, Russell., the extent of such authorized cutting being indicated, by a r�� note on the plan; providing always that the area over which such cutting shall be done, shall be sub-graded in accordance with direo- tions given by the architects and top-surfaced as hereinafter sped- Vied for all turfed areas . After thb sub-grades have been approved by the ar- chitects , they are to be top surfaced with loam spread upon the areas intended for turf (such areas including also the strip be- tween the sidewalk and street , not shown on plan) and planting . The loam to be not less thaw ten inches deep over areas intended to be in turf and not less tha-11 eighteen inches deep over areas intend- ed to be planted. Should there be any deficiency of loam, the contrac- tor shall at his own expense furnish and bring from the outside enough to make good the deficiency. Such outside material, If any, is to be of the best quality and subject to the approval of the ar- chitects . Care is to be taken to prevent the loam from getting into the areas intended for drives and walks, a division being made by tenporary boards or planks placed along the lines and strongly staked in place . After the loam shall have been spread, it is to be oultivat*4 by trenching over by heed eight inches deer) , all wood,, roots , stick$, Stones and other undesirable material being removed,, and the whole ground brought smoothly to the proper shape . All ground Is to be kept free from weeds by hoeing and raking and hand weeding from the beginning of the work until it is finally accepted by the architects . Before the trenching well rotted barnyord manure is to be spread over all the areas to be in turf or planted, at least NOW 01IMP two inches deep . The trenching having been done and the ground having properly settled the areas shall be lightly spaded up and dressed with Bowker's lawn Fertilizer at the rate of 80C lbs . to the ,acre . The Fertilizer is to be raked in with fine toothed rakes, care being taken that the surface is finely pulverized O�Ud smoothed to the proper shape . The ground is then, to be lightly rolled, lumps and hollows properly smoothed and the whole surface evenly seeded with Fresh seed selected, by the architects . T o surface is again to be lightly and evenly raked with a fine toothed rare and then given a final light rolling . Within one week after the grass has sprung up any spat or area when the grass has not come up well or where the surface has been washed or damaged in any way is tc� be graded and seeded as before. The seeding must be completed over all front and sine areas o-li or before r �. .thAand when seeded the contrac- tor is to water and care for tho grass until it is well established , at his own expense . ArelLnd the building„ walls, on either side of drive- ways, along the street: walk, and around all areas planted, to shrubs , a. band of turf twelve inches wide is to be laid . The turf is to be of the best quality pasture sad, clean and free from weeds Emd cut two inches thick. The sods are to be laid flush with the fin .shed. surface of drives and walks, and they are to be see: -'i 1y in place by raining on a, board placed upon theri and the .gad afterwards kept watered, until established . s L i Driveia—ys . Excavate for the drivewkys from the street to the three entrances and extending to the two turns , as shorn on the plati . The sub -grade of these driveways Is to be eight inches below the finished Srade and the road bad is to be wonked to an even surface parallel to the finished surface . The finished surface Vill be roundod or crowned four, inches . After the sub-grade has been fomedq the road bed is to be thoroughly rolled with a heavy horse ring-roller, or5,if the highway superintendent so allows, the town steam Viler, before any OAA* material is placed upon it,'aad all places dug out and the spac�s A refilled with suitable material to 11-ne of sub-grade and the sur- faces again rolled until they become hard and compact . 7,pon taxis sub-grade place a layer of -wome crushed field stones five Inches deep . No stone in . this layer is to ex;:red three inches in 4ny dimensions . Ca-Le is to 'be taken to preserve the crown mid this foundation layer is to be well compacted by roll- ijig with a ,ieav*,,r roller, and is to be kept in good condition Until the pavement is put upon .1t, • A middle layer, of crushed field stonat is to be placed evenly over the foundation '14jars no a-tone in this layer is to exceed two inches La any dLmension. Care is to be taken to pro" serve the crown and the whole is to be watered and thoroughly roll- ed again with a heavy ring-roller antil the layer is hard Wid aom- pact , and the surface one inch below the finished grade of drive. Upon this raiddl� layer after, It is thoroughly con solidatad, there Is to be spread a finishing layers at least one inch deep after compacting, of fine crushed field stone screen ingst composed of stones averaging one half inch in diameter. This 1 layer is to be watered, raked and rolled until thoroughly compacted and hard, and formed to a Smooth even suufa oe, and, when finished to have a perfect crown of four inches . Cutters . Along the sides of the drives, as directed, construct stone gutters eighteen inches wide, carefully rounded and graded. The stones are to be of even sire, egg-shaped, beach stone, not over four inches in greatest diameter, carefully placed by hand in a beck of sand overlaying a concrete base six inches thick . This con- crete is to be OOmposed, by measure, of five parts broken atone, two parts sand and one part Atlas Portland cement Sidewalk. Along the front of than lot OXcavate 1"'tax" st root side- walk. This walk is to be built by the town . Care is to be taken, however, to leave the trench ready for the walk material, the sides of the excavation being held up by plank strongly staked in place, � as before specified. �. The laying out of the walks, drives and surfaces shall be done by the contractor from the 1► aans and directions of the architects, the contractor employing the engineers (Pierce and Barnes, Boston) ,, who made the original surveys of the lot . Lexington Workmen. In so far as Lexington workmen. and Laborers , citi- zens of the town, are available for employment on the job and are competent therefor , they shall, be given the preference- in employ- ment at wages not less than those paid to any outsiders employed in similar capacities on the work. I t ROALUA d M o Contractor to a"^tee for met put In, as 41-w r4stod, 4 00n* fOm.4611OU V-60 doop for the r'tairdLa; wall. ft t CA i +e lin" opp"alto tho Wost #nd OntrbhOO, NO is t0 ftrUlsh field rOtUnLneW& W-00 thiek to they p;x' e $w tho b,jghest point 4"f the Russell IMA alone this well. ThO COMMOtOr ll PIMish 1 e s and thrubs for o ernes to ba planted in such mots and of such kinds As will bey 64tiSt"ta y to tb* re?it#otsf All to be youngg bu*4# vigorous atop frost from sealog Of goo4 also of s-tamAgr4 #too t T O 00 0YO t * and abrub s area ** be plantod by they ont rae too ft %ho positions and We IU0$ dlroot*4 by the hl- e . NKeh IWOUP 18 tee bey P&rtiAllY T4UWI04 WIth oaoh e , oininj group• The Contractor s All warrant hod ere for they above # ook for they poriod of fto year frm t o tja# or plantbWg thO 44MO IA proper *ern met varrantIng thom &1 and vl xoua. 'kqht#uld SAY OfthOStOdk thIlt hey is* at US own Oa e e e, to lao* and * 4 t * "800 1 "tisfactIon of tho A hltoe to. Further Guaranty . The Contractor shall in the Spring of 1903, and prior to I1iay 1st , make good, at his own expense , any washouts , settlings or other defects that may have occurred in or upon the graded premises subsequent to the original completion of the job , it being understood that the: Architects shall be the judges of whether and to what extent any defects exist , and that all the work of replace.,ient and repair shall be done in accordance with their requirements . m r" ,1� ® . ,# -- I ,_ i i i i �i i I I i i i i �j � '� I i �� �� i � ,�o ,- O � i�.�,. M 4 f � � j i ' i i i i I 4 �. E � i �' a I !` � I t � i ... _ -- — _— _ _ I THIS MEmORANDMA, made this nineteenth day of September , 1902, between James Lawrence Carney and the Town of Lexington (the same being supplementary to an agreement between the same parties dated September 8 , 1902) WITNESSETH as follows : It having been discovered that the base line of the High School Building at the front entrance is nine inches more or less higher than the same lire as it is made to appear on the plan_ which is referred to in and forms a part of said agreement , it is hereby mutually understood and agreed that said variation_ of nine inches more or less in the base lire shall not impair said agree- ment; and the parties hereby bird themselves to the performance thereof understanding that said plan is to be considered as if each and all of the grade lines shown_ thereon had been made to ap- pear nine inches more or less higher than the same are now marked on the plan. Except as herein explained and modified, said agree- vent of Sept. 8 is to remain_ in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto set their hands , the day and year first above written, the Town acting herein by Robert P. Clapp , Chairman of its Building Committee. TOWIN OF LEXINGTOI . By Chairman_ Building Committee. The Aetna Indemnity Company, surety on a bond giver_ by said Carney to the Town of Lexington under date of Sept. 8, 1902, con- ditioned upon_ the faithful performance of said agreement between_ Carney and the TovE1n of Lexington_ bearing even date with said bond, hereby assents to the foregoing memorandwn., and avrees that the obligation of said bond shall attach to the original agreement as above explained and modified. THE AETNA INDERMITY COEIPAl?Y. By ttll Assistant Secretary - Attorney in Fact. KNOW ALL ITIEIw BY THESE PRESENTS THAT we, James Lawrence Carney, of Boston, Massachusetts, as principal, and The Aetna Indemnity Company, a Connecticut corpo- ration ., having a usual place of busing-ss in the '",orrnanweal.th of Massachusetts, and duly authorized to transact an indemnity busi- ness in said Common,;,eal.th, as surety, are holden and stand firmly bound unto the Town of Lexington_, a municipal corporation in. the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth aforesaid., in the sum of Ten 11undred Dollars, to the payment of which to the said Town of Lexington or its successors, we hereby bird ourselves, our re- spective heirs, executors and a0ministrators, jointly and sever- ally by these presents. THE CONDITION of the obligation is such that if said, James Lawrence Carney, who has entered into a contract with said Town, bearing, even date herewith, in reference to grading and planting the tat whereon the new High School Itouso in Lexington (now nearly completed) is situated, shall, d7al,;y and faithfully perform said contract , then this obligation shall be void., otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue. A oop;y of said contract is' hereto annexed. IN WITNESS WHFMOFI, we hereunto set our hands and seals, 11-11-i s eighth day of September, A. Do I902. Signed and sealed in presence of THE AETNA IN41LEXTITY CC111 r—,Y. By ... .; i. b, AttorxkeY ��roc E 14 THIS AGR.MSE24T made this eighth day of September, 1902, by and between_ the Town of Lexington (acting by its 111igh School House Building Committee) , hereinafter called the Town, and J. Lawrence Carney, of Boston, herein called the Cortracl�or, WITYESSETH as fol- lows: In consideration of the agreements on the part of the Town- herein contained, the Cont ctor hereby undertakes and agrees to furnish the labor and mat.. ,* or do the work of, grading and planting the lot where ; to _ W Ti h School Building in Lex- ington is situated, all wo -o be done in conformity with the plans and specifications therefor prepared by Cooper & Bailey, Architects, the s9a: E: being E2reb;; referred to and made part hereof. For identification they ar initi led by? the respective signers hereof. The work contracted f inc es t e construction of drive- ways , gutters , sidewalk, and retaining gall, all as indicated on plan or called for in the sp cificati .a; and this work as well as everything required by the > ._z� s and cifications shall be done to the satisfaction of the 'iitec t d Building Committee. The agreed price for the c;mpl ed job , including the plants and shrubs to be furnished and l.anted by the Contractor is the sum of Twelve Hundred Doll.a s % 120 ayable as below provided; and the Contractor agrees have the b finished ( sage only as the specifications require _ or p, r after the substantial original completion of the won later than the fifteenth day of Ootober, 1002, as to everything except the Planting, and to have that all done by the fifteenth day of November, 1902. The Town agrees to accept the work vdien completed and to pay therefor said sum of Twelve rzundred Dollars C#�1200) , and to make the payment in instalments as follows, viz: at the end of each week 80,0 of the value (determined by the Architects) of the work then already done, an accumulating reserve to be held back until l the job shall be substantially completed. Thereupon the reserved 20 shall and will be paid, less only such amount (not exceeding, 5X of the total contract price) as the Architects shall deems, to be reasonable as a protection (exclusive of the bend hereinafter men- tioned) against such subsequent care and repair as are required of the Contraotor by the specifications. Finally it is understo and agreed by the Contractor that he shall give the town. a bond , atin ctory surety, for the due and faithful performance o :Is t (the premiva whereon not I exceeding fifteen dollars ih. 1 be paid by the Town) and that the waking and delivering of such bond is a condition precedent to any liability on the part of t1� Tow hereunder. IN Y1TNESS WEREOP the own <:z caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by a Irla , i s Thigh School House Build- ing Committee; and said C n .y a,s e;_ o set his hand, this eighth day of September, 1902. i Executed in triplicate. .''' d.O 9ilW OF .LJJ.:X IM A ON• (Siggned) By be a , apP! hairman. } Edwin Bayley j high School. Abram C. 'Mashburn Building Com- �har e v Swan., mutes. . o dward J s Lawrence Carney*. a I SPEC IFICAT I O IT S for work to be done on the grounds about the new High School build- ing for and in the Town of Lexington, Mass . , from the plans and t.znder the directions of Coope.- and Bailer , ,Architects . Work to be done in general is as follows : Degrade the grounds; clearing away all rubbish, constructing the drives and gutters, cultivating and seeding the grounday and all other Work that may be directed in connection therewith as shun upon the plans and described in these Specifications and in accordance with such additional directions as 1iay be given by the .Architects . The ground is to be cleared of all trees , if any, not shown on plan as remaining, and rubbish of every kind that comes in i the way of the new construction . The stimps and roots of the trees and bushes are to be thoroughly taken out , and with the brush and ether unsuitable or surplus material removed from the premises . All trees indicated on ,gracing plan and the steno cannon will remain in their present positions . The loam to the full depth to which it exists is to be removed from all areas , and is to be spread or piled, where di- rected. Loam is to be kept free from subsoil and debris , and all roots and stones removed at the first handling. After the loam has been removed the surface of the land is to be brought by excavating and fining, as the case may be, to a sub-grade of at least ten inches below the finished grades , where turf is required, as shoe or directed, eighteen inches below finished grade, where shown by shaded areas on planting plan, and it I eight inches below finished ride where drives are to be built . Care is to be taken in grading around trees , to dis- turb the roots as little as possible, trees between the street and sidewalk havinL; h--ir° roots immediately recoovared with fine loam 4.nd banked aro uid, as directed . Wherever the grade is raised more than a Foot about- a tree the trunk shall b,�: protected by a rough stone walling, a.. directed. (Where will be only two trees to be so treated . ) Care is to be taken to grade the sub-graded surfaces to graceful slap �s, in accordance with the indications given by the contours on the pl" and supllamentary directions from the .Archi- tects . it is estimated (but Anot g,ua.ranteed) that there is already on the promises, available for use, sufficient material to sub--grade the lot in acdordanca with the requirements of these speo- ifica,tions . It is to be distinctly understood and agreed however by the contractor that should there be any deficiency in such ma- terial for the sub-grading$ he shall ,4t his own expense furnish and bring from the outside enough to make good the def::Qieiicy , such out- side material , i:' any, to be of good quality and satisfactory to the Architects . Such available sub-grading material is to be under- stood as embracing in addition to the loose dirt lately d=ped upon the premisos, what;evor may be obtained through the cutting down of the lot in front of the building to the grade shown can the plan and also whatever may be 1recured by cutting into the ridge or high ground lying in the rear of the building and near line of Fames F. Russell, the #XtOnt of sueh authorized cutting being indicated by a MGM note on the plan; providing always that the area over which bitch cutting shall be done , shall be sub- graded in accordance with di recw tions given by the Architects and top-»surfaced as hereinafter speci. fled for all turfed areas . After the sub-grades have b-cen approved by the Ar • chitects , they are to be top-surfaced with loam spread upon the areas intended for turf (such areas including; also the strip be- t tween the sidewalk and street , not shown on plan) and planting . The loax: to be now less than ten inches deep. over Areas intended to be in turf and not less than eighteen inches deep over areas inteiid- ed to be planted. Should there be any def'i,cienoy of loam, the contrac- tor shall at his own expense furnish and bring .,from the outside enough to make good the deficiency . Such outside material , if w4i is to be of the best quality and subject to the approval of the Ar. chitects . Care is to be taken to prevent the loan from getting into the areas intended for drives and walks , a division being made by temporary boards or planks placed along the lines and strongly staked in place . After the loam shall have been spread, it is to be cultivated by trenching over by hand eight inches deep, all wood, roots, sticks, stones and other undesirable material being removed, and the whale ground brought smoothly to the proper shape . All ground is to be kept free from greeds by hoeing and raking and hand weeding fr= the beginning of the Fork until it is finally accepted by the Architects . Before the trenching well ratted barnyard ma lure i.s to be spread over all the areas to be in turf or planted, at least w�_ two inches deep . The tr' eiiching having been done and the ground having properly settled thp areas shall be lightly Spaded up and dressed with Bowker's lawn fertilizer at the rate Of 800 lbs . to the acre , The fertilizer is to be raked in with fine toothed rakes , care beilig taken -,Llija6 the surface is finely Pulverized azid smonthe& to the Proper sliape . The ground is then to be lightly rolled, IMA.Ps and hollows properly smoothed and the whole surface evenly seeded with fresh seed selected by the Architects . T,he surface is again to be liohtly and evenly -1-aked with a fine toothed rake and then given a final light rolling . lkizhin one week after the grass 41jas sprung up any Spot or area where the grass has not came uP well or where the surface has been washed oj, dwaaged In any way is to be graded and seeded as before. The Seeding pus , Oe COMpleted over all front and sidc &reas on or before October 15th, 1'?02v and when seeded the cog- tractor is 46 - care for 1"he grass unit lit Well estab- llshed3, at his Own expensc . Arouiid the building, walls , or. either side of drive- WaYss along the street walk, and around all areas planted to shrubs , a build o,1' turf twelve inches wide is to be laid. The ti7rf is to be of the bas*k& 4U41it L y pasture sod, clean and free from weeds and cut two inches t ILick. The Z>`Ods are to be laid flush with the fin- ished surface of drives and wa1.1tax alid they are to be set -1,irm1y In place by ramming Oil a board Placed UP011 them aa-Ict the sod afterwards kept 'catered until established . Dri v awe Excavate for the driveways from the street to the three entrances arid extending to the two turns , as shown on the plan. -4- 'The sub-grade of these driveways is to be eight inches below the finished grade and the road bed is to be worked to an even surface parallel Lo the finished surface . The finished surface will be rounded or crow-tied four inches . After the sub-grade has been formed, the road bld is to be thoroughly rolled with a .heavy horse ring-roller, or, if the highway superintendent so allows ,the ,.own n tetra roller, before any ' 4y material is placed upon it , and all soft places are to be dug out and the spaces refilled with suitable material to line of sub-grade and the surfaces again rolled until they become hard and compact . Upon this s tib-grade place a layer of crushed field stone, five inches deep . No stone in this layer is to exceed three inches in any dimensions . Care is to be taker, to preserve the crown and this foundation la;;er is to be yell compacted by rolling with a heavy roller, and is to be kept In good condition until the pavement is put upon it . A middle layer, of crashed field stone , is to be placed evenly over the foundation layer, no stone in this Layer is to exceed two inches in any dimensions . care is to be taken to preserve the cravat and the whole is to be watered and thorouglil.y rolled again with a heavy ring-roller until the layer is hard and compact , and the surface one inch below the f'iniLihed grade of drive . Upon this middle layer after it is thoroughly con- solidated there is to be spread a finishing layer, at least one inch deep after compacting, of fine crushed field stone aCreeazings, composed of stones averagixag one half inch in —11i.s layer is to be watered, raked and rolled until thoroughly compacted and hard, and formed to a smooth even surface, and when finished to have a perfect crown of four inches . Gutters . Along the sides of the drives , .as directed, con- struct stone gutters eighteen inches wide , carefully rounded and graded. The stones are to be of even size , egg-shaped, beach stone , net over four Inches in greatest diameter, earefull$r placed by hand in a. bed of souid overlaying a concrete base six inches thick . This concrete is to be coz:iposed, by measure, of five parts broken stone, tilde, 1,art s staid &,.nd one part Atlas Portland cer ent . Sidewalk . Along the front of the lot excavate for stree side" walk . This walk is to bo built by the town. Care in to be taken, however, to leave the trench ready for the walk material , the sides of the excavat�on beinf_; hold up by :lank strongly staked in place, as before sp. aif3ed . The laying; out of the wa.l.kks , drives arid surfaces shall be done by the contractor frorir the plans and directions of the ArclUtects , the contractor mployin�; the er3Elneers (Pierce and Barnes r Boston) , who made the original surveys of the lot LeL�In rrton Workmen. In to far as Lexington workmen and laborers, citi- zens of the tt?i?a'2? , tare available for exnpl.oyment on the job and are competent therefor , they sl_all be giver. the preference in employ- ment at Wages not, less than those paid to any outsiders on-ployed in si-:�ilar capacities on the wor# w�� R taLn1#A 'Wall. The Gontrostor is to excavate for and put in, as di., r rotted* a stone foundation V-S" deep for the retaining; wall an tho Russell line Opposite the wars* end entrance. lie is to furnish field stone for and build In a satisfactory mu ner an the above foxmdatiens a retaining wall 21-00 think to Sho graft of the highest point of the Russell land a rin : this wail . Shrubs and. Plant inij. The Oontraotor shall Furnish treat and shrubs for the areas to be planted in such numbers and of such kinds as will be satisfactory to the Architects . All to be young, bushy, vigorous stem,, free from aoale,: of gone size and of standard stook . The above trees and shrubs 4r* to be planted by the Contractor in the positions Amd quwititles as directed by the Arehi� tects . Each group is to be partially mingled with each adjoining Sro The C ont rant or sha, ll warm it and. care for the above stock for the period of fto year From tho time of planting# pruning, the same in proper a*" d varMIting thWA e11ye and vigeroft., Should any of the stack fail., he .is , at his own expense, to replace ,and make good the sager to the satisfaction of the Architects . Pu,,. U her Gu "; tty.. The Contractor shall in the Spring of 1903 and prior to XMW l,dt, make good, at h"S Own "pen", any washOuts v s*ttlings or other defects that may have occurred: LA or UPOU tha graded poses subsequent to the original onmpletion of tho pbs it being understood that the Arehiteots shall be the J"d908 Of Vhether and to what extort any defeets oxiat , and that all the WOrk of replacement and repalr Shall be done In a000rdanoe with their requirements . • I I v �Z -7 0 . _ 1