HomeMy WebLinkAbout2776 Bond, F.S. Cleghorn to Town of Lexington for the work of installing a heating and ventilating system in the new Lexington High School, April 16, 1902 S.D.-No.28-'98-3000. 1know att Men b#2 these Prezentef THAT wF,, -...KRA RK....S...__C.LFGR0.RX,....d_oin9....husi-neze.....in....Bas.torl.......Kaaa.........Aftd!ar--the----------------- sty1e....of....CLIGRORN...MUM --------------­...............................................................................................................................I........................ ................................................--------------------__......................................................................................................................................................................Principal and THE CITY TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT AND SURETY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Surety, are held and firmly bound unto.....the....INHABITANTS...OF....THE....TOWN....O.F...'LEXINGTOR,..... ...... ............... ............................................................................................................... .......................­.......................................... ........................................................... ............... ..................... ...................... ---------------.....---......._..............I----------------------------------------------------(hereinafter called the ObligeeS in the sum of......................ORK...MUSAND — .J.Lo.000� ---........... ... ............I........................................-............................... ............:....................... dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the said Obligee S,--------------their------------------------ certain attorney, executors, administrators, successors or assigns : to which payment, well and truly to be made, we do hereby,jointly and severally, bind and oblige ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, and every of them, firmly by these presents. Zealeb with our seals, dated the..=---Sixtaenth......................................_.....day of ............A.Pril................................—, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eiglat "w-e-49-..nine....hund.red...and two. Whereas, the said Principal did, on the......................................................Six.te.enth.................................................day of ............ ........April..... ............I............................. enter into and execute a certain Contract ........... with the said ObligeeS......WHEREBY-----said...Primcip-al....agree.s....t-o....f_u.r1nJ.s.h-----all....th.e.--laleri-als------ for......and....ac.compli.st.-the...work...jQf......installing in the Lexingtdn High School----—-----­-­-----------------------------........................... ...................... ...Budl.aing......no.c.-in...p.r.oc o..f....eroQtio.n......A...tpj�t.kng.---and....v.en.tila.ting.....s1sle.m....and_.____ _--a-p-para.tus----ther-efor......i-n...Ac_c9_r_da­n_cP...'Xilh.....the__- the specification . . ..... --- ------- - . .r....e...q_uire.qe....n..ts.---­o.f-.-.- ..pr.epared....by----Goo-par... Bai.ley,..-4na- hpatin9...and ventilating plans...S.u...b...m....it.te.d----b-y--. - ...the....s.aid...Prinoipal............................................-.................................................................................._........................................................................ and the said ObligeeS having required the said Principal to give bond, to protect the Obligee S against any loss arising out of, or by reason of the non-performance of any of the covenants contained in the said Contract to be performed by the said Principal Now the Conbition of this Obligation is SUM That if the said Principal shall duly and faith- fully perform and fulfil all and every the conditions of said Contract, above recited, on........h.i_'S........................--part to be kept and performed, and shall keep harmless and protect the said ObligeeS from and against all loss by reason of the non-fulfilment by the said Principal of the covenants contained in the said Contract, to be per- formed by===.....him- ___...__as aforesaid ; and also against actual loss by reason of any and all claims, defects, errors, objections, liens and incumbrances, arising from the non-fulfilment by said Principal of said covenants, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect. IMS JSonh is issued upon the express Condition, that all the covenants and agreements contained in the said Contract, made by the said Obligee S , and on._—_ _._Ahe11--------—---------part to be kept and performed, for the protection of the said Obligee S , and of said Surety, shall be strictly kept and performed by the said ObligeeS RnZ) upon the further Condition, that if any liability shall accrue on the part of the said Surety, by reason of this obligation ; after settlement of the same, the said Surety shall be subrogated to all the rights and remedies which the ObligeeS would have against the Principal in this obligation, or any other person .: and the Obligee S ........ are....................-bound, by acceptance of this obligation, to authorize and permit the Surety to use the name of the said ObligeeS for the recovery thereof. Should the amount of this obligation not cover the loss of the Obligee S, the Surety shall be interested in such rights with the Obligee S in the proportion of the amount paid to the amount of the loss not covered by this obligation. Scaled and delivered in the ... ... ..... ..... --------- bresence of us .........................................................................................................................[SEAL] --------------------------------------------------------..................................... [SUAL] 0 'Cbe CitV 'Crust, safe Deposit anO Zuretp Compan*p of Vbila0elpbia. By-...............­1........... ........ ............. ..........................................._­........ President. ATTEST: ........................ ........ ........................ .. ....... ram ...... Secretary . i � a y e � � � o o � � W �. � � o � ,� �S � � �- � � d ,, � � � '-d `� c o � Flo � �= d . �" `� � � �. �. :a � � N � �- �., . �- 27 � �