HomeMy WebLinkAbout2566 Circular letter, Law Offices of Henry D. Phillips, an advertisement for services in securing pensions for military members and families, no date but presumed 1890 SPREAD THE GOOD WORD ! 1.4 CI LAVA OFFICES HENRY D. PHILLIPS, Pq WASFIINGTGN, D. C. P. 0. BOX Q80. Soldiers, Pensioners, Widows and Mothers, of the United States: President Harrison has signed the Great Disability Pension Bill, under which and other existing laws o about $172,000,000 of money will be paid out to soldiers, widows, etc., the coming year. Read copy of the Law herewith. ®­3 Why not get in your case and secure your money before death overtakes you. This is the proper and obest place for all claimants to apply. Why? Because Greatest Experience. Because Greatest ability.—Com- pare this work with others that you meet with. Because Quickest and Best Facilities. Because, being a Law- yer, and not a mere claim agent, I am able to properly insist upon just allowances. Because here at the r Capitol and free access to all Government Departments. Why look elsewhere? w It is a waste of time and loss of money to look elsewhere! Write here at once: Justices, Notaries, Law- oyers and Physicians should send all their friend's cases here without delay. ty Who are entitled:- 1. Nearly every soldier who draws less than $12 per month. Those with $1, $2, $3, $4, $6, &c., entitled! 2. Nearly every Mexican soldier can give up his present pension of $8 and get $12 per month. a a3. Every widow is entitled to $8. It makes no difference how soldier died, nor when, nor where! If soldier Et w is dead, the widow is entitled. That is all there is about it. E-+ 4. Every soldier is entitled from $6 to $12, according to extent of disability. It matters not when, where or v how disabled or diseased. If leg or arm injured, shoulder broken, ruptured or diseased,before or since t w war, on the railroad, on the farm, or in the mill—it matters not where nor how—you have a good case. wGive me the facts, and get your pension. 5. Mothers and fathers are entitled. P'� 6. All children under 16, and if deformed, idiotic, &c., pension can be continued during life. CIO wInd are the provisions of this Great Law. If you have an Old Claim pending under the Old Law; or E, Pensioner now with less than the New Law gives, write to me at once, and let me get you the money under this � New Law in a few months. This can be done, and the new claim will not interfere with the old one, nor I with vour old Attorney. P,rhaps you have waited for years; why not try these experienced Offices with your short wcase, under this new law,with Pension in your hands in a few months? Others find it pays to do so. The New c- a Law provides for this. Read it! If your case has been rejected; if you have never applied—all should apply � to these Law Offices AT ONCE. -- 41 E- ADDRHss : HENRY D. PH I LLI PS, a-4 x P. 0. BOX Q80• LACY OFFICES, WASHINGTON, D. C. TEAR T&HHS PART ®FF ANID ]FtU rURPT nlEILU WI'r" 'I`MU FACTS AF CASU' FORSOLDIER (1) Name..............................................................................Age............Rank.................................. OR PENSIONER.� Co........................Reg't....................................... (2) How disabled?................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................ . ..................................................................................................I...................... (3) When first affected?.................................................................................................................................................... (4) If pensioned now,what for?.......................................................................................................................................... FORWIDOWS (1) Soldier's name... ........................................................ ....................Rank ................................... AND CHILDREN. Co............... ..............Reg't....................................... (2) Widow's and childrens' name..................... ........ ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Date and place of death and marriage .................... ....... ................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................... FORMOTHER (1) Soldier's Name.................................................................................Rank............................... ......... OR FATHER. Co..............................Reg t....................................... (2) Mother's or father's name............................... ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................... (3) Date,place and cause of soldier's death...-;.. .................................................................................................................... ............................................................... (4) Date and place of parents' marriage...... ........ .................................................................................................... g&-If you ever filed claim, state when, No. and what became of it.............................................................................. ........ . ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................ g&-NO CHARGE FOR ADVICE AND YOU PAY ME NOTHING.-W9 a&-If you place your Case in these Offices you will get returns in 30 days. a&-When Laws are passed, always write here and get advice at once. "-Send 2 Postage Stamps when returning this Blank. Signature........................................................................................................................... (GiveClaiman t'.,,full name here,whether,for Original Pension or Increase.) ,11�Give your name and P. O. O ACC�reSS dd�•es, tin full. ............................................................................................................... (Give town or City,County and State) AWState your case, whatever it may be, and get the opinion of this office. This new law covers almost every one. Hundreds of thousands I ..............................................................'_..__.... ........................... entitled. State your case. i (Give Street Number,if any.) TACK THIS-UP IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE. LIFE EXPERIENCE IN PENSION CASESI Copy of the Disabilty Pension Bill dust Become a Law That in considering the pension claims of dependent parents,the fact of the-soldier's death by reason of any wound, injury, casuality, or disease,which,under the conditions and limitations of existing laws, would have entitled him to an invalid pension,and the fact that the soldier left no widow or minor children having been shown, as required by law,it shall be necessary only to show by competent and sufficient evidence that such parent or parents are without other present means of support than their own manual labor or the contribution of others not legally bound for their support; Provided, That all pensions allowed to dependent parents under this Act shall commence from the date of the filing of the application here- under,and shall continue no longer than the existence of the dependence. SEc.2. That all persons who served ninety days or more in the military or naval services of the United States during the late War of the Rebellion, and who have been honorably,discharged therefrom, and who are now or may hereafter be suffering from a mental or physical disability of a permanent character not the result of their own vicious habits, which incapacitates them from the performance of manual labor in such a degree as to render them unable to earn a sup- port,shall,upon making due proof of the fact according to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may provide,be placed upon the list of invalid pensioners of the.United States,and be entitled to receive a pension not to exceed twelve dollars a month,and not less than six dollars a month,proportioned to their inability to earn a sup- port; and such pension shall commence from the date of the filing of the application in the Pension Office, after the passage of this act,upon goof that the disability then existed,and shall con tirane during the ex- istence of such disability; Provided, That persons who are now receiving pensions under exist- ing laws,or whose claims are pending in the Pension Office,may,by application to the Commissioner of Pensions,in such form as he may prescribe,showing themselves entitled thereto,receive the benefits of this act; and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to pre- vent any pensioner thereunder from prosecuting his claim and receiving his pension under any other general or special act. Provided,however,That no person shall receive ruore than one pen- sion for the same period;and provided further,the rank in the service shall not be considered in applications filed under this act. SEc. 3. That if any officer or enlisted man who served ninety days or more in the army or navy of the United States during the late War of the Rebellion,and who was honorably discharged, has died, or shall hereafter die,leaving a widow,without other means of support than her daily labor,or minor children under the age of sixteen years,such widow shall,upon due proof of her husband's death,without proving his death to be the result of his army service,be placed on the pension roll from the date of the application therefor under this act,at the rate of eight dollars per month during her widowhood, and shall also be paid two dollars per month for each child of such officer or enlisted man under sixteen years of age,and in case of the death or remarriage of the widow,leaving a child or children of such officer or enlisted man under the age of sixteen years,such pension shall be paid such child or children until the age of sixteen; provided,that in case a minor child is insane, idiotic or otherwise permanently helpless, the pension shall continue during the life of said child,or during the period of such disability, and this proviso shall apply to all pensions heretofore granted or here- after to be granted under this or any former statute;and such pensions shall commence from the date of the application therefor, after the passage of this act; and provided further, that said widow shall have married said soldier prior to the assage of this a,ct. SEc.4 Limits attorney fee to10 in all caste under this act,payable after case allowed. All Persons desiring the Money given by this act, Address: HENRY D. PHILLIPS, Law Offices, WASHINGTON, D. C. BOX 280.