HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-01-SC-min (2) LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday,April 1, 2019 Cary Memorial Building Estabrook Hall 1605 Massachusetts Avenue CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 6:02 p.m. Chair Eileen Jay welcomed and introduced committee members, including newly elected member Scott Bokun SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Eileen Jay, Chairperson Kate Colburn, Vice-Chairperson Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk (6:15 arrival) Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun NOT PRESENT: Peter Rowe, Interim Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Rosanna Jiang, Student Rep SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee and Administrative Assistant to Superintendent CALL TO ORDER: At 6:04 p.m. in open session,the Chair moved that the Committee vote to go into Executive Session under Exemption 3: To discuss strategy with respect to Collective Bargaining and to reconvene in open session. Further,the Chair declares that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. Roll Call Vote- Scott Bokun -AYE; Kathleen Lenihan -AYE; Deepika Sawhney-AYE; Kate Colburn -AYE; Eileen Jay-AYE Return to open session at 6:27 p.m. 1 LSC Meeting 4/1/2019 APPROVED MINUTES-5/7/2019 Superintendent's Report: Superintendent Hackett reported on the following: Superintendent Hackett announced the appointment of an outstanding educational leader, Mr. Johnny Cole, as the new Director of Equity and Student Supports (DESS). Johnny taught English Language Arts at Concord Carlisle High School for eight years and at Medford High School for five years. As the Assistant Principal at Needham High since 2015, Johnny oversees student discipline and student equity programs, serving on the district's equity coalition and committees. A highly collaborative and passionate champion for all students, he spearheaded the Castle Program at Needham High School, a program for African American and Latinx students to increase representation of students of color in upper-level courses. Johnny's experiences will be helpful as we begin to examine representation in Advanced Placement and other courses. Johnny has authored a series of publications, podcasts, and coursework addressing anti-racism, cultural proficiency, and social justice, and he is committed to restorative justice practices within our schools. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication from Boston University and a Master's Degree in Secondary English from State University of New York at Cortland. New Business: Vote for Association of Lexington Administrators (ALA) Contract: Ms. Colburn moved that the School Committee approve the Superintendent's recommended Memorandum of Agreement to settle a successor agreement for the ALA for a one year agreement July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 and a three year agreement for July 1, 2019-June 30, 2022-seconded by Ms. Sawhney (Approved 5-0) Vote for Lexington Education Association Technology Unit (LEA-Tech) Contract Mr. Bokun moved that the School Committee approve the Superintendent's recommended Memorandum of Agreement to settle a successor agreement for the Technology Unit for a three year agreement July 1, 2018-June 30, 2021 -seconded by Ms. Sawhney (Approved 5-0) Members had brief discussion and clarification from Superintendent Hackett on a request to increase the LABBB capital plan amount. The LABBB FY18 budget had a surplus of$591,471.60. As a result, they are requesting that member towns approve adding $600,000 to the LABBB capital plan. Ms. Sawhney moved to approve an increase in the LABBB Capital Plan by$6000,000 for a Total of$2.6Million-seconded by Ms. Lenihan (Approved 5-0) 2 LSC Meeting 4/1/2019 APPROVED MINUTES-5/7/2019 Unfinished Business: Discussion and Vote Positions on Town Meeting Articles Motion to reconsider Article 39 -Amend zoning bylaw-Limited site plan review It was noted that at the last Town Meeting, Ms. Colburn made a Motion for Reconsideration of Article 39 -Amend zoning bylaw-Limited site plan review. Ms. Colburn provided an overview of Article 39 to members and stated that three steps are required at Town Meeting: (a) School Committee would need to make a motion to re-open debate, (b) if that passes, School Committee would then make a motion to amend the article, and (c) if motion to amend passes, then a vote on the amended article would take place on the floor. Members engaged in further discussion with Town Council. Ms. Colburn moved to approve motion for reconsideration, motion to amend, and motion to approve the amended motion with respect to Article 39-seconded by Ms. Lenihan (approved 5-0) Members agreed to have Ms. Colburn to make the motions at Town Meeting. Article 20 -Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects/E) LHS Field House Track Resurfacing - 5250.000 Mr. Bokun moved for School Committee to support Article 20e, LHS Field House Track Resurfacing-seconded by Ms. Colburn(Approved 5-0) Article 15 -Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects Ms. Lenihan moved for School Committee to support Article 15,Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects-seconded by Ms. Sawhney(Approved 5-0) Article 20 -Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects: b) Facility and Site Improvements & d) School Building Envelopes and Systems Program. Ms. Colburn moved for School Committee to support Article 20b&20d-seconded by Ms. Sawhney(Approved 5-0) School Committee members remained in open session and relocated to Battin Hall for the purpose of participating in Town Meeting. 3 LSC Meeting 4/1/2019 APPROVED MINUTES-5/7/2019