HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-04-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday,June 4, 2019 Selectmen's Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue CALL TO ORDER At 6:05 p.m. in open session, the Chair moved that the Committee vote to go into Executive Session under Exemption 3 & Exemption 2: To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares. Roll Call Vote - Seconded by Ms. Colburn: YAY, Scott Bokun, YAY, Kathleen Lenihan, YAY, Deepika Sawhney,YAY Kate Colburn YAY Eileen Jay Move to come out of executive session to come into open meeting at 7:15. Welcome Ms. Jay welcomed and introduced school committee members SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Eileen Jay, Chairperson Kate Colburn, Vice-Chairperson Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk (6:17 p.m.) Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun NOT PRESENT: Peter Rowe, Interim Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Rosanna Jiang, Student Representative SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee and Administrative Assistant to Superintendent School Committee Announcements/Liaison Reports All members congratulated the Senior class of Lexington High School on their recent graduation. 1 LSC Meeting 6/4/2019 MINUTES APPROVED 8/27/19 Mr. Bokun noted this Sunday, June 9 is Lexington Race Amity Day and the Lexington Human Rights Committee has an interesting documentary called "An American Story: Race Amenity & Other Tradition" at Cary Library at 2:45 with conversation bookending the film. Mr. Bokun also noted Lexpride Day was on Sunday, June 9 from 11-2. Liaison Report: Mr. Bokun reported on the Planning Board meeting he attended. He informed members that the Planning Director, Julie Mercier, had recently resigned and noted that this is the third Planning Director to leave in a year. Hoping this issue will be addressed. Mr. Bokun reported on the Hartwell Avenue rezoning ideas, brought up by Mr. Charles Hornig, with the aim of encouraging more business growth within the town. More businesses in town could help take the burden off of taxpayers with the impending cost of a new high school. The idea is to rezone the Hartwell area to make it more pleasurable for businesses to set up commercial businesses there. Ms. Lenihan expressed her thanks to all the parent volunteers involved in the all night graduation party at Lexington High school. It is a wonderful opportunity for the class to be together one last time and the students have an amazing time. Ms. Lenihan announced a public information session for redistricting that will be held on Wednesday, June 5 at Estabrook Hall at 8:00 a.m. and again at 6:00 p.m. This will be the same presentation that Dr. Kavanaugh presented at a previous School Committee meeting and that is also posted online. Ms. Colburn asked for a moment of silence to acknowledge an active and beloved member of the school community who recently passed away unexpectedly, Katie Collin, mother of four and member of the Bowman community. Katie was a kind, fun, irreverent, smart and good friend to many. Our hearts go out to her family and all who loved her. Liaison report: Ms. Colburn reported on the SEPAC Quarterly meeting she attended with Mr. Bokun along with the two Presidents of SEPAC, Dr. Hackett and Ms. Sugita. Topics of discussion included the following items: • questions about extended school year program at Harrington. Ms. Sugita clarified that a full day option still exists for students who need it. Ms. Sugita was going to work with ETS's at Harrington to make sure they are communicating that clearly • Inclusion Consultant is here and in data gathering phase • Need for strong communication with parents in the ILP III program prior to when transition starts • Need to ensure anticipating space needs correctly at the high school by recognizing that 29 students in ILP III at Fisk will move up. We should have a good sense with how much space will be needed by the time students reach high school age. 2 LSC Meeting 6/4/2019 MINUTES APPROVED 8/27/19 • Letter submitted by dyslexia parents asking questions about ongoing approach and where do we go from here. • Equity audit; recognizing the audit has been delayed • SEPAC parent survey; ongoing request to repeat parent survey that was done in 2012. Dr. Hackett committed that the survey would be repeated. Dr. Kavanaugh & Dr. Hackett will review original survey and revise as necessary. • Ms. Sugita and Dr. Hackett pointed out that we are in the midst of a State Accountability Audit and that random surveys will be submitted to parents throughout the year to try to get parent input. Ms. Jay noted that School Committee shared a booth with the Board of Selectmen for the 40th Annual Discovery Day on Saturday, May 25th. Discovery Day is a day for people to "discover" their local businesses, nonprofits, town government, and more. Ms. Jay informed everyone of a photo exhibit at Cary Library by former School Committee member, Alessandro Alessandrini. The exhibit will be on display until June 28, 2019. Ms. Jay announced that June 11, instead of June 18, would be the last School Committee meeting of the school year. Liaison report: Ms. Jay reported on the second community forum session for the Strategic Planning work. Ms. Jay noted that there was a very good turnout and lots of feedback. Very encouraging to see people wanting to be engaged. The Strategic Planning Team is very busy and actively taking in all the feedback and putting their heads together on trying to produce a good, substantive vision. Ms. Sawhney attended the Diamond's Science Olympiad team at the National Tournament at Cornell University. Ms. Sawhney noted It was an extremely tough competition, but the kids came in 34th out of 60 teams. A huge accomplishment for being rookies in this event. Congratulations and Celebrations Superintendent Hackett extended her congratulations to the graduating class of 2019. She noted this was her first graduation at Lexington, and seeing the community's and staff response to an important event was really touching. Superintendent Hackett congratulated the Student Ambassadors for kicking off their first meeting as part of the Strategic Planning process. Superintendent Hackett noted the Student Ambassadors are students from the high school who went through an interview process with Human Resources to be a part of the Strategic Planning. Once chosen, they were trained on the Keep, Lose, Dream, Innovate (KLDI) activity and will go to work with elementary students in doing the KLDI activities. Consent Agenda 3 LSC Meeting 6/4/2019 MINUTES APPROVED 8/27/19 Acceptance of Donations/Gifts NONE International Field Trips: Ms. Lenihan moved to approve Lexington High School International Field Trip to Paris/Antony, France& Belgium on February 13-20, 2020-seconded by Ms. Colburn (Approved 5-0) Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrant A1212roval Mr. Scott Bokun moved to approve School Department's payroll warrant dated May 24, 2019 in the amount of$3,904,388.26-seconded by Ms. Sawhney Moved to approve the School Department's accounts payable warrant dated May 31, 2019 in the amount of$1,201,841.55-seconded by Ms. Sawhney Approved 5-0 Approval of Minutes: Ms. Deepika Sawhney moved to approve School Committee minutes from April 8, 2019- seconded by Mr. Bokun (Approved 5-0) Community Speaks: Mona Roy: Ms. Roy thanked Dr. Hackett and the School Committee for their ongoing efforts in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion as well as the outreach to SEPAC and special education parents through multiple meetings with parent groups. It is the ongoing concern and communication that builds trust within the community. Ms. Roy also applauded the proclamation in support of Race Amity Day, which is a great event to celebrate the diversity in this town. Superintendent Report: Superintendent Hackett reported on her meeting from May 28, 2019 with ABCL (Association of Black Citizens of Lexington). Four members of the ABCL attended the meeting, along with Dr. Hackett, Dr. Andrew Stephens, Lexington High School Principal, and Ms. Barbara Hamilton, Director of METCO. Dr. Hackett noted they reviewed each recommendation in a letter submitted by ABCL, and provided responses to the ABCL's suggestions. It was a good opportunity to reflect on ways to make students' educational experiences better and share the good work that is happening at our schools. Superintendent Hackett reported on the new speaker series that will be piloted over the next two years. Superintendent Hackett noted that a new multi-grade thematic curricular program at LHS will be focused on marginalized voices in literature. This program will be led by Samantha St. Lawrence, a talented member of the Lexington High School English faculty, whose 4 LSC Meeting 6/4/2019 MINUTES APPROVED 8/27/19 thoughtful work brought this project from an idea to a reality. Ms. St. Lawrence will work closely with Mr.Johnny Cole, our new Director of Equity and Student Supports, as the two-year pilot continues to evolve. Superintendent Hackett commented that none of the above developments would have materialized without a profound community investment in this work, with particular support from the Lexington Education Foundation, Lexington Community Education, and current and former members of the School Committee, including Mr. Alessandro Alessandrini. Some members had comments and discussed the possibility of also reading the same book as the students and having their own community discussion. Superintendent Hackett announced Coach Mike Hill as the new Varsity football coach at Lexington High school. Curriculum Review Updates: Ms. Chris Lyons, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development, provided a brief update on the curriculum review process and how they have worked in previous years and what changes departments would like to see in the future. Ms. Lyons reported that there is a new, revised process for curriculum reviews: • Audit - One year, high level needs assessment including bias review, achievement gaps, research on HQ practices and planning for next year • Review & Development -This is a 1-2 year close examination of existing curriculum for gaps, overlaps and articulation; updating/writing curriculum as needed; review, purchase and/or development of materials as needed • Implementation - One year to implement, evaluate and adjust new materials, units and sequencing Ms. Lyons introduced Kathy McCarthy, K-5 Science Coordinator, Valerie Franks, 6-8 Department Head and Jackie Crowe, 9-12 Department Head to provide highlights from the Science Curriculum Review. They reported that the Science Curriculum Review was in the Implementation Year (Year 3) of their review. A few highlights are: • articulated a scope and sequence for K-12 science using the common, district-wide Google templates • developed benchmarks for disciplinary core ideas and science practices for each grade span • adopted curricular materials and instructional strategies to align to the 2016 MA STE Curriculum framework Committee members had questions for Ms. Franks, Ms. Crowe and Ms. McCarthy that they responded to. 5 LSC Meeting 6/4/2019 MINUTES APPROVED 8/27/19 Ms. Lyons introduced Mr. Eamonn Sheehan, Coordinator for PE/Wellness, and Ms. Julie Fenn, Assistant Coordinator for PE/Wellness in Lexington. Mr. Sheehan and Ms. Fenn reported the PE/Wellness team was finishing Year 2 of their Curriculum Review; Review & Development Year. Some highlights below: • Implementation of the Elementary Human Growth and Development grade 5 curriculum • Partnering with the special education department to create an inclusion physical education model for the adaptive physical education (APE) student population • The 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was administered to students grades 7-12 in February and March • LHS PE units of study will be semester based units of study for FY20 • The LHS health education team has developed a standards-based grading rubric which will replace the Pass/Fail grading system in place at LHS Committee members had questions for Mr. Sheehan and Ms. Fenn that they responded to. Ms. Lyons introduced Mr. Jared Cassedy, K-12 Performing Arts Coordinator, and Ms. Alethea Roy, K-12 Visual Arts Coordinator. Mr. Cassedy and Ms. Roy reported that both K-12 Performing Arts &Vlsual Arts were finishing their Audit Year and would begin Year 1 Review & Development of the Curriculum Review in 2019-2020. Committee members had questions for Mr. Cassedy and Ms. Roy that they responded to. Ms. Lyons introduced Ms. Linda Menkis, K-5 Math Department Head, Ms. Stephanie Burroughs, 6-8 Math Department Head and Mr. Kevin Kelly, 9-12 Math Department Head. They noted they were finishing their Audit Year and would begin Year 1 Review & Development of the Curriculum Review in 2019-2020 Committee members had questions for Ms. Menkis, Ms. Burroughs, and Mr. Kelly that they responded to. Vote on SEW Contracts: Ms. Colburn moved that the School Committee approve the Superintendent's recommended Memorandum of Agreement to settle a successor agreement for the SEW, Local 888 for a three year agreement for July 1, 2018 June 30, 2021 -seconded by Ms. Lenihan (Approved 5-0) Ms. Jay noted that two agenda items originally scheduled for tonight's meeting will be discussed at a later date. Community Speaks: Ms. Avon Lewis noted that for the next three weeks, every Lexington Public School employee who works under a contract is under contract! That's a celebration. At 10:20 p.m. Ms. Jay took a motion to adjourn, so moved by Ms. Colburn (Approved 5-0) 6 LSC Meeting 6/4/2019 MINUTES APPROVED 8/27/19