Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Lexington Town Office Building
Selectmen's Meeting Room
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Chair Eileen Jay welcomed and introduced committee members
Eileen Jay, Chairperson
Kate Colburn, Vice-Chairperson
Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk
Deepika Sawhney
Scott Bokun
Rosanna Jiang (student Rep)
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional
Peter Rowe, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations
The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee and
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Public Hearing School Choice:
Ms. Jay opened the public hearing on School Choice. Per the Massachusetts General Law, the
School Committee is required to vote annually as to whether the school district will participate
in the School Choice Program. This vote is required to be submitted to the Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education. Given that there were no public comments, Ms. Jay
closed the hearing.
School Committee Announcements& Liaison Reports:
Mr. Bokun thanked the Indian community for the Festival of Colors event on Saturday, May
18th. The Festival of Colors celebrates the many colors in our lives and the oneness of it all.
Ms. Lenihan attended the Lexington High School Senior Art Show and extended her
congratulations to all who participated in the show.
LSC Meeting 5/21/2019
Ms. Jiang had a few announcements and congratulations to share with the committee but first
noted that today was the last day of school for the seniors and congratulated seniors for their
upcoming graduation.
On May 24 &25 at 7:00 the annual LHS Pops Concert will be held in the gym at the high school.
On Saturday, May 26, the Lex Splash event will be held. Inspired by MIT Splash, Lex Splash is a
student group that organizes classes for middle school students, taught by high schoolers.
Ms. Jiang extended congratulations to Clarke Middle School for winning the National DOE
Science Bowl along with the Diamond Middle School Science Olympiad team, and the LHS
Marathon Team for winning their state competitions and heading to the national competitions
this summer.
Ms. Sawhney provided a brief update on the Strategic Planning Synthesis team "feedback"
meeting she attended at Bridge Elementary School, as well as the Spring Summit with Board of
Ms. Colburn thanked the Estabrook community for being invited to their read-aloud day.
Ms. Jay noted there would be one more community event for community members to provide
input for the LPS Strategic Planning work on Tuesday, May 28, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the
Community Center.
Ms. Jay said that the Homework Working Group has been meeting and asked Dr. Lyons to
provide a brief summary of the meetings which included discussions to address concerns
around the no-homework calendar. Dr. Lyons reported that a short survey would be sent out
to teachers, as well as to parents, in order to get feedback on a proposed alternative calendar
as it compares to the current plan. Some considerations related to potential changes in the
no-homework calendar include reducing stress for students, creating consistency for teachers
in order to help their instructional planning, and respecting religious culture and family
observances. It is also necessary to consider the needs for each grade span and ensuring
pedigogically sound practices regarding homework.
Ms. Colburn asked Dr. Lyons if a similar survey would be sent out to students, as well, to hear
their feedback.
Dr. Lyons wanted to clarify that the goal is to not make changes to the larger part of the policy
but to adjust the schedule of no-homework dates to account for some of the unintended
consequences that happened this past year.
Congratulations& Celebrations:
Superintendent Hackett echoed her appreciation of the celebration of Holi, The Festival of
Colors. It was an amazing event and she was thankful to attend.
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Superintendent Hackett thanked the Lexington Education Foundation (LEF) for their support of
the Lexington Public Schools and introduced Kim McCormick to report on LEF's grantmaking
during the 2018-2019 academic year.
Since its founding by Lexington residents in 1989, LEF has supported exceptional work that
addresses the Lexington Public Schools' priorities, but falls outside the district budget. LEF is
proud to partner with LPS to fund curricular and pedagogical innovations, professional learning
opportunities, new uses of technology, and initiatives to address students' social and emotional
needs. LEF grants often serve as pilot programs that point the district towards the most
effective ways to address the challenges facing our schools.
Ms. McCormick reported that in 2018-2019 (FY2019) the organization has thus far granted
awards totaling $174,727 (two additional grants are pending final approval) in three categories:
Program Grants support the exploration and implementation of innovative instruction,
enriched curricula, pro-social and emotional literacy initiatives, and the use of new technology
in the classroom. FY 2019 Awards (for implementation during the 2018-2019 school year)
Fellowships enable individual educators to participate in structured professional development
opportunities that will have a direct impact on their teaching in the classroom. FY2018 Awards
(for fellowships taking place in calendar year 2018) $40,828.
School Community Grants enable each of the ten Lexington public schools to undertake
activities that will strengthen learning and build community school-wide. FY2019 Awards (for
implementation during the 2018-2019 school year) $58,750.
School Committee members thanked LEF for their continued support and dedication to the
Lexington Public Schools.
No speakers
International Field Trips:
Lexington High School International Field Trip to Rome, Italy on February 14-22, 2020
Committee members had some questions around the International Field Trip. Dr. Hackett
suggested approval of the field trips and would get back to the committee with answers to their
LSC Meeting 5/21/2019
Ms. Colburn moved to approve Lexington High School International Field Trips to Rome, Italy
on February 14-22, 2020 and to Madrid and Salamanca, Spain on February 14-24, 2020
seconded by Ms. Sawhney(Approved 5-0)
Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrant:
Ms. Lenihan moved to approve School Department's payroll warrant dated May 10, 2019 in
the amount of$4,046,639.66 seconded by Ms. Colburn(Approved 5-0)
Ms. Lenihan moved to approve the School Department's accounts payable warrant dated
May 17, 2019 in the amount of$1,199,954.07 and School Department's accounts payable US
Bank Reconciliations in the amount of$43,225.06 seconded by Ms. Bokun (Approved 5-0)
Gresh Lattimore -Spoke to the committee about the importance of the AFS (American Field
Service) Exchange Program at Lexington High School.
Fourth-grade students from Fiske elementary presented their "Be Smart, Don't Start" smoking
and vaping project to School Committee. Their presentation mainly involved vaping and the
effects of nicotine. A complete preview of their presentation can be found here: gg.gg/dt8u8
Ms. Yang - 165 Lincoln Street - Expressed concerns regarding the after-school transportation
and would like School Committee and administration to reconsider their decision about after
school transportation.
Ms. Finnigan -ABCL's Education Chair- Ms. Finnigan recognizes that a lot of work has been
done with Dr. Hackett and expressed her concerns that the children of brown and black colors
are under psychological warfare and the administration needs to act now, it cannot wait
another year for a change.
PRESENTATION: Redistricting Update
Dr. Maureen Kavanaugh, Director of Planning and Assessment, provided a project update
related to elementary and middle school redistricting. The update included brief background
information on ways the district has been managing growing enrollments. Dr. Kavanaugh
explained the process, roles and progress related to current redistricting, what has been
learned so far from recent analysis and what's next in the process. The redistricting process is
expected to be completed according to the original timeline, with a School Committee vote on
final maps expected some time early in the fall of 2019. Implementation of new school
assignment areas and maps will begin with the 2020-21 school year.
LSC Meeting 5/21/2019
For other information and updates, you may see the Superintendent's Blog at:
t ://bit®Iy/Redistrict Io
Members had some questions for Dr. Kavanaugh that she responded to.
Policy Reading#2- Revisions to: EEA- Student Transportation & EEAA- Walkers and Riders
Ms. Jay explained that the Policy Subcommittee and Dr. Kavanaugh reviewed policies related to
assignment areas, as well as redistricting and related transportation issues. Discussions from
the meeting resulted in a few adjustments and edits. Dr. Kavanaugh reviewed the edits to
School Committee.
Ms. Colburn moved to approve the following policies as amended:Policy EEA, Policy JCA,
Policy JC, and Policy JCAC and to remove PolicyJCAA and Policy EEAA -seconded by Mr. Bokun
(Approved 5-0)
Some community members spoke out about concerns on the redistricting, especially for
Hastings families. They noted this past year has been a hardship for the children, teachers and
neighbors, particularly having the school be under construction with no playground. The
feeling expressed was that Hasting families would very much like to attend the new school and
not be redistricted.
Vote on School Choice:
Ms. Colburn moved that the Lexington Public Schools will not participate in School Choice
program for the 2019-2020 school year-seconded by Ms. Lenihan(Approved 5-0)
Proclamation for Race Amity Day:
School Committee member and Liaison to the Human Rights Committee, Mr. Scott Bokun,
shared with the School Committee a Proclamation for Race Amity Day that was proposed by
the Human Rights Committee. Proclamation May 2019
Mr. Bokun moved that the School Committee approve and sign the HRC proclamation for
Race Amity Day, as well as post it on the district website and send a copy to the
Administrative Council as well as the PPC-seconded by Ms. Sawhney(Approved 5-0)
FY 2019 Third Quarter Summary:
Mr. Peter Rowe, Interim Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations, reported on the
FY2019 Third Quarter. Mr. Rowe projected a surplus of$1,038,013.00 from the approved Fiscal
Year 2019 Budget. This represents a surplus of approximately 0.96% of the total School
Department budget, which is consistent with the second quarter mid-year projection. $523,202
of the total surplus is projected from the Salary & Wages portion of the budget while $514,811
LSC Meeting 5/21/2019
is from the expense portion of the budget. A full copy of the FY 2019 Third Quarter Report can
be found here: -21-19 SC Packet
Mr. Rowe responded to questions from the School Committee members.
Mr. Bokun moved that School Committee approve the transfers outlined in Table 7 of the
Fiscal Year 2019 Third Quarter Financial Report, per School Committee Policy DBJ-seconded
by Ms. Colburn (Approved 5-0)
Policy Reading#1- Revisions to: Policy IJOA Field Trips&JJH - Student Travel:
Ms. Jay introduced Dr. Chris Lyons who reviewed suggested modifications/edits made to Policy
IJOA Field Trips &JJH - Student Travel with the School Committee. After some discussion and
questions it was agreed to proceed with another Policy Subcommittee meeting to try and work
through much as possible.
Superintendent's End of Year Evaluation:
Superintendent Hackett gave a brief explanation of the Superintendent Evaluation process and
reviewed with the School Committee the self-assessment rubrics and four standards provided
by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (unsatisfactory, needs
improvement, exemplary, & proficient). The evaluation in total is based on district goals plus
ratings on each of the standards.
Some discussion was had on past evaluations and how to proceed with the process going
forward. Members agreed to submit their written evaluations to Ms. Jay prior to the next
School Committee meeting on June 4, 2019.
School Master Planning Advisory Committee Update:
Ms. Colburn reported on the School Master Planning Advisory Committee meeting from May
10th. Ms. Colburn noted that people had met in subgroups of three to discuss the purpose of:
(1) elementary recommendations (2) middle school recommendations & (3) high school
recommendations. The purpose of the May 10th meeting was to review the prioritization of
various strategies:
• non-building strategies
• space mining & temporary building space strategies
• permanent building strategies
• mapping against various scenarios
Ms. Colburn noted they would continue discussion and narrowing down possible options at the
next meeting.
LSC Meeting 5/21/2019
Ms. Colburn reported on the cost estimate that was received for an expansion to the LHS
cafeteria at 2.5 million. Facilities department and architects would try to look at less expensive
Ms. Colburn noted that there was some discussion on portable classrooms and interest in the
LABBB program providing some funding for some of the portables. Continuing discussion on
how many portables are in need and how much funding might be available from LABBB to help
contribute to offset the cost.
Bridge Last Day of School Update:
Dr. Hackett addressed a memo that she wrote to the Commissioner asking for a waiver for
Bridge School to have their last day of school to be the same day as the rest of the district.
Bridge had missed one extra day of school due to a water main break in the area. Dr. Hackett
reported that Bridge School had hit the 900 hour time on learning requirement and 180 day
requirement; therefore, Dr. Hackett is suggesting that Bridge have the same last day as
everyone else. Dr. Hackett noted that teachers would be making up their time and principals
are working with them to record their time.
At 11:11 p.m. Ms. Jay made a motion to adjourn, so moved by Ms. Lenihan (Approved 5-0)
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