HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-23 BOS Packet - Released SELECTMEN'S MEETING Monday, September 23, 2019 Town O ffc e Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Selectmen's Meeting Room 7:00 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selectmen's Office at 781-698-4580 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Grant of Location for Verizon Pole: Lincoln Street- Continued Hearing 7:05 p.m. 2. Review of Protected Bike Lanes on Massachusetts Avenue in East Lexington 7:15 p.m. 3. Update on Solar Request for Proposal 7:25 p.m. 4. Review and Discuss 2019 Fall Special Town Meeting Proposed Warrant Articles 7:5 5 p.m. 5. Discuss Dissolving the Police Policy Manual Committee 8:10 p.m. 6. Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc 8:20 p.m. Committee Update 7. Recap of Trip to Lexington's S is ter City,Antony, France 8:2 5 p.m. 8. Discuss Municipal Vehicle Energy Efficiency Plan 8:3 0 p.m. 9. Discuss Potential Noise Bylaw Revisions 8:5 0 p.m. 10. Approve and Sign Proclamations 9:00 P.M. • Mental Illness Awareness Week • Domestic Violence Awareness Month 11. Selectmen Committee Appointments, Reappointments & Resignation 9:05 p.m. 12. Support Acton's Nomination to the Boston Regional Metropolitan Planning 9:15 p.m. O rganizatio n CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve One-Day Liquor License 2. Water& Sewer Commitments ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 9:25 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held on Monday, October 7, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and LeiTedia subject to change. Recorded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Grant of Location for Verizon Pole: Lincoln Street - Continued Hearing PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Chair I.1 SUMMARY UPDATE:This item will be tabled to the October 7, 2019 at the request of Verizon to allow time to ready the required updated documents. Hearing was continued from the August 5t'and September 9th Lincoln Street: Relocation of one (1) JO pole, P.55/16, on the northerly side of Lincoln Street to a point approximately 42' easterly from its current location on the northerly side of Lincoln Street. Placement one (1) JO pole, P.55/16A, on the northerly side of Lincoln Street to a point approximately 35' westerly from the current location of existing pole, P.55/16, located on the northerly side of Lincoln Street. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 7:05 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D Petition. Street Rackup Material PETffI0N FOR JOINT OR IDENTICAL POLE LOCATIONS June 28, 2019 To the Board of Selectmen in LEXINGTON, Massachusetts VERIZON NEW ENGLAND INC. and NSTA R ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A EVERSOURCE ENERGY request permission to locate poles,wires,cables and fixtures including the necessary anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures to be owned and used in common by your petitioners, along and across the following public way or ways: Lincoln Street: Relocation of one(1)JO pole,P.55/16,on the northerly side of Lincoln Street to a point approximately 42' easterly from its current location on the northerly side of Lincoln Street. Placement one(1)JO pole,P.55116A,on the northerly side of Lincoln Street to a point approximately 351 westerly from the current location of existing pole,P.55/16, located on the northerly side of Lincoln Street. This pole placement is necessary to provide new services, Wherefore they pray that after due notice and hearing as provided by law,they be granted joint or identical locations for and permission to erect and maintain poles,wires and cables,together with anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures as they may find necessary,said poles to be erected substantially in accordance with the plan filed herewith marked-VZ N.E.Inc.Plan No.4AOH4TQ Dated June 28,2019. Also for permission to lay and maintain underground laterals,cables and wires in the above or intersecting public ways for the purpose of making connections with such poles and bui"Idings,as each of said petitioners may desire for distributing purposes. A, Your petitioners agree that space shall be reserved and maintained for the limited purpose of attaching one-way to voltage fire and police signaling wires owned by the municipality or governmental entity for public safety purposes only. VERIZON NEW ENGLA,,N, 1"` NC. Karen 'l,'_.eves que 'Rig, of Way Dated this 2019. ,qfk day of ZIP NSTA,'R'E-1,.L-*CT,,IC C 0 A.I�W D/B/A E V E R S 01 J F'.Cr;,,,,,I�,!,'N E:R G Y ­7 'M By I "Mo r�111 IV' , lo, _Cell IV- 17,11-01, Right of a.y Representative Dated this da of 2019. �y Page i of i ORDER FOR JOINT OR IDENTICAL POLE LOCATIONS By the Board of Selectmen of the Town of LEXINGTON, Massachusetts. Notice having been given and a public hearing held,as provided by law, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: that VERIZON NEW ENGLAND INC. and NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A EVERS OURCE ENERGY be,and they are hereby granted joint or identical locations for and permission to erect and maintain poles and their respective wires and cables to be placed thereon,together with anchors guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures as said Companies may deem necessary, in public way or ways hereinafter referred to,as requested in petition of said Companies dated the 14th day of June,2019. Lincoln Street: Relocation of one (1) JO pole, P.55/16, on the northerly side of Lincoln Street to a point approximately 42' easterly from its current location on the northerly side of Lincoln Street. Placement one (1) JO pole,P.5 5/16A, on the northerly side of Lincoln Street to a point approximately 35' westerly from the current location of existing pole, P.55/16, located on the northerly side of Lincoln Street. This pole placement is necessary to provide new services. All construction under this order shall be in accordance with the following conditions: Poles shall be of sound timber,and reasonably straight and shall be set substantially at the points indicated upon the plan marked-VZ N. E. Inc.No. 4AOH4TQ in a package Dated June 28,2019 -filed with said petition. The following are the public ways or parts of ways along which the poles above referred to may be erected,and the number of poles,which may be erected thereon under this order: Lincoln 1 JO pole to be relocated 1 JO pole to be placed Also that permission be and hereby is granted to each of said Companies to lay and maintain underground laterals,cables and wires in the above or intersecting public ways for the purpose of making connections with such poles and buildings as each may desire for distributing purposes. I hereby certify that the foregoing order was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Selectmen for the Town of LEXINGTON, Massachusetts held on the day of 2019. Board of Selectmen Clerk Page 1 of 2 We hereby certify that on 2019,at o'clock m.,at the a public hearing was held on the petition of the VERIZON NEW ENGLAND INC. and NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A EVERSOURCE ENERGY for permission to erect the poles,wires, cables, fixtures and connections described in the order herewith recorded,and that we mailed at least seven days before said hearing a written notice of the time and place of said hearing to each of the owners of real estate(as determined by the last preceding assessment for taxation)along the ways or parts of ways upon which the Companies are permitted to erect poles,wires, cables,fixtures and connections under said order. And that thereupon said order was duly adopted. Board of Selectmen of the Town of LEXINGTON,Massachusetts CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a joint location order and certificate of hearing with notice adopted by the Board of Selectmen for the Town of LEXINGTON,Massachusetts,on the day of 2019,and recorded with the records of location orders of said Town,Book ,Page . this certified copy is made under the provisions of Chapter 166 of General Laws and any additions thereto or amendments thereof. Attest: Town Clerk Page 2 of 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review of Protected Bike Lanes on Massachusetts Avenue in East Lexington PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Ross Morrow,Assistant Town Engineer I.2 SUMMARY: DPW Staff and Engineering are continuing to review future options and are not prepared to present at this meeting, this discussion will be planned to beheld at 10/21 Board of Selectmen meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 7:15 p.m. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Solar Request for Proposal PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Shawn Newell,Assistant Director of F acilities I.3 SUMMARY: Currently the To wn's solar R F P team working with Town Counsel and our consultant, Cadmus group is working on three parallel tracks- design review, financial b ene fit to the town and contract negotiations. On Wednesday, September 25th, there will be a conference call between our team,Anders on/Krieger and Amere s c o's legal team to answer questions on terms and conditions and other factors that need to go into the contract in order to have a final draft together to review. On the design front most of the buildings are at 90% completion except for Hastings and LCP which are the largest of the solar rays that have an impact on making these buildings NetZero. A more detailed review can be provided once all of the final details have been negotiated with Amere s c o. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: Staff will give full presentation at the 10/7/19 Board of Selectmen meeting. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 7:25 p.m. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review and Discuss 2019 Fall Special Town Meeting Proposed Warrant Articles PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Kelly Axtell, Assistant Town Manager I.4 SUMMARY: Review 2019 Fall Special Town Meeting Proposed Warrant Articles. The Warrant needs to be voted at the October 7, 2019 Selectmen's Meeting • We s tview Cemetery building will be brought to 2020 ATM with bids to go out late next fall. • Facilities Master Plan will be brought to 2020 ATM as Mike Cronin, Director of Facilities is working on 20 year capital plan and master plan will be inc o rp o rated with capital plan. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 7:55 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type r rya ti 'tii TOWN OF LEXINGTON WARRANT Special Town Meeting 2019-1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables or Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet in their respective voting places in the Margery Milne Battin Hall in Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue,Lexington, MA 02420 on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 7:30 p.m., at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 o ''the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. ARTICLE 1 REPORTS OF TO'V,/'N BOA!II�'DS,OFFICERS,COMMITTEES To see if the Town will receive the reports of any Board or Town Officer or of any Committee of the Town; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of&M °ectmen) DESCRIPTION: This Article remains open tl�ir r . �� , :o��t Town �111�,/Teeting and reports may be presented at any Town Meeting session by boards, officers, or c01:1t i:ittees. ARTICLE 2 A PPRC 11P 1.1IATE FOR PRIOR YEAR'S UNPAID BILLS To see if the Town will vote to raise and,, iIppropr:i a e money,to pay any unpaid bills rendered to the Town for prior years; to determine whether the money: I',i ll be ptwoviiii(le( 1�y the tax levy,by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any uiffier manner in relation thereto. ° µ iserte°l by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED-. Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is af'i�� annu,,,i]article to request funds to pay bills after the close of the fiscal year in which the goods were received or the services performed and for which no money was encumbered. ARTICLE 3 APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate sums of money to and from Stabilization Funds in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws for the purposes of: (a) Section 135 Zoning By-Law, (b)Traffic Mitigation, (c)Transportation Demand Management/Public Transportation, (d) Special Education, (e) Center Improvement District, (f)Debt Service, (g)Transportation Management Overlay District, (h) Capital, (i) Payment in Lieu of Parking, 0)Visitor Center Capital Stabilization Fund, (k)Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund, (1)Water System Capital Stabilization Fund, and(m)Ambulance Stabilization Fund; determine whether such sums shall be provided by the tax levy,by transfer from available funds, from fees, charges or gifts or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This Article proposes to fund Stabilization Funds for specific purposes and to appropriate funds therefrom. Money in those funds may be invested and the interest may then become 2 a part of the particular fund. These funds may later be appropriated for the specific designated purpose, by a two-thirds vote of an Annual or Special Town Meeting, for any lawful purpose. ARTICLE 4 AMEND FY 2020 OPERATING,ENTERPRISE,AND CPA BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations,to be used in conjunction with money appropriated under Articles I I, 12, 13,and 14 of the warrant for the 2019 Annual Town Meeting,to be used during the current fiscal year, or make any other adjustments to the current fiscal year budgets and appropriations that may be necessary; to determine whether the money shall be provided by transfer from available funds including the Community Preservation Fund; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to permit adjustments to current fiscal year (FY2020) appropriations. ARTICLE 5 AMEND ZONING BYLAW FROM CD-1 DISTRICT TO CSX DISTRICT 7 HARTWELL AVENUE (OWNER PETITION) To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw and Map to convert the current CD-1 Zoning District to the CSX Zoning District on the property located at 7 Hartwell el l Avenue and known as Town of Lexington Assessors'Map 84, Lot 81 and as shown on a GIS pan obtaiiied, , from the Town of Lexington real property database, on file with the Town, or to act in a rii,y manner in relat:,,ion thereto. (Inserted by 7 Hai t"ii� Tell, r,,,LQ DESCRIPTION: The article requests an amendment to the Zowning Bylaw and Map in order to allow additional uses at the site. The location of the proj","iicrty, is�,,,.ku, shown ow t, a GIS plan obtained from the Town of Lexington real property database. This plan is on f'lc witti. t x!,,,; 1,exington Town Clerk and the Lexington Planning Board. ARTICLE 6 UTOM ATIC TELLER MACHINE PRINCIPAL SERVICE USES IN THE CB RECOMMENDATION To see if the Town will vote to a e iiii u�( the Zot­k g Bylaw, Chapter 135 § 3.4,Table 1, Row H. 1.07,to restrict automatic teller machine use in he CB district a r)J Chapter 135 § 10.1,to add a definition for"automatic teller machine"; or act in any relation thereto. (Inserted b"y the Boas 'of Selectmen at the request of the Planning Board) DESCRIPTION: This Article proposes Lo restrict stand-alone automatic teller machines in the CB district. ARTICLE 7 AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP-186 BEDFORD STREET(OWNER PETITION) To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Map and Bylaw of the Town, based on the information provided in the applicant's Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan("PSDUP")for the property commonly known as Town of Lexington Assessors' Map 64, Parcel 68 at 186 Bedford Street; or to act in any other manner relative thereto. (Inserted 186 Bedford St, LLQ DESCRIPTION: The proposed Article would rezone the property from the present RS One Family Dwelling District to a PD Planned Development District. This would allow for renovation and addition to the existing buildings on the above parcel which is identified on a Plan entitled: Proposed Mixed-Use Development - 186 Bedford Street, Lexington, Massachusetts/Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan filed June 6, 2019 and revised August 22, 2019, prepared by Highpoint Engineering, Inc. and on file with the Lexington Town Clerk and Planning Board, with metes and bounds shown on the Legal Description. 3 ARTICLE 8 APPROPRIATE FUNDING FOR THE ROUTE 4/225 BEDFORD STREET-HARTWELL AVENUE-WOOD STREET TRANSPORTATON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the Route 4/225 Bedford Street,Hartwell Avenue, and Wood Street Transportation Improvement Project; and authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain,purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interests in land necessary therefor; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; determine if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of state aid for such capital improvements; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $1,500,000 DESCRIPTION: This article includes minor improvements on Wood Street, four travel lanes in most of the project corridor with three travel lanes in southern portion of Hartwell,a sidewalk or multi-modal path and bike lanes on both sides of the roadways;raised center medians; safe pedestrian accommodations and crossings;and reconstruction of niaJor intersections:Bedford Street and Hartwell Avenue intersection as well the intersec, it on of the on and off ramps to I-95. ARTICLE 9 LED SM "°REETLIGHT CONVERSION To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for,the purposes of acquiring and installing light emitting diode(LED) streetlights to replace existing streetlights in the T wn ta» d for other costs incidental or related thereto; ; determine whether the money will be provided by the tax levy,by transfer from available funds,by borrowing,grants, donations,gifts,or other available monies or by any con'�iiI)iriii�ati,on of these methods;determine if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow':ti anti(,,,,,,,, on of state aid for such capital improvements; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED:$821,183.00 DESCRIPTION: The streef, �lgbt art c � is to fund replacement of the 3000 plus streetlights in Town from induction lights to the more energy (,efficient LED lights. The Town is eligible for a state grant to pay a portion of t1fis conversion (approximately 30%). 4 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Dissolving the Police Policy Manual Committee PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.5 SUMMARY: This Committee was formed by the Board of Selectmen in 1976 for the purpose of developing the Police Manual. Prior to my appointment, C hie f Corr recommended to the Board of Selectmen that this C o mmitte e (appointed by the Selectmen) and that a working group under the Town Manager be appointed to fulfill the same function. The purpose was that the Committee was in conflict with the Selectmen-Town Manager Act. In 2017, the Board did not reappoint the Committee as there were discussions about disbanding. Therefore, this Committee is non-functioning at this time. Since the Police Policy Manual Committee was created by the Board of Selectmen, it needs to be disbanded by the Board of Selectmen. While these discussions took place prior to my time with Lexington, I would add that in 1976 the Town's Police Department was not an Accredited Police Agency, which it is at this time (and has been for a number of years). Many of the policies are actually dictated by the Police Accreditation process and therefore this Committee's role is actually further diminished, enhancing the reasoning to disband the Committee. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to disband the Police Policy Manual Committee effective immediately(there are no members and they haven't met in several years). FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 8:10 p.m. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc Committee Update PRESENTER: ITEM Jill Hai, Special Pen-nit Residential NUMBER: Development Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc Committee Chair I.6 SUMMARY: Jill Hai will update the Board with the Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc Committee progress to date. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 8:20 p.m. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Recap of Trip to Lexington's Sister City, Antony, France PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, Board of Selectmen& Tourism Committee Liaison I.7 SUMMARY: Jill Hai will review highlights and special moments from the delegation's trip to Lexington's S is ter City,Antony, France for the 3 3 rd Annual F o ire aux F ro mage s et aux Vins that was held from September 13 - 15, 2019. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 8:25 p.m. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Municipal Vehicle Energy Efficiency Plan PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Board Discussion I.8 SUMMARY: Board to discuss the topic of a Municipal Vehicle Energy Efficiency Plan as requested by Mark Sandeen. SUGGESTED MOTION: Board Discussion, No Vote Required. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 8:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Potential Noise Bylaw Revisions PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Joe Pato, Board of Selectmen I.9 SUMMARY: Various residents have complained about noise from protracted construction projects near their home. They would like consideration for limiting construction noise on weekends and limiting noise that continues for lengthy periods of time. In one example, they cite jack hammers/pile drivers running for months at a time to break up ledge and rocks on site. Currently the Noise Bylaw, §80-4 of the Code of Lexington, allows construction noise between the hours of 7:OOAM and 8:OOPM seven days a week with no limit on the duration of the project. In 2018 Winchester Town Meeting adopted a new construction bylaw limiting construction noise to between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: Refer to the Noise Committee and/or Town Staff to develop potential relief from protracted periods of construction and/or further limiting times of day for construction noise. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 8:50 p.m. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclamations PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Doug Luc ente, Chair I.10 SUMMARY: Mental Illness Awareness Week Melissa Interess, Director of Human Services, is requesting that the Board approve and sign a proclamation recognizing October 6 - 12, 2019 as Mental Illness Awareness Week. Mental illness is prevalent in all communities and the Town of Lexington strives to shine a light on the topic by fighting stigma, providing support, educating the public, and advocating for equal care. Domestic Violence Awareness Month Melissa Interess, Director of Human Services, is also requesting that the Board approve and sign a proclamation recognizing the month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The proclamation recognizes the impact domestic violence can have in our community, as well as acknowledging those who have experienced domestic violence in their own lives. Lexington strives to raise awareness and provide special opportunity to educate the community on prevention. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve and sign the proclamations. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 9:00 P.M. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) 201.9 Mental 11111ri.ess Awareness Week.Pro(.Jarnation. 13'alck.up Vll.ateTkal F) 2019 I.I.mini.estic Violence Awaremess Mlonth Proclarriation. Backup Material J tw jl Tobin of lextngton, �coar u,50t.5 AP AN&Er OFFICE OF SELECTMEN PROCLAMATION Whereas: the mental health of every individual is essential to the emotional and economic prosperity of families, neighborhoods, and businesses in Lexington,Massachusetts; and Whereas: mental health is a key component of every person's overall physical health and emotional well-being; and Whereas: mental illness affects people of all and ages,races, genders, abilities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, or religions in Lexington,Massachusetts; and Whereas: 18.07%of American adults are experiencing a mental illness, equivalent to 44 million people,and of that amount 4.13%are experiencing a severe mental illness; and Whereas: approximately one-half of chronic mental illness begins by the age of 14 and three-quarters by age 24; and Whereas: untreated mental illness leads to higher rates of emergency department visits,hospitalizations, school drop- outs, and suicides; and Whereas: suicide is the IOth leading cause of death in the United States and the 2nd leading cause among young adults, and 90%of people who die by suicide have an underlying mental illness; and Whereas: feelings of personal shame and fears of social stigma and discrimination prevent many living with mental illness from seeking help; and Whereas: stigma can be reduced by increasing the awareness of mental illness and available resources for those suffering from mental health conditions; and Whereas: we strive to create a Lexington that supports mental wellness by increasing access to treatment, educating residents about mental wellness and mental illness, and supporting our loved ones as they seek to improve their mental health; and Whereas: greater public awareness about mental wellness can positively transform attitudes about, and towards,people with mental illness,making it easier for our citizens to seek help. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim October 6 through 12,2019 as Mental Illness Awareness Week in the Town of Lexington to shine a light on mental illness, fight stigma,provide support, educate the public and advocate for equal care. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 23rd of September 2019. DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE,CHAIRMAN JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN J tw jl Tobin of lextngton, a.95ar u.5ett.5 AP AN&Er OFFICE OF SELECTMEN PROCLAMATION Whereas: domestic violence is a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another, which includes,but is not limited to: intimidation,physical assault,battery, sexual assault, threats, emotional/psychological abuse or other abusive behavior; and Whereas: in the United States, an average of 20 people experience intimate partner physical violence every minute which equates to more than 10 million abuse victims annually; and Whereas: of those victims, nearly 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetimes; and Whereas: too often, domestic violence touches the lives of children leaving a devastating impact and lifelong repercussions from the emotional and physical trauma; and Whereas: anyone can be a victim of domestic violence regardless of age,race, sex, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion; and Whereas: recently in Lexington, a woman died as a result of domestic violence; and Whereas: domestic violence remains a major public health, social justice, and human rights issue requiring particular attention, and its interventions must be with the inclusion of all people at all levels; and Whereas: raising awareness during the month of October provides us with a special opportunity for citizens to learn more about prevention, show support for the numerous organizations and individuals who provide critical services, as well as advance Lexington's efforts to prevent and end domestic violence; and Whereas: it is important to note that one person can make a huge difference in the life of a child or an adult victim of domestic violence,helping them find safety and making them more resilient to the effects of domestic violence. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the month of October 2019 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the Town of Lexington as we work together to eliminate domestic violence from our community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 23rd of September 2019. DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE,CHAIRMAN JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Selectmen Committee Appointments, Reappointments & Resignation PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Chair I.11 SUMMARY: Resignations Human Rights Committee • The Board is being asked to accept the resignation of Sean Osborne from the Human Rights Committee effective immediately. Annual September Reappointments EmaiLs were sent to the Chairs of Boards and Committees requesting that they let the Board of Selectmen's Office know who wanted to be reappointed, as well as those who did not wish to be reappointed for those members having a term expiring on September 30, 2019. Below is a list of committees that are ready for reappointment as indicated on the attached list. This list also includes those who did not wish to be reappointed. The Board extends its thanks and appreciation for their time and effort in serving the Lexington Community. 2020 Vision Committee Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Board of Appeals Associates Lexington Center Committee Communications Advisory Committee Lexington Council for the Arts Design Advisory Committee Design Advisory Committee Associates Economic Development Advisory Committee Fence Viewers Committee Greenways Corridor Committee Housing Partnership Board Human Rights Committee Human Services Committee Lexington Scholarship and Education Fund Board Monuments and Memorials Committee Noise Advisory Committee Sustainable Lexington Committee Tourism Committee Town Report Committee Transportation Advisory Committee Tree Committee Water and Sewer Abatement B o and Appointments to New Vacancies Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee • The Board is being asked to appoint Jeanne Krieger to the Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee for a term to expire on September 30, 2022. Human Rights Committee • The Board is being asked to appoint Cleveland Coats to the Human Rights Committee for a term to expire on September 30, 2022. The Board is also being asked to appoint Georgia Swann to fill the unexpired term of Sean Osborne with a term to expire on September 30, 2021. Noise Advisory Committee • The Board is being asked to appoint April Wang to the Noise Advisory Committee for a term to expire on September 30, 2022. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to accept the resignation of Sean Osborne from the Human Rights Committee effective immediately. Move to reappoint the Board and Committee members as indicated on the attached list. Move to appoint Jeanne Krieger to the Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee effective October 1, 2019 with a term to expire September 30, 2021. Move to appoint Cleveland Coats to the Human Rights Committee with a term effective October 1, 2019 to expire on September 30, 2022. Move to appoint Georgia Swann to the Human Rights Committee to the unexpired term ending September 30, 2021 effective immediately. Move to appoint April Wang to the Noise Advisory Committee with a term effective October 1, 2019 to expire on September 30, 2022. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 9:05 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) Resignation.I Litter, S.Osbom.e Wackup Material F) CAnunittee VIle rnl-,)er-s Reappoin.t./l..)o not Real-)poin.tl Bcackui')Material D 2019 Battle Road Scenic Byway("brym-nittee Application I Kneger Rackup.material F) 2019 N(.�)is e Advisory Cbrrm-rittee Application A..Wang l3ackup M ateri.al F) Application Cbrrrnittee C.". at 1.3aiclur)Materi,,11 F) Application I'llimian.Rights C�.)nrnriittee G.Swann 1.3dackur)vll.atefial From: Sean Osborne To: Stacey Prizio Cc: Mona Roy Subject: LHRC resignation Date: Tuesday,September 17,2019 2:18:17 PM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillillillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillI Hi Stacey Please let the Board of Selectmen know that I am not able to continue serving as a member of the Lexington Human Rights Committee. It has been a wonderful opportunity to serve on the LHRC and to work with the wonderful volunteers and staff like you. Take care, Sean Osborne Service Start/Exp. Recommendation 2020 Vision Committee 13 members,including 3 elected Boards,3 year term staggered Margaret E. Coppe 3/2016 09/2019 Reappoint Dan C. Krupka 2/2010 09/2019 Reappoint Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee 3 Members,2 year terms Richard L. Canale 10/2013 09/2019 Reappoint Polly E. Kienle 11/2014 09/2019 Do not reappoint Sheila Page 6/2019 09/2019 Reappoint Bicycle Advisory Committee 13 Members,3 Year Term(9 citizens plus Sel, PB,CC and Recreation), Sept.30,staggered Robert W. Hausslein 9/2010 09/2019 Reappoint Michael Tabaczynski 11/2001 09/2019 Reappoint Board of Appeals Associates 6 Members, 1 Year Term,Sept.30 Nyles N. Barnert 9/2015 09/2019 Reappoint William P. Kennedy 9/2014 09/2019 Reappoint Hank Manz 6/2016 09/2019 Reappoint Beth Masterman 2/2018 09/2019 Reappoint Edward D. McCarthy 9/2018 09/2019 Reappoint James A. Osten 9/2014 09/2019 Reappoint Center Committee 11 Members,3 Year Staggered Term,Sept.30 Frederic S. Johnson 12/2002 09/2019 Reappoint Howard L. Levin 10/2003 09/2019 Reappoint Jeffrey Lyon 9/2008 09/2019 Reappoint Communications Advisory Committee 11 Members,3 Year Term,Sept.30 David J. Buczkowski 6/2002 09/2019 Reappoint Kenneth T. Pogran 1/2008 09/2019 Reappoint Rita Vacham 11/2016 09/2019 Reappoint Friday,September 20,2019 Page 1 of 4 Service Start/Exp. Recommendation Council for the Arts 11 Members,3 Year Term,2-term limit,Sept. 30,staggered Amy C. Kaser 10/2016 09/2019 Do not reappoint Lynne Klemmer 5/2013 09/2019 Do not reappoint Leslie Masson 8/2013 09/2019 Do not reappoint Jessie Steigerwald 11/2013 09/2019 Do not reappoint Design Advisory Committee 9 Members, 1 Year Term, Sept.30 Caroline Fitzgerald 8/2015 09/2019 Reappoint Richard Friedson 4/2009 09/2019 Reappoint Bahig A. Kaldas 6/2003 09/2019 Reappoint Timothy D. Lee 3/2006 09/2019 Reappoint Alenka Slezak 6/2003 09/2019 Reappoint Brigitte Steines 7/2010 09/2019 Reappoint Steven A. Vincent 4/2009 09/2019 Reappoint Design Advisory Committee Associates 8 Members, 1 Year Term, Sept.30 Bruce Creager 4/2006 09/2019 Reappoint John W. Frey 1998 09/2019 Do not reappoint Economic Development Advisory Committee 9 members,3 year term,September 30 Narain Bhatia 9/2008 09/2019 Reappoint John J. McWeeney 7/2008 09/2019 Reappoint Fence Viewers 3 Members, 1 Year Term,Sept.30 David J. Buczkowski 1/2002 09/2019 Reappoint Hank Manz 6/2016 09/2019 Reappoint Greenways Corridor Committee 9 members,3 year staggered,Sept.30 Donald Grant 6/2014 09/2019 Reappoint Keith Ohmart 1/2011 09/2019 Reappoint Michael Tabaczynski 1/2011 09/2019 Reappoint Friday,September 20,2019 Page 2 of 4 Service Start/Exp. Recommendation Housing Partnership Board 3 Year term,9 Voting Members,5 Liaisons (Selectmen appoint 14;designated 3 for T,exHAR_THrnuc_ Anth_&PR) Harriet J. Cohen 12/2003 09/2019 Reappoint Mary S. Haskell 12/2003 09/2019 Reappoint Robert Pressman 12/2012 09/2019 Reappoint Human Rights Committee 9 members including school,police and senior staff,Liaisons for School and BOS,3-year ctauoered term_SNentember 10 Bonnie Brodner 3/2014 09/2019 Do not reappoint Human Services Committee 8 Members,3 Year Term-staggered,Sept.30 Helen Walsh 6/2017 09/2019 Do not reappoint Lex. Scholarship & Education Fund Board 1-year term Thomas O. Fenn,Jr. 1997 09/2019 Reappoint Julie Hackett 09/2018 09/2019 Reappoint Karen Orf 09/2018 09/2019 Reappoint David Williams 1997 09/2019 Reappoint Monuments and Memorials Committee 7 members,3 year term staggered,9/30 appt Samuel L. Doran 3/2014 09/2019 Reappoint Noise Advisory Committee 5 Members,3-year staggered term;Liaisons from BOS,PB BoH,HATS Env. Subc and Chnmber Nick Afshartous 6/2015 09/2019 Reappoint Lee Minardi 6/2015 09/2019 Do not reappoint Sustainable Lexington Committee 7 Members,3 year staggered,Sept 30 Paul Chernick 7/2019 09/2019 Reappoint Todd A. Rhodes 8/2010 09/2019 Reappoint Friday,September 20,2019 Page 3 of 4 Service Start/Exp. Recommendation Tourism Committee 9 members,one year term, Sept.30 Marsha Baker 1/2016 09/2019 Reappoint Kerry Brandin 11/2001 09/2019 Reappoint Margaret Coppe 12/2013 09/2019 Reappoint Bernice Fallick 10/2003 09/2019 Reappoint Jonathan Himmel 4/2016 09/2019 Reappoint Trisha Perez Kennealy 10/2012 09/2019 Reappoint Erica McAvoy(Dumont) 06/2018 09/2019 Reappoint Dawn E. McKenna 3/2005 09/2019 Reappoint Willem Nijenberg 1/2014 09/2019 Reappoint Town Report Committee 9 Members, 1 Year Term, Sept.30 Nancy Cowen 09/2018 09/2019 Reappoint Transportation Advisory Committee 7 Members,3 Year Term,Sept.30 Andra Bennett 3/2018 09/2019 Do not reappoint Sally Castleman 1978 09/2019 Reappoint Tree Committee 7 Members,3 year term Jewel Kuljian 04/2008 09/2019 Do not reappoint James C. Wood 10/2001 09/2019 Reappoint Water and Sewer Abatement Board 3 members,3-year term staggered Loren Wood 11/2007 09/2019 Reappoint Friday,September 20,2019 Page 4 of 4 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Board/Committee of Interest: 1. ice, &4 oz:!j 2. 3. .4. Would you consider another Committee: • For how long should we keep your application on file? Lf!WA Full Name: k. , ,,ev Nickname: Preferred,Title (please circle) Mr. /Mrs./Other: Home Address: kti� ukk Zi*p-. Length of Residence in Lexington: Occupation: JA 'Work Address: Phone: Home Work Fax Cell E-mail: Primary.- Secondary: If you currently serve on a.Board or Committee, please identify: ��l a&��!g,%r CiAt CyCOMAXA41t, U Special Training, Interests, Qualifications: cy 4 4 i 41 Have you been asked by a Committee to become a member? How did you hear about the Committee? Please attach a current resume, If-possible. Add any comments below or on a separate page. Signature: Date,• -1 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Noise Committee Board/Committee of Interest: 1. 2. 3. 4. Would you consider another Committee: Yes. 1 year For how long should we keep your application on file? Chunyue Wang April Wang Full Name: Nickname: Mrs. Preferred Title (please circle) Mr./Ms./Mrs./Other: 109 Simonds Rd. Lexington MA 02420 Home Address: Zip: 2 years Length of Residence in Lexington: Entrepreneur Occupation: The official one: 465 walverly oaks road, suite 417, Waltham,MA 02452 Work Address: Regular work address:At home. Phone: Home Work Fax Cell E-mail: Primary: Secondary: NO If you currently serve on a Board or Committee,please identify: EA, Finance, Cryptocurrency. Special Training, Interests, Qualifications: NO. Have you been asked by a Committee to become a member? Lexington Citizen Academy How did you hear about the Committee? Please attach a current resume, if possible. Add any comments below or on a separate page. C 09/13/2019 Signature: � Date: Chunyue (Aprfl) Wang 109 Simonds Rd,Lexington,MA 02420 1 Phone: I E-Mail: EDUCATION Peking University,Private Equity(Executive Development Program), Beijing,China I Jul 2011 Beihang University,MBA, Beijing,China I Jul 2008 Xinjiang University,Industry electric automation technology specialty(Bachelor of Science), Xinjiang,China I Jul 2001 CRYPTOCURRENCY EXPERIENCE PacificBlock Tech Corp,CEO Cambridge,MAC Jan 2018—Dec 2018 • Lead Tech team finishes over 3 quantitative trading models in the cryptocurrency market. Synthesize, communicate, and charge long and short investment ideas to Portfolio Management. • Manage Crypto assets over 3000ETH(4.5m USD)per fund. • Identify and analyze relevant industry metric. Integrate Chinese cryptocurrency resources. Joinber Co.Ltd., CEO Beijing,China I Feb 2014—Dec 2017 • Created and supervise the start-up teams to carry out company's business in trading floor, software and trading systems development and big data research. • Set the strategic trading direction to strengthen the company's position in the market, and develop its own niche within the high-frequency trading service market. Supervise and conduct big data research analysis to retract immediate information from blockchain,transitions and Internet. • Manage the investment portfolio including 7 funds of the company, Responsible for establishing and maintaining investor relationship. FUND MANAGEMENT/LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE Zhongguancun Trinitas (Beijing)Equity Investment Management Co.,Ltd., EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Beijing,China I Feb 2013—Feb 2014 • Managed investment in biopharmaceutical field with 5 billion RMB state-owned private equity fund. This included a successful investment of 300 million yuan in Jialin pharmaceutical. Head of investor relations. Cooperated with state-owned major financial institutions, Maintained and facilitated excellent relationships with limited partners belonging to government organizational investors. • Established and incorporated 10 staff members from different divisions to work as a team in a project. Brain Fund Management Co.,GENERAL MANAGER Beijing,China I Apr 2009-Feb 2013 • Obtained Private Equity license and relevant documents to set up the fund under the supervision of ALB Group's president, Directly report to the president of ALB Group. • Develop and produce reports and presentations on the group's shareholders for Nasdaq IPO preparation and the Board of Directors,Conducted market research and determined the financing strategy. • Conducted due diligence of 120 investment projects on real estate,TMT and coordinated intermediaries to carry out effective investment. [ANALYTICAL/RESEARCH/COMMUNICATION] EXPERIENCE Swift Trade,Beijing, MANAGER Beijing,China I Dec 2005—April 2009 • Led,recruited and trained around 100 professional traders.Drafted all training materials and daily trading logs. • Conducted trading research and market-maker strategy in NYSE,NASDAQ. • Was one of the first Chinese females day-trader who successfully gained stable profits in NYSE market. Tsinghua Tongfang Co.Ltd, ENGINEER Beijing,China I Sep 2001—Dec 2005 • Started as a test engineer in the R&D division for VCA digital hard drive system formatted in MPEG-4. • Maintain the engineer operation of databases in Practical Information System Division. • Drafted business plans for the upper-level project supported by World Bank. SKILLS & INTERESTS Technical Skills: Proficient in Cryptocurrency trading, Stock day-trading,Microsoft Office Excel,PowerPoint,WordPress, Google Apps, Quickbooks,Photoshop,preparing Enrolled Agent. Language:Proficient in Mandarin and English. Interests: Reading,Running,Basketball,Rope skipping,Bicycling. G APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT =" A U G 2 9 2019 FOR BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Board/Committee of Interest: 1.Human Rights 2 3. 4. Would you consider another Committee: Yes For how long should we keep your application on file? 2 Years Full Name: Cleveland Coats Jr. Nickname: Cleve Preferred Title(please circle) Mr./Ms./Mrs./Other: M r. Home Address: 8 Graham rd. Lexington Ma. Zip: 0242 0 Length of Residence in Lexington: 49 years Occupation: Business Owner, Executive Protection Programs Work Address: $ Graham rd. Lexington Mass 02420 Phone: Home Work Fax Cell E-mail: Primary: Secondary.- If you currently serve on a Board or Committee,please identify: Police Manual Special Training, Interests, Qualifications: Sergeant, Mass State Police(ret), Vice Pres. Rotary Club, Board Director Chamber of Comm. Have you been asked by a Committee to become a member? Yes7 Chairman Sean Osbo v M How did you hear about the Committee? Committee Chair Sean Osborn Please attach a current resume, if possible. Add any comments below or on a separate page. Signature,: Date: U CLEVELAND M COATS JR Lexin ton MA. 02420 SUMMARY: Experienced Supervisory Law Enforcement professional with 37 years of service. Who brings extensive expertise having partnered with various federal agencies including, The Federal Bureau of investigation, United States Secret Service and The Department of Homeland Security. Supervised and coordinated technical and investigative functions. A seasoned training facilitator, firearms range safety officer and a guest lecturer at Boston College and his alma mater Northeastern University. EDUCATION: NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, Boston, MA. 1983 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Northeastern University Alumni Association Mentoring Programs— Guest Lecturer for Criminal Justice course (200 Student) Town of Lexington Educational Foundation, Board of Directors- Successfully gained $1 OK in funding for new computers, technology programs, and continuing education for teachers Selection board for Interviewing _Chief of Police, Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant for Town of Lexington Police Department Town of Lexington Police Manual Committee PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Sergeant,Massachusetts State Police(1983-2015) * FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force,, Supervisor. Counter Terrorism Investigations * Governors Protection Detail, Supervisor/Executive Officer Protection of the Governor, State and Federal Dignitaries, Presidential visits * State Police Tactical Operations, Supervisor/Director of Training. K-9/SWAT Teams Instructor, Special Response Teams, Command Post. Lexington Police Department, Part time Officer(20►15 to Present) %.-I Executive Protection Programs (Owner 2015 to Present) Active Shooter Training, Work Place Safety, Threat Risk Assessments Risk Management Advisors (2019 to Present) Director of Executive Protection, Counter Terrorism, Intelligence Services SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT: Counter Terrorism, Executive Protection, Threat Risk Assessment, Tactical SWAT/K-9 Operations, Physical/Corporate Security, Crisis Management,Active Shooter, Aviation Security, Explosive Detection. CERTIFICATIONS: FBI National Academy, US Secret Service,US Military Special Forces, US Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Texas A&M University,Northeastern University,American Society of Industrial Security, Massachusetts State Police. CIVIC: Vice President Rotary Club of Lexington(2019 to Present) Board of Directors Lexington Chamber of Commerce 2018 to Present) 19 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARD►/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Board/Committee of Interest: 1. .... 2. 3. 4. Would you consider another Committee: For how long should we keep Your application or file? 1 Full Name: E'D ,' Nickname: Preferred Tale (please circle) Mr."s, rs./Other: Nome Address: Zip: c)2 Length of residence in Lexington: I Occupation: ` C-�-t I Work Address. Phone: Home 'Work Fax Cell E-mail: Primary: If you currently serve on a Board or Committee,please identify: Special Training, Interests, Qualifications-. � �' V DC\Q Have you been asked b a Committee to become a ember? y � ;m. How did you hear about the Committee?�' n Please attach a current resume, if possible. Add any comments below or on a separate page. Signature. ' Date: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Support Actods Nomination to the Boston Regional Metropolitan Planning Organization PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.12 SUMMARY: The Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO) is legally charged with making recommendations on transportation projects to be funded with federal funds. Lexington has an at-large seat on the MPO. In addition, Lexington's interests are represented by the Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination (MAGIC), our sub-region planning agency. Acton wishes to be the MAGIC representative and requested the Lexington Selectmen's support. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the 2019 MP O Election Nomination Papers from the Town of Acton. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 9:15 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type 11M,,amon V/��, ����„���11 TOWN OF ACTON /w/m/g, 472 Main Street Acton, Massachusetts o 1720 Eau 'I (978) 929-6611 a a Office of the Town Manager ana er acton a.. o September 18, 2019 Dear MAGIC community member, With the,annual elections of the o ton Regional Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) underway y this Fall,the Town of Aston is excited to share its candidacy to represent the MAGIC sub-region) and we are seeking support from your community. The MAGIC sub-region has demonstrated economic development successes which have been supported through its involvement in the development of the Long-Range Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), and Unified Planning 'Work Program. Our region has also experienced challenges dine to our aging infrastructure and the need to achieve greater equity in the region. Planning documents such as the TIP have provided critical project funding to support consistent and timely reinvestment in our infrastructure. As the MPO is planning the next release of these documents,Acton pledges to exercise the best interests of the sub-region for sustainable economic vitality. The Town of Acton through its staff and community advocates have led efforts such as Crass-Town Connect, which is an award-winning Transportation Management Association comprised of over 20 public and private stakeholders in our region. Acton has been an active participant regional bicycle infrastructure planning with the two regional rail trails: the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail and the Assabet Liver Rail Trail. Most recently, Acton joined the Minuteman Bike Share program, and is continuing to investigate regional solutions to support the very active South Acton. Commuter Rail MBTA Station. Acton is well-versed in the TIP process and familiar with the criteria and methodology that is used to evaluate projects eligible for funding. We recognize and applaud the hand work the Town of Bedford has performed on behalf of the region for the past decade. Former Medford Town Manager Richard Peed and his supporting staff have represented the region well. We look forward to continue building upon the success of Bedford, while finding new ways to collaborate with Bedford and the remaining MAGIC communities. If elected, our Town Manager John Mangiaratti will provide strong representation for all communities within the sub-region by helping to advance the strategic priorities laid out in the MAGIC F ''20 Work Flan, such as the micro-transit pilot with. Uber and Lyf`t, and the Age Friendly blousing and Transportation Planning project. Mr. Mangiaratti has served as Town Manager in Acton since July 2018. He has 14 years of experience in Massachusetts municipal government with a strong track record of regional collaboration. e urge you to exercise your community's opportunity to vote in the MPo election process, and we hope your Chief Elected Official will sign the attached nomination papers for Mr. Mangiaratti by September 27,2019. The election will be held at MAPC's Fall Council Meeting on October 30th. Can that day,the designated officers of MAPC and the Advisory Board shall supervise the election to the municipal seats. Ballots shall be cast by the chief elected official of the municipality as defined by the rules for nominees), or that person's designee. If you would like to speak with me, or Town Manager John Mangiaratti about A.cton's candidacy, or any ideas or concerns you may have regarding the MP , please feel free to call us at 978 929- 611. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, an Gardner Chair, Acton Board of Selectmen Town of Acton . gyv (978) 929-6611 2019 MPO Election Nomination Papers Nominated Community Name of Chief Elected Signature Official Town of Acton, MA Joan Gardner, BOS Chair ................................................... .. Open MPO Seat Community ax MAGIC Seat Inner Core Seat is Running For (only check one) MetroWest Seat South Shore Seat Endorsers Nominating Community Name of Chief Elected Signature Official Individual endorsements maybe attached as a separate letter but must specify the municipality and the official being nominated and must be signed by the chief elected official of the endorsing community. Please return in person or by mail 8y 5 P:VI on Friday,October 4",2019 to: Metropolitan Area Planning Council 60 Temple Place Boston,NIA 02111 Phone inquiries to Eric Bourassa,MAPC(617) 933 -0740 Paul Regan,MBTA Advisory Board(617)426-6054 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Doug Luc ente, Chair C.1 SUMMARY: The Cary Memorial Library Foundation has requested a one-day liquor license to serve beer and wine for the purpose of their Library After Dark Event with C AAL to be held at Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, on Saturday, November 2, 2019. The beer and wine will be served from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 P.M. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type a~{�I �=' TOWN OF LEXINGTON � ...�� f SELECTMEN'S OFFICE SEP 1 3 2019 A APPLICATION FOR Gneck� �i y�f ONE-DAY LIOUOR LICENSE 4)05,QO The Board of Selectmen(Local Licensing Authority)may issue One-Day Liquor Licenses for the sale and/or service of wine and malt beverages to any enterprise;all alcoholic beverages may be issued only to non-profit organizations. As required by the ABCC,Liquor for use at a one-day liquor license event must be purchased from a licensed wholesaler.Please fill in this form completely and return to the Selectmen's Office along with a check for$25.00 made payable to the Town of Lexington. BUSINESS/FUNDRAISING ORGANIZATION: Carvl /1�t cm v� �� C.Ibr�� A a Ae� W CONTACT NAME AND NUMBER: �'1 ar y � 1 l t h R ►�b�o Clotfj ADDRESS FOR MAILING: l 07dI A ji. A vt. EMAIL ADDRESS: TITLE/PURPOSE OF EVENT: tvirij �,.��� � � j� L 1 Av C LOCATION AND ADDRESS: �-��'1 (� 1 br cr�, DATE OF FUNCTION: �� �`'�'�`�J /�a� a � �.�--{�Yh TIMES OF FUNCTION: �" � Q Y"� TYPE OF LIQUOR TO BE SERVED: e t,00- w DATE AND TIME WHEN LIQUOR DELIVERED: Ll PM- DATE AND TIME WHEN LIQUOR REMOVED: to M ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: J�\L,� Wievv peyw� Authoriged Signature Federal Identification No. or 'gjl ► II � Date Social Security Number AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water & Sewer Commitments PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Doug Luc ente, Chair C.2 SUMMARY: Water& Sewer Commitment July Cycle 9 Billing $ 3 74,100.3 2 Water& Sewer Commitment August Cycle 9 Billing $ 397,483.28 Water& Sewer Commitment July 2019 Finals $ 261267.07 Water& Sewer Commitment August 2019 Finals $ 26,857.35 SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the attached Water& Sewer Commitments, Finals, July&Aug, 2019. FOLLOW-UP: Treasurer/Collector DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/23/2019 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Department ernt f Public Work 1775 Town of Lexington _ liter and Severer Enterprise Funds w FISCAL YEAR 22 1N GRANDFINALS DULY 201 WATER 1 ,786-32 $17r786.32 SEWER , o. $8,480-75 TOTAL. $26,267-07 $26,267.07 To the Collector of Revenue for the Torn of Lexington: You are hereby authorized and required to levy and collect of the persons named in the list of water/sewer charges herewith committed to you and each one of his/her respective portion heroin sat darn of the sum total of such list. Said sum being: Twenty six thousandtwo hu .dredsl'xty seven doMirs a do l_zoo And pay the same into the treasury of the Torn of Lexington and to exorcise the powers conferred by lair in regard thereto. DIRECTOR 6F PUBLIC OR BOARD OF SELECTMEN 9 019 Treasurer/Col lector, Director of Public Works, Water/Sewer Billing Department of Public Works Town Of Lexington Water and Severer Enterprise Funds FISCAL YEAR 2020 JULY 2019 Cycle 9 Billing GRANDCYCLE 9 • + ,DULY 2013 WATER , 3.04 .04 FEE FOR BEDFFD 5,o311.28 5, 11.28 TOTAL 4,100. 2 374J00.32 To the Collector of Revenue for the Town of Lexington: You are hereby authorized and required to leery and collect of the persons named in the list of water/sewer charged herewith committed to you and each one of his/her respective portion herein set down to the Burn total of such list. Said sum being: Three hundredseventyfour thof san one hundreddoffars and321 00 And pay the same into the treasury of the Town of Lexington and to exercise the powers conferred by law in regard thereto. x BEARD OF SELECTMEN 1 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Treasurer/Collector, Director of Public work,water/Sewer Billing Department of Public Works ins Torn of Lexington 'doter and Sewer Enterprise Funds FISCAL YEAR 2020 �IUrME ME 1 11 AUGUST 2019 HATER $141343.85 $14r343,85 SEWER $121,513-50 $12r513.50 TOTAL.. * 5 . 5 $26,857-35 To the Collector of Revenue for the Town of Lexington: You are hereby authorized and required to levy and collect of the persons named in the list of water/severer charges herewith committed to you and each one of his/her respective portion herein set down of the sun total of such list. Said sum being: twenty s'i c thour and e'h �.hu re dfifty-s e v e n do CCars an d 3 51100 And pay the same into the treasury of the Town of Lexington and to exercise the powers conferred by laver in regard thereto. s DIREC OF PUBLIC WORKS BOARD F SELECTMEN 9/23/2019 Treasurer/Collector, Director of Public Works, 11atr/Sewer Billing Department of Public Works Torn of Lexington Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds FISCAL YEAR 2020 AUGUST 2019 Cycle 9 Billing GRAND AUGUST 2019 WATER 392pl72.00 9 ,17 .00 FEE FOR BEDF F D Sj,311.28 $ 51,311.28 TOTAL 397,*483.28 397,r483.28 To the Collector of Revenue nu for the Town of Lexington: You are hereby authorized and required to levy and collect ofth persons named in the list of water/sewer charged herewith rr mitted to you and each one of his/her respective portion herein set darn to the sum total of such list. Said sum being: Three hund-redninety seven thousand,four hundredelghty tfiree doffa-rs and 28110 And pay the same into the treasury of the Town of Lexington and to exercise the powers conferred by law in regard thereto. f BALD OF SELECTMEN 61 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Treasurer/Collector, Director of Public Works,Dater/Sewer Billing