HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-15-REC-min (includes attachments) \OVS MOHyiy 1775 C m Town of Lexington m o� Recreation Committee APRIL ff, �X1NUV Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 698-4800 Lisah Rhodes,Vice Chair Fax: (781) 861-2747 Lisa O'Brien Ruixi (Ray)Yuan Francesca Pfrommer Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting May 15, 2019 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 7:00pm in Room 237 of the Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Road,Lexington. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis,Lisah Rhodes, Lisa O'Brien, and Ruixi Yuan Members Absent: Francesca Pfrommer Staff Present: Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, and Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation Others Present: Colby Crogan(20 Garfield Street, Lexington) and Ken Ford(22 Philip Road, Lexington 1. Meeting Minutes from April 24,2019 Lisa O'Brien moved and Ruixi Yuan seconded the approval of the Committee Minutes of April 24t''. The Recreation Committee voted 3—0 to approve the April 24 minutes 2. Citizens,Public Comment and other Boards—None 3. Liaison Reports Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs,reported that Suzie Barry is the new Board of Selectmen liaison to the Recreation Committee. Ruixi Yuan,liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC), stated that the BAC met on May 9th. At that meeting, the BAC voted to recommend a 15 miles-per-hour speed limit on the Minuteman Bikeway as well as to allow only Class 1 bikes on the bikeway. The BAC also discussed the potential for installing a memorial bench or structure at the location of the bike accident from earlier this spring in honor of the person who passed away. Lisa O'Brien provided an update on the Lincoln Park Sub- Committee (LPSC). The Granite Forest is nearing completion with only a couple more days of work remaining. The LPSC is scheduled to be at the Recreation Committee meeting in June. Lisah Rhodes indicated that there is no new update from the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) as its next meeting is not scheduled until the fall. 4. LYL Donation Request—Scoreboards at Lincoln Park Colby Crogan,Lexington Youth Lacrosse(LYL)President, and Ken Ford,LYL Treasurer, presented their proposal for LYL to donate three scoreboards at Lincoln Park. A copy of the presentation is included as an attachment to the minutes. During the presentation,Mr. Crogan expressed the need for scoreboards at Lincoln Park. Currently, there are scoreboards at the Center#1 baseball field, Center#2 softball field, Center#4 Little League Field(Fitzgerald Field), and the Crumb Football Field. The proposed scoreboards would be approximately 5.5' x 8' (which is similar dimensions as the scoreboard at Center#2), would be solar-powered, and come 2 with wireless remotes and a 5-year warranty. The scoreboards could be used by a variety of sports including lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, and ultimate frisbee. Mr. Crogan suggested proposed locations on each of the fields and LYL is open to alternative locations for placement of the scoreboards,if needed. The scoreboards would benefit Lexington High School Athletics, LYL, and the Lexington United Soccer Club (LUSC). Included with the presentation were support letters from: • Naomi Martin,Director of Athletics for the Lexington Public Schools • Dave Walsh,Lexington High School Varsity Boy Lacrosse Coach • Stacey Freda,Lexington High School Varsity Girls Lacrosse Coach • Keith Beaty,Lexington High School Varsity Boys Soccer Coach • Laura Galopim,Lexington High School Varsity Field Hockey Coach Members of the Committee applauded Mr. Crogan and Mr. Ford for the wonderful presentation and for taking the initiative needed to put the proposal together. When asked about the timing for the installation,Mr. Crogan indicated that fundraising had just begun and the goal is to raise $50,000 by June 12'so the scoreboards could be installed during the summer. After a brief discussion,Rick DeAngelis, Chairman of the Recreation Committee,made the following motion: The Recreation Committee votes to approve the donation by Lexington Youth Lacrosse (LYL) of three scoreboards for Lincoln Park to be utilized by the Lexington Public Schools and the Lexington-based youth sports organizations. The manner by which the scoreboards will be purchased and installed will be determined between LYL and staff from DPW and the Recreation and Community Programs Department. Lisah Rhodes seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4-0 to approve the motion. 5. 5-Year Capital Projects An overview of the ongoing 5-year capital projects is provided in the May Recreation& Community Programs Report,which is attached to the minutes, and Melissa Battite provided an update on several projects. Remedial work at the Town Pool continues as staff prepares for the opening of the facility on June 1st. An outside company(Puraqua) is assisting with the preseason start-up and postseason winterization this year. The new lighting systems at Center 41/#2 were operational as of Friday,May 3rd. The contractor will be mobilizing for the Center Track and Field reconstruction project on Tuesday,June 4". Substantial completion is scheduled for November I`t and the Board of Selectman has requested to receive status updates throughout the course of the project. For FY2020 projects,the walkthrough with the architect for the improvements at Pine Meadows took place on Thursday, May 91h. The bid opening is tentatively scheduled for late June and the work is scheduled to begin in October. Staff will also be working on the RFP/RFQ for the community needs assessment in the coming months. The Committee will discuss the Department's operating and capital budget for FY2021 during its upcoming meetings. 6. Recreation& Community Programs and Parks Reports Please see the attached report. Ms. Battite referenced a memo that had been submitted by Tom Shiple regarding the Town supplying portable toilets at select or all fields in town. A copy of the memo is included as an attachment to the minutes and this item will be discussed further at the June Recreation Committee. Ms. Battite also notified the Committee that the LHS Boosters were having some difficulty with the ADA compliance regarding companion seating for the proposed bleachers at Lincoln Park. It is anticipated that the LHS Boosters will submit their formal request in the next few months. 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02421 3 The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled to take place on Wednesday,June 19tn at 7:00pm in Room 237 of the Lexington Community Center,39 Marrett Road. The May 15"', 2019 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8:05pm. Respectfully submitted, Peter Coleman Assistant Director of Recreation The following documents distributed at the meeting are attached: • Lexington Youth Lacrosse Lincoln Park Field Scoreboard Donation presentation • Memo from Tom Shiple on portable toilets • May Recreation and Community Programs Report 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02421 Lincoln Park Field Scoreboard Donation By Lexington Youth Lacrosse May 15, 2019 Project Need L-exingtori Youth L-acrosse, a 11301 3 , has spoken with L,iser groups of Ur'icol F-ield andidemfified a strorigneed for, rr nan grit eqtApmeritto keep firne and scores four' garnes. -rhe current scorekeeping equiprTient is toosi-nail for spectator," Other Scoreboards in Lexington The High School Varsity Football, Softball, and Baseball fields are all equipped with permanent electronic scoreboards. e . : . . � » a � . . . „ . 0 fr Key Features We have looked at, several venclors/types/sizes. 1 ) Solar Powered 2) 5.5' x 8' panell sirnilarto those used at Center Reld 3) Wirele.ss rei'note and Iphone or sirnil&r'App to control 4) 5 year Wari-w'ity Style y�4: 8' 8' Proposed Locations LYL is open to suggestions on placement. uonation Lexington User Groups Who Would Benefit exim:3;an H gh Schod ElcMys Soc:m igh Schooll GOs Sc�c�m figh School(;Ws ReW��ockii::v Lexingk!in N kigh choam Boys f acm e emigton B figh SchcmP GOsN acnry sse exin&n H h Schcxd Boys UNmiate Frtisbee e:dm�rtan fl flgh GOs Mmzfle Fnsbee 11 e�ldm:km'Youffi Lamc„:sse Lemng�cn��n��ed So,i!��cet i��Jub `®,ys MORN® d _ Lexington High School C�;rproG � 251 Waltham Street ®®® Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 Naomi Martin nmartin@lexingtonma.org Director of Athletics 1® 1-2 20 ext. 69902 May 15,2019 Lexington Recreation Committee Lexington Community Center 39 Marrett Road Lexington, MA 02420 To Whom It MayConcern: Please accept this letter on behalf of the Lexington Athletic Department signifying full support of Lexington Youth Lacrosse's fundraising efforts o purchase and install new solar powered scoreboards at all three turf fields at Lincoln Park. The Lexington Public Schools athletic teams are so fortunate to have access to the fields at Lincoln Park. We proudly host soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, and ultimate frisbee games at Lincoln Park on Fields #1, #2, an . We host games at Lincoln Park in the aforementioned sports at the varsity, junior varsity, freshmen and middle school level during the fall and spring seasons. Although it is a common occurrence to host games on all three fields on the same day at the same time, this past fall, our teams earned themselves the opportunity, o host MIAA Tournament Games on all three fields at Lincoln Park on the same day at the same time! It was quite a sight and buzz of excitement for the Lexington athletic community. Similar to days like last fall, on any given day, all three fields can be in use with our teams from across the school district playing interscholastic opponents from all over Eastern Massachusetts. Currently the fields are Lincoln are disseminated to teams on the following seasonalbasis: Fall Lincoln #1 Girls Varsity Soccer/Boys JV Soccer Lincoln #2 Boys Varsity Soccer/Girls JV Soccer Lincoln#3 Girls Varsity/JV/Freshmen Field Hockey Spring Lincoln#1 Girls Varsity and JV Lacrosse Lincoln #2 Girls Freshmen and Boys JV Lacrosse Lincoln #3 Boys Varsity Lacrosse and Ultimate Frisbee Due to the vast and varied uses on all three fields in both the fall and spring season, it would only make sense for the Lexington Public Schools Athletic Programs to support having scoreboards installed on all three fields at Lincoln Park as proposed by Lexington Youth Lacrosse. We service the student-athletes and coaches in the Lexington community very well, but at times, we fall short on the little things. Having scoreboards at our fields that convey to our student-athletes, coaches, fans and community supporters and passerby's what the score and time remaining in the game should be an expectation not a luxury. Our student-athletes and coaches are working hard and making our community proud every time they step on the fields, and it of be great to have a way to visually communicate this success to our athletic and community at large. Currently, we have coaches and parents lugging makeshift portable scoreboards to all three fields at Lincoln Park, most not sturdy enough to handle the weather elements or be visible from the opposite sideline on a day when the sun is shining.The lack of permanent or semi-permanent scoreboards at Lincoln Park is a disservice to our student-athletes, coaches, officials and fans. Across, the Lexington community from the classroom to the fields, and everything in between, we aspire to be the best, and improve on our weaknesses. Supporting this scoreboard initiative at Lincoln Park makes all of us better. The scoreboards that the Lexington Athletic Department worked with Mom's on the Mound and Lexington Youth Baseball on at Center 2 and Center 4 have made a huge impact on the needs of many in the baseball and softball community and we look forward to doing the same with the soccer, lacrosse, field hockey and ultimate frisbee community. The Lexington Public Schools and the Lexington Athletic Department are committed to progress and supporting all of our student-athletes and hope that you as the Lexington Recreation Committee will be as well. Thanks in advance, please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this conversation and project! Sincerely, Naomi Martin Director of Athletics Lexington Public Schools Cc: Coach Keith Beaty, LHS Boys Soccer Coach Alexandra Caram, LHS Girls Soccer Coach Stacey Freda, LHS Girls Lacrosse Coach Laura Galopim, LHS Field Hockey Coach Dave Walsh, LHS Boys Lacrosse Principal Andrew Stephens, LeAngton High School Superintendent Julie Hackett, Lexington Public Schools Lexington High School Boys Lacrosse Suppoft Wto dby - Fliiojj�)eu scoi-eboards at affitefic facififies piwde a more rrdua ds„peMdatfle extoeuuence for flie IIpllayem,coaches,aiuJ mferees invdvLd hii the contests,mid a rinue'unfcnimed expeiuenre foii the parents and faris, Un der curient diicu nnsta i ices,u�w!,Iies aiie ccim:iianfly wullsflhig v0th wheflie� oi not they have a scoreboar 'ror the gaine,whether bafteoiels we charged and arm irnote contrall devices work,whetlieii it's km uvhdy to Ihave a su:xxeboaM up on a stand foii the sake of the fairs on Uie other side of the iNeW,whetheii min wiIIII timpad the sclorebowd,elIc On behaff of the highi sclioot boys facrosse prograinn,d ani fdy iim suippoil of and offer to assustwRh the fundrr;)jshig r,:Wwt by UVI.and othea jpmgran is in I exwgtori at putfiniq Yuen narient scoreboards on the fieOds at Uincok)St, �hani" Y�xi Dave Walsh I Lexington High School Girls Lacrosse Support fi CoVby, h�i:m p exmgtIin B figh :khooN 11 aclosse qOgmn us thOled W heall thl)lli am q eaiheaclniifg Iho.uuucdmavuvuuugwp effi�Ms cm behaN aA Ih.YIL ilon sc�a�velboauds M 11 incoin Park A!,s one !a ffie cmkches on Umu 960s skk,11 pm::11)v,@Wed u110 e)dencl many thm4:s fo�your 61fi qkie,we hi the ILIHS jj imqrain,peM as iv,,mluWy hnjpo0anL VIde have been 11.11afthing wflhi WniP119M17RDNW scomboalds fliat oilii:m ck) intlwirk iJiOng c6hii:A wnes diflhng 0111B giNMOS Me scooetimids Wso VacV iacpvM vJol;ONMy Ilca boffi hcmie and nnmmay tem Cii�oaches aml sidelane jjmscmiieV ofien nms en ik::N fhe INeW of Aay pas gain vlsOin cA:Hie i.>mllbamwmu fin extreine v0ml,vvc 90'e UnaWe to 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he IL.exlngWin 11 figh%Ilncxfl Bovs Sleacm plqpaln,s4lct 20 l6, arn valfing to ymi to show my suppOO d Collby C1111suall all W the 11 exingkm Youth Lamsso's domfim of 111hree scoiebomi W Uncolin Plaik hls womkidull ges�ua woulld IIasllpw nod ust ffie lacrosse pogann IbW dhe socceii and unmeuy cA spNts,as,vwdl, Me sum a boaldswoukI add ples0ge I o ffie Boys Soil!ce� progii an n,as 111hese me scgiii�!flhling flm�ale glegffly nooded farm bdh day and night naft!hes Rey would be a soulce olP elrdeltalinnelfl W Chose aftemilhing matches lhuring flhe"lwlll IbMing Pnd mlinulles aid lnuHiches,as wefl as,fou clhes sivmling hi�lw much Ongell ls lemalindng b MWCheS 11 hOPIU!UUM YOU td;e NswmldmfWofferundea shong cwsWeraficsi as l�l's bioneffis alegrand to exp lallo dn such a!!::;oiiinplle suppull IIeHec M re,t"lmvii:!any VIO)a-UP queoltions,pli!:mse feeV lrem!�to coMad lni;13 Q kelIhmbeaty@gmaH ii!:cim�980 254 2634) Beall Ret alds" KOh Beaty Lexington High School Field Hockey Support Hil('raaxbil 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"Fhe I1.m ui:aadnn IP^Va,d I°nirmurrVo',rrw'is„,+a a'a'ntd W none V rVngnnVw¢hie sd p v V:e,n;,iiu ae dV smeliciads woe.yW anfli,llnpove I:u„,o„°MWii tlei l.°anwtinp le w tl4rat we rah kwnW,e paNcd,a in PhiMse hill they V lOd 1 Voclk�e y'paxeadprw'am IVr,unow vllmV we can de':u'Vo Ilne pp'e yu„ae.un'e pqa^rN As a ic�lnii ch,uua+slderb,and pan mnd a411Vnrra w„96s lxoa a,e P ul a upesfi err'no W V lad pdu' h upreM eeeHaamas flialliks ba"lill fern Il aikligy uk on I'..aQur a„yndV¢iryam ee a,.ety IIu N 9 II sae ke'!!.y r mr:h G.e;rekr'ug I vl n II'nl.aral'dON Tom Shiple May 9, 2019 18 Phinney Road Lexington,MA 02141 Dear Rick and Lisah, I would like to propose the idea of the Town supplying porta-potties at all the major playing fields in town. The full cost for the porta-potties would be paid indirectly by the users by an increase in rental fees. This is not a new idea, but it came to me as I was passing by a men's soccer game at Clarke Middle School on Sunday, October 7, 2018. In addition to the two teams,there were well over one hundred spectators in attendance. In the brief time I was present, I witnessed a number of men wander into the wetlands to relieve themselves. This clearly isn't good for our environment, nor a pleasant experience for the spectators. Recently, I was made aware that this same topic came up on the Lexington List in June 2015 when the Waldorf School building manager complained about"cleaning up the human waste that I find in nooks and crannies and by the entrances to the school from time to time" (see below). Again, not a situation we want to have. It seems reasonable to have users cover the costs of the porta-potties,and frankly I think they would be happy to. A recent quote from United Site Services for a standard porta-potty\which includes weekly cleaning, is$137 month, plus$62 for one-time charges. This comes out to$475 for a3-month rental,or about$5 per day that would need 1obe recouped in user fees. I am not able to make the May or June Recreation Committee meetings, but I wanted to get this on your radar. I'd be happy to discuss this idea at a future time. Respectfully, TomShip[e Discussion mn Lexington List,June 2D25 Fnmm: mnai|1o]exing¢on-nonep)y@yahoogroupu.com Sent:Wednesday,June 10,20158:024M To: |exington@yahoogroups.com Subject: [|exington] Crazy question Hi All, You may think this 1ubea crazy question. Does the town provide bathroom facilities, in the form ofPoMta-po11ies,a1 any of the playing fields in town? Thanks, Pau|K8enz Building Manager The Waldorf School 739 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, K8AO242O ____________________________________________________________________________ Peu|, My son has been playing Little League ball or a variation for seven years and have often thought about asking the same question. There are NOPortaPotties a1 the following fields: 1) Rshe Field 2)Sutherland Park 3) 0nneen Field — [edited for brevity] 11) Harrington School (Kira said there was a porta john here but my son played there last week and I did not see it) ~~ . I hope I have not missed one,Some of these field might have changed but I am pretty sure this is the case for these fields. Lincoln has brick and mortar facilities but they are so far away from the ball fields there is not enough time during a game to get there and back! | have often thought the town should have Pmrta johns at these fields but have never gotten around to asking about it. Please correct mneif| amwrong! Henry ____________________________________________________________________ Thankyoua|/foryourrep|ies. Given the fact that all the town fields are so heavily used, not only by all the local teams but also outside groups that the town rents to, I am perplexed that they provide nm facilities for the adults and the children. As you can probably guess, I am getting tired of cleaning up the human waste that I find in nooks and crannies and by the entrances to the school from time totime. Not only isi1 disgusting but is also a health issue, Maybe the Health Department isa good place tostart? Thanks again, Pau| K8enz Building Manager The Waldorf School 739 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 82420 x i RECREATION&COMMUNITY P ROG%AAAS,n... "own of Lexington Recreation and Community Programs Melissa Battite, CPRP Tel: 781-698-4800 Director of Recreation and Community Programs Fax: 781-861-2747 Recreation & Community Programs May 2019 Report NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIVNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/VNNNN----IVNNNNNNIVNN— Misc& Upcoming Events LexFL1N 1 Spring Fair—May 18th 1pm -3pm. Discovery Day—May 251h from 10:00am-3:00pm. The event will take place on Mass. Avenue instead of in the Michelson's parking lot. We will have a table to promote &support the community event. Inclusion: * Interviews continue for the summer inclusion specialists * Outreach and networking with the community organizations and families. In take interviews of participants is underway Kate presented during a recent LPS-SEPAC Board Meeting Visit the new link for more information on Therapeutic Recreation: ■ htt�a : w.,,,,,, .leiiir� tonma. ov/'recueation-rommunitr(- ,)ro rams a&q,sjadai. tive- ro rams Pine Meadows: • The weather has given us a slow start to the season. The leagues are in full swing with the Sr. Golf League a few mornings a week, and league play every afternoon/early evening. • The course is great shape, thanks to NEGC and the dedicated staff. • NEGC and the Recreation department are working with LEF (Lexington Education Foundation)to plan and host a golf tournament this fall at Pine Meadows. . a 34 MARRETT ROAD,LEINGTON,IAA 02421(office) 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420(moil) Summer Staff: 9 Interns: Michael Battista and Leah Strohmeyer will join us this summer. Their main emphasis will be on marketing, promotions, and social media. 0 Tyler Carruthers has been hired to be the Evening Leagues Supervisor. He will assist with the oversight of the summer youth basketball league and co-ed softball league. 0 All job offers and notifications were sent to summer day camps/sports clinics/tennis staff applicants by Friday, May 3rd. 9 Trainings: • The summer leadership staff will complete an inclusion and diversity training this Friday, May 17th • The aquatics staff orientation will be held on Wednesday, May 22nd • The day camps/sports clinics/tennis staff orientation will take place on Saturday, June 1th5 • The United States Tennis Association (USTA) will be holding a coaches' training workshop for our summer tennis staff at the Gallagher Tennis Courts on Saturday, June 8 1h The volunteer assignments for summer programs will be completed before the end of the month. Community Center: Programming: • The Advanced and Beginner Quilt classes culminate each year with a quilt show to showcase their work. It was a beautiful display on May 2, open to the public, for many to enjoy. About a dozen quilts were left hanging in the rotunda for the month so the public can still come view them. • An Early Release trip to Kimball Farm will take place on Thursday. Close to 80 middle school students will participate in this activity. • The spring session of Adult and Lifetime fitness classes began last week. New offerings include Goddess Yoga, Meditation and an additional Zumba Gold. Building: • Despite the rain,the Lexington Field and Garden Club Arbor Day Celebration on April 26 had a wonderful turnout. Approximately 50 people enjoyed the music, dedication and newly planted Ohio Buckeye. • Four new raised garden beds have been installed and planted by the Field and Garden Club. Budget & Capital: FY2019 • Swimming Pool -The remedial work at the Town Pool continues. The epoxy floor work began on Monday, May 131h and the training on the automated controllers will take place on Thursday, May 23rd • Center Recreation Athletic Lighting Project—the lights are now operational and in use as of Friday, May 3rd.. A few small punch list items remain and the project will be complete. • Center Track & Field Proiect: The kick-off meeting for the Center Track & Field reconstruction project was held on Wednesday, May 8th. The contractor(Heimlich) is 'pcheduled to begin mobilizing on Tuesday, June 4th, i J I 4 o Vi. t J� "�."`^°"flMPNIIN � �Xi�°�WTJ„„li Y� �I,fktl�°,'liJ/�tlYlffGdlVlkda111Y118�//� 7,�!'WA recdept@lex�ingtonma.gov lex�ngtonma.gov/recreation • sr ,,,,,�� ,r,,,��,rrxb?irr r ,ar w^�.n7U,,,v�mrmV',nuw' , uil„ir.era+r%trr,J,,ira�rrry�i!�i2,rrmrnv�a�m�io,.,vro;J,ai¢ur�stiusnrur°rmmariwJfrarot�.,niryrm,„ FY2020 • Pine Meadows-The initial walkthrough with the architect for the improvements at took place on Thursday, May 91h. The department is awaiting his proposal. The project will go out to bid in June with work scheduled to begin in fall 2019. • Community Needs Assessment-The RFP is being prepared and will be go out to bid in July and anticipated start of project to begin in September 2019. FY2021 0 Beginning to discuss FY21 operating and capital planning; this includes goal setting, etc Recreation Division: Programming: • Adult Softball - In addition to the Co-Ed Softball League beginning on Monday, April 22nd,the Moms on the Mound softball league began on Sunday, April 28tn • The Lexington Little League Opening Day Parade scheduled for Saturday, April 27tn was cancelled due to rain. • Pre-Ball Program -The 34tn year of the Pre-Ball program, led by Warren Wilson, began on Saturday, May 4tn • Bike Smart Program - In partnership with the Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee, the Friends of Lexington Bikeways, and the Lexington Police Department, the 6tn annual Bike Smart program was held on Saturday, May 11tn offering two sessions with a total of 31 children registered for the program. Operations: • Athletic Fields: o Due to the weather, there have been many days over the past month when the natural grass athletic fields have been closed due to rain or wet field conditions o The protective netting at Lincoln #3 has been delivered and is scheduled to be installed within the next week o The replacement parts at the Lincoln playground were installed on Friday, May 10tn • Aquatics: Preparations for the upcoming season at the Town Pool and Old Reservoir continue. • Parks Division: o Staff have been focusing on preparations of: ■ Preseason Pool & Old Reservoir preparations ■ Field lining and overall Ball field preparations and fertilization ■ Water fountains have been turned on ■ The irrigation start up * Rebuilt laser graded, and sodded Lincoln Little League this April * Patriots Day went well! * Coordinating with organizations for storage space • Weather—Rain, Rain, Rain, Drizzle, Rain & More rain + 9 i. r Gr „�ri � IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I �;�i ' �o�iV�,..