HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-22-CONCOM-min OVS MORPVI"G Off` OP aw PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE APRIL 19- Conservation Commission Meering broadcasted by LexMedia 't ING'10 AGENDA July 22, 2019, 6:30 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 02421 Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, David Langseth, Kevin Beuttell and Alex Dohan Commissioners Absent: Ruth Ladd, Dick Wolk and Duke Bitsko Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator 6:30 pm New Business/Pendine Matters Issue Order of Conditions: 7 Kirtland Street DEP 201-1039 On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 to issue the order of conditions. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 17 Oxbow Road DEP 201-1115 BL 1073 On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 4-0 to issue the certificate of compliance pending site visit by Ms. Mullins. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 6 Moon Hill Road DEP 201-655 BL 613 The site visit to the property will be conducted at a later date. Proper documentation will be provided to the Commission before the site visit. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 4 Hartwell Place DEP 201-971 BL 929 and 101 Hartwell Avenue DEP 201-972 BL 930 The applicant has appeared before the Commission over the past few years to show ongoing compliance. The final work that has been completed in order to receive full compliance was the construction of a pavilion and completion of the mitigation and restoration. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 4-0 to issue a certificate of compliance for 4 Hartwell Place pending a site visit by Ms. Mullins. On a motion by Mr. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 to issue a certificate of compliance for 101 Hartwell Avenue pending a site visit by Ms. Mullins. Review site visit scheduled for August 3, 2019 (meetingon n August 5, 2019) The site visits will remain on the schedule for Saturday, August 3, 2019. Approve Meeting Minutes: 4-8-2019, 6-24-2019, 7-8-2019 On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 to approve the meeting minutes for April 8, 2019. The other minutes will be discussed at a later date. Buffer Zone Performance Standards Amendments to Regulations The Commission members received the new MACC guidebook. More extensive discussion will take place at the next meeting. Board of Selectmen Goal Setting 7/10/2019 Update Mr. Langseth attended the Board of Selectmen on behalf of the Lexington Conservation Commission. The meeting was a broad goal-setting meeting. Mr. Langseth provided the goals previously developed by the Commission and also addressed some additional environmental issues of interest to the Commission, but outside its specific jurisdiction. This goal-setting documentation will be shared with the entire Commission. Enforcement Order: 59 Turning Mill Road Ms. Dohan recused herself. Ms. Mullins reported that she and Mr. McCarron were notified of vegetation and tree removal within the wetland buffer zone. Ms. Mullins stated that machinery was on site and it appeared as though it had been traversing throughout the area. Ms. Mullins spoke with the homeowner and with the landscape company to notify them of the violation. Ms. Mullins stated that work should stop. Work had resumed after verbal notification of the violation. Mr. Jeff Levin, homeowner, presented before the Commission. Mr. Levine stated that no work was done on the property after the stop work order was given. Mr. Levine confirmed that a day following Ms. Mullins notification of the violation that the contractors had come back to the property to retrieve the machinery. Chairman Hamilton stated that the Commission must ratify the enforcement order and that the homeowner will need to submit a restoration plan for the damage incurred during the violation. Mr. Frank Walsh, the contractor, stated that he only removed dead trees and vegetation. The additional vegetation was removed from the front of the property. Mr. Walsh stated that the trees were dead. Mr. Levine stated that the trees were hanging over his dwelling. Chairman Hamilton stated that even removal of dead trees has to have permission from the Lexington Conservation Commission, if the trees are in the buffer zone. Chairman Hamilton stated that the homeowner and contractor must discuss next steps with Ms. Mullins to rectify the situation. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 3-0 to ratify the enforcement order. 7:00 pm New Public Meetings/Hearings DEP 201-1143 BL 1100 NOI, 6 Glen Road South Applicant: Laura Erlich Project: Extension and enclosure of a covered porch& construction of a garage/car-port Ms. Laura Erlich and Mr. Bill Finsworth, the contractor presented before the Commission. Ms. Erlich proposed to connect the existing two story dwelling to a separate one story structure, referred to as the studio. Additionally, Ms. Erlich proposed a carport to be located over the driveway. Chairman Hamilton asked for clarification on the connecting structure. Mr. Finsworth confirmed that the additional 80 sq. feet of impervious surface area would be the area under the connecting roof where a room will be constructed. The footings will be excavated by hand. Ms. Dohan asked if there will be a foundation constructed for the addition. Mr. Finsworth stated that a full foundation will be installed for the addition. Mr. Beuttell asked where the resource area was in relation to the proposed project. Mr. Beuttell inquired as to why stormwater management was not required for this filing. Mr. Langseth stated that this was a unique filing, however, since the roof is being reused then it is ambiguous whether the stormwater requirements would be triggered. Mr. Langseth additionally noted that Ms. Erlich and he discussed the possible stormwater management systems. Ms. Erlich stated that she had had a civil engineer at the property and it would be very costly to provide stormwater management, because of the specific character of her lot. Chairman Hamilton stated that since the project is taking place within the 100 foot buffer zone then the entire project must abide by the Town of Lexington Wetland Bylaws. Mr. Beuttell stated that the project is specifically unique in how it relates to the regulations and asked if the Commission would require stormwater management if a different applicant were to file with a similar situation. The Commission discussed how to best navigate the regulations in relation to this project. Ms. Mullins stated that the carport would have a low wall around the perimeter, which would help control any spills or leaks from the vehicles parked there. Mr. Langseth stated that the wetland boundary cannot be confirmed since the wetland delineation is not noted on a surveyed plot plan. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 4-0 to close the hearing. 7:26pm DEP 201-1144 BL 1101 NOI, 55 Bridge Street Applicant: Jian Ye Project: Raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling Mr. Rich Kirby, Mr. Jian Ye and Mr. Al Gala presented before the Commission. Mr. Kirby stated that the applicant is proposing to remove the walls of the existing dwelling and rebuild while adding an addition, a two car garage and a deck. The driveway is proposed to be porous pavement. An infiltration system will be located in the rear of the property with a retaining wall to retain the roughly three feet of fill. The groundwater will be routed downward by a plastic barrier sheet. The portions of the wetland boundary will be restored from its current state as lawn area. Chairman Hamilton read the engineering memo into the record. Mr. Langseth asked about the configuration of the restoration area. Mr. Langseth asked whether it would make more sense to have a larger restoration area closer to the wetland boundary on the left-hand side of the property as opposed to the proposed plan. Mr. Kirby stated that it was designed as such because there is an existing landscaped area that the applicant wished to maintain. Mr. Gala stated that in regards to the outstanding porous pavement comment stated by the Town Engineer that they have provided pavement details in the submitted plans. The proposed details show that the layers add up to 27 inches. Mr. Gala stated the required recharge volume is proposed. The groundwater is high in that area so the porous pavement would be ideal for this project. Mr. Beuttell stated that the proposed pavement layers are as such for instances where groundwater is right below the stone layers to provide for water infiltration. At the applicant's request, on a motion by Ms. Dohan and Mr. Beuttell seconded, the Commission voted 4-0 to continue the hearing until August 5, 2019. Continued Public Meetings/Hearings DEP 201-968 BL 926 Amendment to an Order of Conditions, Rangeway Extension and SFH Lot Applicant: Suzanne Raymond Project: Construction of a roadway, retaining wall and single family dwelling On a motion by Ms. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 to continue the hearing until August 5, 2019, at the applicant's request. DEP 201-1137 BL 1094 NOI, 127 North Street Applicant: Ying Chen and Katherine Van Stry o/b/o Bull Realty, LLC Project: Raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling Request to continue until August S, 2019 at the applicant's request. On a motion by Ms. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 to continue the hearing until August 5, 2019. DEP 201-XXXX BL XXXX NOI, 758 Marrett Road Applicant: Minuteman Vocational High School Project: Construction of synthetic tuft athletic fields Ms. Michelle Kayersman presented before the Commission. Mr. Eric Roise, Mr. Erik, Mr. Ed Bouquillon, Ms. Marion Learns sat in the audience. Ms. Kayersman presented the original filing for the construction and renovation of athletic fields. The current proposal includes a synthetic football field and track, softball field and baseball/multipurpose field. Originally the football field was the only synthetic field, currently the two additional fields are now proposed to be synthetic turf. The parking area has been revised in shape. Ms. Kayersman showed the proposed impervious vs. pervious surface areas. There is proposed work inside of the existing roadway. The proposed drainage system, which is an underground infiltration system, has remained the same. The same type of drainage system is being proposed for the additional two fields. It is routed through the underground system and outlets to an existing culvert. The additional field will be routed to an existing manhole. The parking area runoff is discharged towards Lincoln. The driveway runoff will be captured by catch basins and routed to a water quality unit before being discharged. The last field discharges into a vernal pool where there is a water quality unit and dry well before it enters the vernal pool. The last field is located over the Town of Lincoln property line. The Lincoln Conservation Commission hearing has closed for this project. The project will be discussed by the Lincoln Planning Board the following day. The Town of Lexington Planning Board has approved the project. Ms. Kayersman stated the proposed Field House will be tied into the current utility lines. The soil erosion controls will be comprised of compost silt socks which are located on either side of the road. One line of erosion control is existing along the outer boundaries of the existing road as a part of a previously permitted project. The applicant is proposing to install an additional erosion control on the inside of the roadway. Mr. Eric presented the photometric plan which shows that the lights primarily focused on the fields themselves. Additional lighting will need to be provided along the pedestrian paths. The road, which borders the wetland, has a light level of zero which means that the wetland is not lit. A tree count has been completed. A currently existing field will be retired which will act as a "conservation area"where tubelings will be planted. Tubelings and conservation mix will be planted where trees are proposed to be removed on the lower multipurpose field. Ms. Dohan asked about the turf substratum. Mr. Roise stated that there are 24 inches of washed gravel. Ms. Kayersman stated that it is double washed gravel with under half a percent of fines included. Mr. Roise stated that it gets dusted with finer stone and the turf carpet goes on top of that with a Brazilian pad. The 2 inch turf carpet is then infilled with a creme rubber coated with a food grade acrylic to keep the turf cool. Ms. Kayersman stated that there are structures within the paved areas so everything will have the 80% TSS treatment and be treated in the water quality unit. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 to continue the hearing until August 5, 2019, at the applicant's request. New Business/Pendine Matters Ms. Mullins presented Lexington's new online permitting system to the Commission. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 to adjourn the meeting.