HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.04.04 EB Min CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES April 4, 2019 Attendees: Joe Pato, Claire Feingold Thoryn, Suzie Barry and Eileen Jay, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director and Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director. Call to Order: Joe called the meeting to order at 4:03PM. Public Comment: none Secretary’s Minutes – Joe noted three changes in the minutes of the March 6, 2019 meeting. Claire made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of the March 6, 2019 with the changes. The motion was seconded by Suzie and passed unanimously. Financial Update Koren reported the following: One the municipal side, we are 75% expended through March, which is on target. We have no new income on the trustee’s side except for a transfer from the Friends to cover the museum pass program. We have not yet received third quarter Endowment Fund balances. At the upcoming May Executive Board meeting we will present our FY20 Trustee/Foundation/Friends budget as well as an overview of where we stand with our private sources of income. Earlier in the week we had our Financial Review by the same firm that audits the Town’s finances. We expect to have a findings letter to share in May. Trustees discussed the frequency of a review of the trustee/private side. The consensus is to schedule a review every other year. Koren shared that the Foundation gala event was very successful netting a profit of $126,866, which included several large donations in addition to ticket and drink sales. Administrative Updates Staffing Update Koren updated on the following: We promoted an adult page to the vacant part-time Bibliographic Services Library Technician position. The first round on interviews for the Programming and Engagement Manager have been scheduled. We will be interviewing candidates for the Office Manager Job Share position soon. Meeting Room Groups Emily shared some of the questions that continue to arise around outside groups’ asking to offer programs for children. We are waiting to hear back from the town attorney on policy related to this issue. We hope to have more details for the May Executive Board meeting. Building Updates Library Sign Koren informed trustees of a $50,000 gift from a major donor for the purchase of a Cary Memorial Library sign to go in front of the building. Koren asked for guidance on proceeding with the sign project coupled with the Police Kiosk and the temporarily relocation of a portion of the Bikeshare. The consensus is that we need more details about the Bikeshare relocation from the Visitor’s Center to the library’s grounds. Trustees suggested that Koren get in touch with the Historic District Commission to discuss the signage. Banner Koren shared a design of a banner that we would like to hang on our building in June for PRIDE. Children’s Room Koren is seeking permission from trustees to spend approximately $50,000 of existing funds to rearrange the Children’s Room, relocating the preschool play space closer to the Children’s service desk. This project would also involve refreshing some of the seating and interactive play materials. Koren has begun discussing options with a design firm on the state contract. The trustees are in favor moving forward with this project. Library After Hours Koren explained that the Munroe Center for the Arts asked if the library is interested in serving as an official home for monthly “Munroe Saturday Nights”. The trustees requested more details from the Foundation regarding using the library as an after-hours venue. Friends Book Sale Sign Koren explained the challenges of identifying the Friends’ ongoing book sale in the library. She asked if they would consider a neon sign. The trustees asked to see a design before making a decision. New Business Bulletin Board Policy Koren presented the updated Bulletin Board Policy. A correction was suggested to substitute the word “surrounding” instead of “contiguous”. Claire made a motion to pass the policy with the change. Eileen seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Longest day Koren asked trustees’ permission to partner with the “Longest Day” organizers to host a lemonade stand on the library property on Saturday, June 8th for Alzheimer’s awareness. The stand was approved as a one-time pilot program. Nominating Committee Update Koren reported that the Nominating Committee will meet between now and the May Executive Board meeting. The members are: Doug Lucente from the Board of Selectmen, Andrew Goldhor from Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association, and Kate Colburn from the School Committee. She will reach out in advance of the next meeting to obtain the report. World Language discussion Koren updated trustees on the challenges of collection development for the World Languages Collection. We continue to evaluate the process and will update trustees. Old Business Meeting Room policy update Koren reported that no progress has been made. We hope to have an update for the next meeting. Adjournment Suzie made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Claire. The motion passed unanimously.