HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.02.06 EB Min CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES February 6, 2019 Attendees: Joe Pato, Claire Feingold Thoryn, Suzie Barry, Alessandro Alessandrini and Howard Jaffe, Trustees; Alissa Lauzon, Head of Youth Services, Koren Stembridge, Library Director and Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director. Call to Order: Joe called the meeting to order at 4:04PM Public Comment: none Secretary’s Minutes - Howard made a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings of January 2 and 16, 2019. The motion was seconded by Alessandro, and passed unanimously. Financial Update Koren reported on the Municipal report we are 58% expended which is about where we expect to be at this time of year. On the Trustee side, she noted that we received $24, 963.47 for our first State Aid installment. The Foundation made a payment of $6,019 towards the loan from the endowment. The December Endowment figures are lower than the previous quarter. Administrative Update Koren announced that our Programming and Outreach Coordinator, Meagan Parker, has resigned effective February 22. She and her family are relocating back to the Midwest to be close to family. She will be reframing the coordinator position which will report to the library director. We also have a part time position open in Bibliographic Services, a longtime part time staff person recently resigned. Howard wished both of them well. There are no meeting room issues to report. Building Updates Koren, Alissa and Emily met with consultants from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners to discuss planning for the Children’s Room renovation project. They gave us good advice about hiring a building consultant to help us think through what we need for the space (and to help with community engagement). They also provided recommendations on children’s rooms to visit. New Business Library closing early for Foundation event Koren requested trustees approve closing the library at 1:00 PM on March 23rd to prepare for the Gala Event. Claire made a motion to approve the request to close the library at 1:00 PM on March 23, 2019. The motion was seconded by Suzie and passed unanimously. Foundation Capacity Koren shared that the Foundation sold 400 tickets to the gala. She reviewed the capacity of the main floor of the library. In addition to the tickets, there will be about 10 library staff members in attendance as well as approximately 12 staff from the caterers and 50 tickets earmarked for corporate donors. Are there any capacity concerns? Trustees discussed the flow of the evening and planned spaces. The consensus is to offer something in the large meeting room to have an alternative space for people other than the main level. Howard suggested that some ticket holders who are purchasing just for the purpose of supporting the library be offered a full tax deduction for not attending, therefore releasing an opportunity for a supporter to purchase a ticket. Koren detailed the planned custodian coverage on the day of the event as well as the day following. She plans to be in the building on Sunday after the gala to be in attendance for the removal of all of the rental items. Claire offered her building custodian as an extra set of hands if needed on Saturday. No Show Guidelines Alissa detailed guidelines for patrons who miss three programs in six months. She provided samples of letters escalating to losing privileges for 6 months. Howard suggest the policy be consistent and transparent. After a discussion the consensus is to notify one hour in advance for not attending a program. Trustees asked about the sign-up process and how people are notified, etc. Trustees asked if this should be guidelines or a policy. Alissa prefers a policy since it carries more weight. Alissa will add the suggestions from trustees into the policy and will present it at the next executive board meeting. Move former library director plaques Koren asked trustees to relocate Connie Rawson and Carol Mahoney’s plaques from the main level to outside of the administration office suite. Howard made a motion to approve the relocation, seconded by Claire. The motion passed unanimously. Process for honoring departing trustees At a recent full board meeting, a trustee inquired as to what is our practice for honoring departing trustees. Koren detailed that we often plate books for Selectmen since it is mentioned at the departing coffee. We have done the same for some school committee members, but not all. We have often given flowers, including to several departing clergy. The trustee consensus is that inconsistency is fine. Old Business Emily explained that we continue to have outside groups inquire about programs that target children as their audience. The town attorney advises us not to vet the groups since if we do so then we are responsible. We would like to add some language that we do not allow outside groups to host children’s programs. Joe asked if we will preserve the partnerships that we have cultivated. Koren added that we will have a new programming person to work on this. Emily will have the policy language for an upcoming meeting. Suzie shared the library budget requests that were approved for FY 2020; a 14 hour youth position, $14,000 for sub hours and $100,000 for the feasibility study. Joe shared that he and Suzie recently received a package with letters form the Library’s Social Justice youth book group. He will attending a meeting soon. Claire asked if there was any response from the letter from the trustees to the resident regarding the Turkish language collection. At this time there has not been any response. Koren added that we will be reconvening the art committee and asked Alessandro if he will serve. He is happy to do so. Adjournment Alessandro made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Suzie. The motion passed unanimously.