HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949 - Lexington War Memorial Committee created for Veterans' Memorial Library @ Lexington High School - 1949 � � Vdhen deliber�tions were resumed after the sumrr�r, the coreamnittee �� �,.x:, had crystallized its thou�ts, after discussing them with the towns- ���- people, to �he point where it was convinced �.hat its first choice of '� a project was out�tanding and th��t it should be so recommended< �� � Acco:dingly, the committee recorumends: (1} That , when the new hi�h school is const,raacted, the library therean be distinctively decorated, furnished and equipped; that it be dedicated as a living rnemorial to the war dead of this Town, and designate d as the VETERAN�S N1EIvI0RIAL LIBRARY. {2) That the I�iod�rator appoint a committee of not less than seven to d�velop the details and cos� o� this Memorial Library in co-operation with the High School Building �ommittee, and report �o �, a future Town T�Teeting. (3) That the Town amend its by-laws so th,�.t annually a comm- itt,ee af three shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen to serve as the Veteran4s lfiemorial Li�rary Committee, for the purpose of per°p�tu.atiz� the useflalness of this living memorial m RespeCtfully submitted, LEXCNG`PC�T GvAR MEI�iORIAL COMMITTEE Clyde A. Baoker Georg� V". Marse Lyon Carter A. Edward Rowse Archibald R. Girov:t Robert H. Watt Jennie Ao Grindle William E, Phillips, S�ee le Lind sap Chairman Lexingtan, Mass. Pfarch zl, 19w9 Vated. to be accepted artl. placed on file. $a06 P. i�. s�'' Geor� W. Emery moved: �'0'!'ED: That a Committee of three be appc�inted by the l�'iader°- a�or to have charge of the lectures under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnha.m and Susanna E. Cary for the current I year. __. Carried Unani.mously $:07 P. M. Under Article 2m Alan G. Adams presented the fallawinga , Moved: �'hat a Cammittse of fifteen be appointed by the Board o� Selectmen to prepare plans for the 175�h Anniv�r- sary af the Battle of I�xington on Apri1 3�9m 19�7 and that th�s Committee report to the Board of Selectmen not later than October l, 194-9. Carried tTnanimously $s E3$ P. M• Wi3.liam E. Phillips pr°esented the following: 'Vated, That the moderator appoint a ca�nit�ee of not less than seven (7) �o develop the details and cast of the pro- posed Veterans riTemorial Library, as recommended by the War ��lemorial Committee in its report dated NZarch 21 , 1949 �n cooperation with the High School Building Comm- i�ttee, and report ta a future Tawn P�leetingo Carried Unanimously �:0$ P. i�, Walter E. Sands presented the following: VOTED: That the Board of Sele etmen appoint a Cormnittee to report back to the next �nnual Town Meeting an the -~ advantages or disadvantages of 2�aving a Town Rianager for the Town of` Le�.ngto n. Carraed Unanimously $:Q9 P• �''�a ' Buildin g Charles G. Davis, Chairman of the Schoo�Committee, moved tha� the meeting take up Article 37 which was not carried. $:lf} 1'« M•