HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-04-RPC-min PLANNING BOARD RESIDENTIAL POLICY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 4, 2015 MEETING A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board Residential Policy Committee, held in the Reed Room of Town Hall, was called to order at 7:20 p.m. Members present: Richard Canale, Jeri Foutter and Tom Harden The following members of the public also participated: Elaine Ashton, Cliffe Ave, Bob Pressman, Locust Ave, Doug Touart, Cliffe Ave, Darbie Stokes, Cliffe Ave, Marianne Lazarus, Woodland Rd, Todd Cataldo, Grant St, and Diane Pursey, Turining Mill Rd. Committee Administration 1.July 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes: The July 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes were approved with one edit. 2.Next Meeting: September 8, 2015, Location TBD 3.Public Workshop  September 24, 2015  Location to be confirmed: About 100 people attended the Listening Session, may need two rooms  Plenary Session -What we looked at -What we researched -Small group discussion: what makes sense to you and then go to that table for discussion  Warrant articles have to be ready by December and Planning board recommendations need nd to be ready by 2 week of January  What do we want by the end of the Public Workshop? -Diane Pursey suggested that we ask for questions & comments and that someone write them down -We would like specific input on which initiatives to carry forward  Outreach -Marianne Lazarus asked - How do we advertise in advance of the meeting? -Place Aaron Henry’s three page memo in newspapers (Minuteman, Colonial Times), TMA, Town List, Neighborhood List, etc. in advance of the Public Workshop -Planning Board/RPC write a letter to be sent via email lists -Share list of comments from the Listening Session -Historical Commission: Richard Canale spoke with Marilyn today. Sally Zimmerman will be contacted -Darbie Stokes suggested hiring someone who knows how to promote the meeting, hiring a PR person  Tom Harden mentioned that data will be important  th Agenda for September 8 meeting: Finalize Public Workshop format and outreach 4.September Town Meeting – Planning Board/RPC to discuss progress 5.Planning Board/RPC Field Trip – August 25th  Moved up starting time from 6:45 PM to 5:00 PM due to when it starts to get dark  Pattern of development discussion -8 or 10 areas of residential development -Conventional subdivisions -Full scale development -Bob Pressman suggested a narrow lot on Marrett Rd and Waltham St - 50 foot lot. Only need to comply with setbacks set at the original time. -Todd Cataldo suggested the Woodhaven area, nonconforming lots 100 to 150 foot lots, more than half have been torn down with new builds -Tom Harden suggested a large development that the Planning Board approved recently (1 to 2 years) – have the developments worked? -Suggested site visit – Todd Cataldo’s four houses on Lowell -Richard Canale inquired about new homes as teardowns versus new homes as part of a development – Lincoln St near Reservoir -Richard Canale suggested driving through but not stopping in neighborhoods such as Peacock Farms, Five Fields, Turning Mill, etc. -Lexington Gardens – Planning Board thought it would be a good place to build 15 to 20 small houses of 2,000 to 3,000 square footage homes. Strong opposition by abutters. Now 11 homes with twice the size. -Diane Pursey suggested Robinson Wood condos. Darbie Stokes, a Lexington realtor, mentioned that these condos sold quickly. -Elaine Ashton and Darbie Stokes suggested East Lexington for a Field Trip location, specifically a new large home on Albemarle St. -Tom Harden suggested Porter Lane (15 year old development) -Richard Canale suggested Scottish Glen – 2200 to 2500 square foot homes -Todd Cataldo suggested Journey’s End (special permit). At the time, if you had more than 10 units, must have two exits. -Bob Pressman asked – What sites support what initiatives? -Richard Canale discussed Attainable Housing - $600K, $700K or $800K house sales -Marianne Lazarus asked about Senior Housing. Jeri Foutter mentioned the prior discussions of affordable 2 family or a 2 family with a senior accessible unit on st the 1 floor. -Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD) Richard Canale mentioned that Marilyn may be able to help write the o enabling by-law. Mid-century contemporary home developments – possible NCDs: o Turning Mill/Paint Rock, Peacock Farm, Five Fields, Cottage Street area, Fair Oaks/Wachusetts, Prospect Hill Richard Canale indicated that NCDs may affect about 10% of housing o stock Jeri Foutter handed out information on Cambridge NCDs. NCDs are not o primarily used for dimensional controls, instead to preserve architectural character 6.Dimensional Controls  Richard Canale and Todd Cataldo mentioned a 40 foot height limit and/or a 2.5 story limit  Site review was discussed, which has positives and negatives and will impact town revenue  Tom Harden mentioned that we to present all aspects on teardowns and the effects on revenue  Tom Harden is looking at a Concord bylaw  Richard Canale mentioned the Concord intern. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) was on the Agenda for the Concord Town Meeting. Article was pulled because it could not be enforced.  Tom Harden spoke with Elizabeth Hughes in Concord and the report will be their website by the end of the month. 7.Miscellaneous  th Richard Canale and Jeri Foutter to meet with Aaron Henry on August 10 about the Field Trip sites, timing and route  th Tom Harden will bring bylaw draft to the September 8 meeting.  Richard Canale will speak to the Planning Board 8.Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 9.Next Planning Board – Residential Policy Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting: Tuesday, September 8, 2015, Town Office Building – Location TBD at 7:15 p.m. Scribe Pro Temp: Jeri Foutter Documents Attached: Sign-in Sheet, Cambridge NCDs