HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-23-RPC-min PLANNING BOARD RESIDENTIAL POLICY COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 23, 2015 MEETING A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board Residential Policy Committee, held in the Public Services Building Cafeteria, 201 Bedford Street was called to order at 7:15 p.m. Members present: Richard Canale, Jeri Foutter, Tom Harden, Ginna Johnson and Michael Leon and Board of Selectman Liaison Joe Pato. Members of the public who participated: As per signup sheet 1. Committee Administration: 1. June 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes: The June 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes were unanimously approved. 2. Review of Revised Process Schedule: Ms. Johnson reviewed the distributed sheet showing a proposed revised process schedule. There was consensus to adopt this schedule. 3. Upcoming Meeting dates There is a desire to meet twice a month or every two weeks during the summer, but participants were asked to submit their summer availability to the Planning Department in order to best schedule meaningful dates. A field visit in mid-August for Committee members (and Planning Board members) appears to be a good time to see results on the ground of various subdivision approvals over time as well as to view examples of teardowns that may or may not be out of scale. There was agreement that after members concluded certain initial Committee work, that a September Public Workshop should be scheduled. 24 September 2015 was discussed. 4. Review of Potential Committee Initiatives: Committee members discussed topics brought up at the Listening Forum as well as at the last Committee meeting. Mr. Canale suggested that we not limit ourselves to the last meeting items, but be open to new ideas that may come forward. Discussion ensued on several themes. Neighborhood Conservation Districts (Canale & Pursley & Foutter designated leaders) Mr. Canale suggested that creation of neighborhood conservation districts should be a prime initiation, since there seems to be a groundswell in some neighborhoods. Actions from our Committee might include proposing a Town Meeting warrant article creating a general bylaw to Page 1 of 3 allow such districts. The proposal could be to just allow them to be created or to propose more specifics about role, powers, responsibilities, procedures, structures. Additional objective may include proposing specific districts. Potential districts might include mid-fifties contemporary developments such as Moon hill, Five Fields, Peacock Farms, Turning Mill / Rock Paint, etc.; Fair Oaks, Cottage Street, and other planned or not planned neighborhoods should be looked at. The sub-group will research other towns’ districts including Wellesley and others. Zoning/Grandfathering Issues A group of issues related to variances and grandfathering is a high priority issue. Lexington has a very loose bylaw in terms of grandfathering zoning controls. Additionally, variances are given liberally for situations that may fall outside of actual permissible standards. The issues can be separated out as those falling within the Board of Appeals control and those within the zoning bylaw itself. Such issues can be examined as dimensional issues and reviewing the present bylaw to see if revisions should be proposed to Town Meeting on bylaws revisions. Board of Appeals and variance issues and special permit granting should be dealt with as an additional grouping. Dimensional/Site Plan issues (Johnson & Leon & Cataldo designated leaders) This subgroup was formed to evaluate present bylaws, desired zoning outcomes, and investigate proposed changes. Landscape Issues Maintaining a town-wide tree canopy was discussed in context of approvals and controlling individual lots and subdivisions was discussed. The tree bylaw was discussed as to its effectiveness, with thoughts about potential revisions. Landscape character was discussed especially as it may be related to neighborhood conservation districts. Mr. Leon said dimensional/site plan review would incorporate landscape issues and that these topics should be combined. Teardowns (Harden & Daggett designated leaders) Mr. Harden and Mr. Daggett described owner-occupied demand for smaller houses like capes and ranches and expressed interest in revisiting the issue of teardowns. Affordable Housing and Senior Housing Issues Some discussion ensued on these two topics with the expectation that these need further discussion at the next meeting. A distinction was made between “affordable” housing (as per federal and state laws and regulations for incomes at 80 %, etc.) and attainable housing (for individuals/families not Page 2 of 3 getting assistance under “affordable, but not able to afford most market priced housing in Lexington). 5. Next Planning Board-Residential Policy Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting: Tuesday, July 7, 2015, Town Office Bldg- Reed Room-1625 Mass Ave at 7:15 pm. Subgroup work should continue as discussed Documents Attached: Agenda, Sign-in Sheet, Revised Schedule Richard Canale, Secretary Pro Temp Page 3 of 3