HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousing Partnership Board - HPB - Revised CHARGE - April 2017HOUSING PARTNERSHIP BOARD Members: 9 voting members Liaisons: 5 as noted below Voting Members Appointed By: Board of Selectmen Length of Term: Three years for voting members Appointments Made: September 30 Meeting Times: As Posted Description: The Charge of the Lexington Housing Partnership is to promote and support affordable housing activities and recommend appropriate actions. The Partnership will bring together committees, groups and housing advocates to create a unified and focused approach to achieve affordable housing goals in Lexington. Responsibilities: The Partnership will work with other community organizations to support the goal of affordable housing by taking the following actions: 1. Identify local, state and federal housing resources available to the Town and to residents seeking affordable housing, 2. Advocate for land use regulations and zoning bylaws to increase affordable housing stock, 3. Develop and modify affordable housing strategies based on the Planning Board's Comprehensive Plan, 4. Increase public awareness through public information and forums, 5. Assist with land or properties acquisition suitable for development of affordable housing, 6. Make recommendations on particular housing proposals, and 7. Advise the Selectmen and Planning Board to aid in their decision-making process. Criteria for Membership: The Housing Partnership will consist of nine voting members and five liaisons. Voting members will include individuals recommended by the Planning Board and the Council on Aging. Other voting members appointed by the Board of Selectmen may include, but not be limited to, affordable housing advocates, and representatives from the fields of banking, real estate, development and social services. The following boards and committees will be asked to name liaisons to the partnership: the Board of Selectmen, the Capital Expenditures Committee, the Conservation Commission, LexHAB, and the Lexington Housing Authority. Alternates who can vote if the member is unable to attend a meeting may be designated by the Selectmen. Alternates will be encouraged to attend meetings, but do not need to attend all meetings in order to vote in the absence of the member. For voting purposes, alternates will be selected by the Chairman. Alternates should stay informed on the current issues, either by attendance or review of materials and minutes. Prior to serving as a member of this committee, appointees are required to: 1. Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref.: Charge adopted by Board of Selectmen on December 1, 2003. Board of Selectmen voted to designate as Special Municipal Employees on 1/18/06. Revised charge, October 15, 2007, to 18 Selectmen appointments and 3 appointed by designated boards or committees. Revised charge, March 15, 2010, to increase general housing advocates to 13, removing specific organizations and removing three liaisons. Revised charge, September 26, 2011, to decrease membership from 21 to 17 voting members. Revised charge, October 15, 2012, to decrease membership from 17 to 15 voting members. Revised charge, April 24, 2017, to decrease membership from 15 to 9 voting members.