HomeMy WebLinkAbout2309 Legal notice re. the Massachusetts General Court's response to a petition for a railroad, January 25, 1855 �' �, ��°
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1b the Ho I.the House of ZZepre-
sentatives of the Conttnonwealtls of Mal sachuse,
in General Court assembled
r�HE petition of ttse underaigno i,citizens of the
1 towns of'belmefcrd; B `lerica, Carliah+ and
Bedford,respect4uily reprosentt`at the interest of
theeiti�Pze of these towns would be greatly in-
ereaaed by the c^uFtruction of a railroad from Leg-
ington�to North Chelmsford:and the public accum-
niodatlon would.be sjnoted by the
connPet'�n of
the Lexingtou and West C mbridae with the Low
ell and Nashua Railroads,by making a savi^g in
the distauee between Bostonand Nashua (in New
HamnsidrQ)'of four and one half miles lema than
the present traveled route. The section of country
through which the road would Pas"abounds in the
elements of wealth,such as wood,lime,granite,and
ice,and the proaucts oP h:tabandry. Numerous
streatus, valuable for the empkYlnent of water
power,would b6' tersected,up several of which
aro maug mills now t operatioiY for various me-
chanical and manufacturing Purposes.. All of these
several interests,in the op nion of your potiGioners,
re4uire the facilities of a railroad communication
to render ther-i available for Public commerce.—
Therefore your petWoners humbly Pray that they
may have,leave to locate and construes a railroad,
comleenctng on th e-Lexington and West Cambridge
Railroad at them st convenient point near the
terminationn��for entering upon said road in the
town or L6�tg�on: he
running through the
io se o ChllarlesrT dd;the caown,tpass ngt earrthe
house of Ben,.Reed to the Bedford line, near the
h�nse of Mr.Page,in Redford;thence to the village
'n Bedford trossAg Main street near the b.,use of
He Woeda thenoe on the most feasible route
thr lu¢h the northerly part of Bid.oM, near the
Bedford Sprn§fs(so ca lod,1 to the lin of the town
of Pillerica;ttien.e crossing Concord Riv"er,.near
dill's Bridge;theacerunuing,north riy,aml north-
Weateriy,-near the house of 1VIr. Elliut, (lately D.
R.Winning)and the house of Sumner Brown, in
Billerica,w the line of the town of Cbelmsford;
tbence on the most feasible route to a point near
the center village in Chelmsford;thence in adirect
line to the Lowell and Na=Raf�road,at the most
convenient point for entering upon said road in
the village of I1Torth Chelmsfurd—agreeably with
a plan to r e herewith presented; with all the pow-
ere and,privileges usuady 6 ranted to railroad corpo-
An11 as in duty boo JOS1PeH REED
E and-others.
In Senate,Jan. Z5 1855.-
on the Petition aforesaid,Oan an J. 'that the Pe_
titi'mers cause an attested copy of.their Petition,
with this Order thereon, to be served upon the
C1erL s of the towns of Chelmsford, Billerica., Bed
)rd'and Lexington,an ou the C1Prks of the Lex-
ington nd West Cambridge R>itioad Corporation
and thL Lowell and Nashua Railroad Corporation,
and published four t me-in the Boston Daily Bee,
fourtren aaye;at least,before the fifteenth ,day of
Feoruary,, uml,,all persons interested, may then
ppear,and anew cause,if any they have,why the
Pragcr of said Petition should not be granted.
Sent down for concurrence.
In the Rouse of Representatives,Jan.26,1855.
H.A.-MARSH, Clerk-
A true Copy—At`e t.
P.L,GCX,Cie;k of the Senate.
ja7 4tT.___--,
t to Tionot�able the Senate a>zd,Zio�e�se�Zt�esin-