HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-27-TOUR2-min `OVs MORN' O� 1775 tic (7 N P APRIL 19' �FXI NGSO� Town of Lexington Tourism Committee Dawn McKenna, Chair (781) 862-0500 ext 84585 Tourism Committee Minutes June 27, 2019 3:30—6:00 pm Hudson Room (Cary Memorial Building) Members Present: Dawn McKenna, Marsha Baker, Margaret Coppe, Bebe Fallick, Jon Himmel, Kerry Brandin, Trisha Kennealy, Erica McAvoy Board of Selectmen Liaison: Jill Hai Center Committee Liaison: Fred Johnson Staff Present: Melisa Tintocalis, Casey Hagerty, and Mike Cronin Guest: Harry Forsdick Members Absent: Trisha Kennealy, Wim Nijenberg 1) Future Meetings The draft of future meetings was reviewed with changes made to August, September and October. The revised schedule will be sent out to members. 2) Visitors Center a) Media content and AV Equipment The Tourism Subcommittee on Electronic Content explained what they have been working on for the new Visitors Center. Jon Himmel, Marsha Baker, Fred Johnson, and Harry Forsdick explained that there are three pieces of technology proposed for the Visitors Center that will need content: the screens behind the welcome desk, the digital bulletin board in the Linger in Lexington area, and the self-serve kiosks also in that area. The committee suggested increasing the size of screens behind the welcome desk and creating a ten minute video which would loop on those screens. Dawn McKenna explained that since it has already been bid it is unlikely that we can increase the overall sizes of the screens. The digital bulletin board is proposed to tie in with the self-serve kiosks as well as serve as a place to advertise events, ticket prices, a guest book, and tour times. The subcommittee then gave the Tourism Committee a demonstration of the concept product that they have been working on for the self-serve kiosks. The kiosks would serve as an itinerary builder for a visitor to Lexington. The visitors could use the app ahead of time and download their itinerary to their phone or use the kiosk at the Visitors Center. The visitor would enter basic information such as who they are traveling with, what types of activities they are interested in, and how much time they have to spend in Lexington. The app would then develop a custom itinerary to fit their specific interests and schedule. The app would also offer standard,recommended itineraries as well. The Tourism Committee discussed the proposed concepts. Overall, the committee was in favor in the proposed ideas. The committee suggested a shorter video for the screens behind the welcome desk and to not change the size of the screens. Feedback on the app for the self serves kiosks included collaborating with neighboring communities, translation capabilities, the ability for staff to update the app as needed, and design suggestions. The committee will provide specific feedback to the subcommittee for review. Funding of the concepts was discussed. Mike Cronin, the Director of Public Facilities, stated that now the foundation for the Visitors Center is in the process of being constructed, he is more 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 comfortable dipping into the construction contingency to cover some of the costs associated with technology. The subcommittee explained that they will work on refining the scope of the product and start creating a request for proposals. They will come back to the Committee after further investigating options based on the overall agreement on the approach. A motion was made and seconded(9-0), to acknowledge the materials presented in concept represent a good starting structure for both the Welcome to Lexington boards and self-serve kiosks at the Linger in Lexington section of the new Visitors Center building and give consent to the Subcommittee for Electronic Content to pursue a more detailed proposal to bring back to the Committee with the goal of having something substantive by the grand opening. b) Lower level content The designer is currently working on a proposal and for the cost of creating content for the lower level of the Visitors Center, as well as how to integrate the content thematically. This will be brought back to the committee after Mike Cronin authorizes the project to proceed and when more design information is available. c) Funding Dawn McKenna explained that the Tourism Committee set a goal of raising one million dollars to support the construction of the Visitors Center. Currently they have raised$500,000. The committee will think about ways to visualize and measure this progress similar to a thermometer that some fundraising projects use. 3) Goals Dawn McKenna explained that this year, the Board of Selectmen will be using a different format to set their goals for the next fiscal year. The chairs of boards and committees will be meeting with a facilitator on July 10, 2019 to start the process for FY20. The committee discussed their goals for the next year and three were identified as priority. The first is to support the Visitors services operations through the successful opening of the new building, creating and implementing a marketing plan, a staffing plan, and hosting a grand opening for the new building that recognizes the importance of the visitors based economy. The second is becoming an Arts Cultural District. The third goal is to continue planning for 2025, the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington. A motion was made and seconded(9-0), to provide the following goals for the Board of Selectmen's consideration: supporting Visitors based economy through an integrated marketing plan including website, online calendar, monthly newsletters, social media events boards, travel marketplaces, applying to become an Art's Cultural District, and continued planning to welcome visitors for 2025, and authorizing the chair to make minor wording changes. 4) Updates and Miscellaneous a) Future meetings Dawn McKenna explained that the Human Services Department is hosting a series of public forums regarding public transportation in Lexington. She encouraged members of the Tourism Committee to attend one of the forums and advocate for increased public transportation as it relates to visitors. b) Bebe Fallick provided a brief update on the World War II planning group. Bebe Fallick updated the committee on the proposed World War II Memorial. There will be another meeting for those interested in this memorial in September. She is going to research the names of all of the Lexington residents that died serving in World War II. Margaret Coppe reminded the committee that the Historical Society and Freedom's Way National Heritage Area does a reading of the Declaration of Independence every 4th of July at the Depot. Adjourned at approximately 5:54 p.m. Documents available:Tourism Committee Agenda,Lower Level Content Outline for Design Feedback and Pricing,Tourism Committee Draft Goals for FY2020,Tourism Committee Meetings, Shows&Events July 2019—June 2020,Transportation Public Forums flyer,Three Possible User Experiences in Lexington outline,Large Screen Video content outline,presentation of proposed concept for self-serve kiosks. Respectfully submitted, Casey Hagerty Approved 7/18/2019