HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-20-HC-minHISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 201h 2019 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of Lexington Town Office Building located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at 7:30PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: David Kelland, Chair, Wendall Kalsow, Marilyn Fenollosa, Samuel Doran, Diane Pursley AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:31 PM) Continued hearing on the partial building demolition and roofline change at 186 Bedford Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Doug Harnett, Highpoint Engineering Ed Grant, Attorney Richard May, Attorney Philip and Rafaela Ciampa, Parents of Owner Joe Ciampa Michael McKay, Architect ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Wendy Reasenberg, 16 Garfield Street Jing Wang, 23 Reed Street Teresa Wright, 35 Reed Street Rebecca Weiler, 19 Reed Street Zivthan Dubrovsky 33 Reed Street DOCUMENT(S): Updated Plans Dated 2/14/2019 Site Plan Dated 2/14/2019 Letter to Commission from Edmund Grant, Attorney SUMMARY: Mr. Grant read the letter he wrote to the Commission supporting the project at 186 Bedford Street. It summarized what Mr. Ciampa would like to do at 186 Bedford Street(create a commercial space on the first floor and residential apartments on the second floor). Mr. McKay went over updated plans which make the existing historic structure more prominent. The proposed addition is set back now fifteen feet and more so on the second floor. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kelland complimented the applicants, stating these plans were a huge improvement. Mr. Kalsow agreed. Mr. Kalsow did suggest that they try and keep the original feel of the porch. The rest of the Commission complimented the applicants for implementing their comments. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Zivthan Dubrovsky 33 Red Street: expressed concerns regarding changes to the elevator and mechanical units. Wendy Reasenberg 16 Garfield Street: Felt the plans were a big improvement but the area has no place for access parking and does not feel the project is ready yet. Rebecca Weiler, 19 Reed Street: Expressed concerns on parking and feels the addition is too large. Teresa Wright, 35 Reed Street: Feels there is improvement but still unclear on elevations Mr. Kelland appreciates the comments from the public but stressed that the Historical Commission can only discuss what is in their jurisdiction which is the demolition of the addition. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow find 186 Bedford Street "preferably preserved" and that the selective demolition proposed at tonight's meeting would not detract from the historic building, provided that the proposed addition be constructed according to the plans presented at the meeting. The Commission's approval remains conditional, however, pending a submission of final documents. Seconded by Mr. Doran. VOTE: 5-0 in favor of selective demolition: Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Doran, Ms. Pursley AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:59PM) Public hearing on the partial building demolition and roofline change at 7 Shirley Street Applicant was a no show and will have to file again if they want to come back for a formal hearing. AGENDA ITEM #3 (8:OOPM) Historic Painting Presentation and possible vote APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Rajon Hudson, Management Analyst, Town Manager's Office DOCUMENT(S): Margaret Lady Lexington Painting Summary of painting and proposal Conditions Report/Treatment Proposal SUMMARY: Mr. Hudson went over the historical background of the Margaret Lady Lexington Painting. The painting has been in Cary Memorial Hall from the time it was opened in October 1928. In 2016 a treatment report was done on the painting. The finds showed the painting is in fair-poor condition and the painting suffers from a layer of atmospheric grime and degraded varnish, and has a flaking paint which is in danger of being lost. The Town would like the Historical Commission to recognize the historical significance of this painting to preserve this artifact. HC COMMENTS: The Commission asked questions regarding the history of the painting and if more paintings in Cary Memorial Hall also need to be restored. Mr. Hudson said that the Historical Commission needs to deem the painting historic in order to get funding to restore the painting. The estimate is $6,000 for the restoration for the painting and 700 for the frame. The Commission asked why this painting specifically is historic. Mr. Hudson said it has been in Cary Memorial Hall since it has been open and is a cultural artifact. MOTION: Moved by Ms. Fenollosa found the "Margaret Lady Lexington Painting" to be a "Historic Resource" within the meaning of the Community Preservation Act, due to its "significance in the history, archaeology, architecture or culture" of Lexington. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. VOTE: 5-0 in favor: Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Doran, Ms. Pursley AGENDA ITEM #4 (8:13PM) Consider taking position on Town Meeting Warrant article reducing CPA rate from 3%to 1% Ms. Fenollosa went over CPA funding updates with the Commission. She gave the Commission a list of CPA Historic Resource Projects since 2006. If we did not have CPA money the projects on this list would not have been completed. Ms. Fenollosa is asking the Commission to vote to oppose this reduction. MOTION: A motion was made by Mr. Kalsow to oppose Article 4 that is advocating a reduction of CPA funding from 3% to 1%. VOTE: 5-0 opposed: Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Doran, and Ms. Pursley AGENDA ITEM #5 (8:22PM) Updates The Town Manager is looking for a member of the Historical Commission to volunteer to serve on the Hosmer House Committee. Mr. Doran will volunteer pending the scheduling of the meetings. The application Marilyn put together for the Patriots Homes Project(Pre 1800 homes) has been submitted to MHC. Search for matching funds is underway. AGENDA ITEM #6 (8:26PM) A motion made by Ms. Fenollosa to accept the minutes dated January 161h 2018 as amended. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. 4-0 in Favor: Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Doran, Mr. Kelland and Mr. Kalsow with Ms. Pursley abstaining AGENDA ITEM #7 (8:28PM) Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Fenollosa to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Doran 5-0 favor to adjourn Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Doran and Ms. Pursley Adjourn.