January 16th 2019
Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of
Lexington Town Hall located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at
Historical Commission Members in Attendance:
David Kelland, Chair, Wendall Kalsow, Marilyn Fenollosa,
Samuel Doran- 7:38PM
AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:31 PM)
Continued hearing on the partial building demolition and roofline change at 186 Bedford Street
Joe Ciampa, Homeowner
Doug Harnett, Highpoint Engineering
Wendy Reasenberg, 16 Garfield Street
Jing Wang, 23 Reed Street
Teresa Wright, 35 Reed Street
Rebecca Cutler, 19 Reed Street
Qiao Jizen, 4 Reed Street
Updated Proposed Plans Dated 1/7/2019
Proposed Mixed-Use Development Plan Dated 1/9/2019
Mr. Harnett went over updated plans for 186 Bedford Street with the Commission. Mr. Harnett
and Mr. Ciampa asked to be continued from the meeting last month to adjust their plans. Last
month, the Commission expressed their concerns over the proposed addition. The Commission
suggested the addition be set back from the historic structure instead of making it more
prominent than the historic resource.
Mr. Harnett went over the new site plan and architectural style of the building. The modified
proposed floor plan will pull the alcove an additional 5 feet, open up the corner of the building
and pull the roofline back ten feet on the second floor.
The Commission expressed their disappointment to see that their comments and
recommendations from last month were not fully implemented. The scale and size of the addition
continues to compromise the integrity of the historic structure because of its positioning
immediately abutting and jutting in front of the original structure. As stated at the prior meeting,
the addition should be set back and apart from the historic building to complement rather than
diminish it.
Wendy Reasenberg, 16 Garfield Street feels she cannot support the project. This version of the
proposal does not have a look and feel of a historic project. There is too much activity for the
size of the property. The plan shows no green space for the residents. 186 Bedford Street is the
entrance to the Reed Street. This is a quiet family centered neighborhood and the community is
concerned of the potential traffic tie ups and the project should be smaller.
Jing Wang, 23 Reed Street reemphasized from last month wanting to keep the use as residential.
Teresa Wright, 35 Reed Street echoed the Commission's concerns that the project has not been
changed. It is one of the few historic buildings in the neighborhood that we should keep.
Rebecca Cutler 19 Reed Street is a direct abutter. She can see the building from her house and
loves the old building. Ms. Cutler is concerned over the size of the project and the lack of
character to the building.
Qiao Jizen, 4 Reed Street appreciate his neighbors' comments and echo's their concerns.
Applicant Mr. Joe Ciampa asked to be continued to the meeting next month after meeting with
the Planning Board February 6h.
Continued hearing on the full building demolition at 60-62 Woburn Street
Domenico Gallineli, Contractor on behalf of Laraine Grella
Updated Structural Engineer Letter dated January 16'h 2019
Mr. Gallineli went over what he has done for research since the last hearing regarding 60
Woburn Street. There is water coming into the house: the basement has large gaps causing water
to come in. The second floor ceiling has collapsed. Mr. Gallineli tried searching for a Historic
Structural Engineer but could not find anyone. He had a Civil Engineer survey the property and
the conclusion was there is ledge causing the water to come in making the foundation unstable.
Mr. Gallineli had Mr. Doran came to look at the house as well.
Mr. Doran discussed his visit to 60 Woburn Street. Mr. Doran noted walking around the house
he was cautious of the foundation. The interior of the home displayed no historic fabric. Mr.
Doran also did some research on the home and there was no residential house on the 1880 map.
The commission feels if the home is structurally unsound and lost its integrity, they should
considerer removing it from the inventory.
Moved by Ms. Fenollosa to find that because the home at 60 Woburn Street has lost its historic
and structural integrity and is no longer a contributing asset, it will be removed from the
inventory. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow.
4-0 In favor of removing 60 Woburn Street from the inventory: Mr., Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr.
Down and Mr. Kalsow.
AGENDA ITEM #3 (8:10 PM)
Public hearing on the partial building demolition and roofline change at 18 Tucker Avenue.
Joshua Model, Homeowner
Dan Hisel, Architect
Proposed Plans dated December 2018
Mr. Model and his family have lived at 10 Tucker Avenue for ten years. The home is small, on a
small lot. His children currently share a bedroom and they would like to expand the house. Mr.
Hisel went over the proposed plans with the board. Mr. Hisel is looking to add a third floor to
the house: add 2 dormers that face east and west to allow a master suite on the upper floor. This
will allow the children to have separate bedrooms. Mr. Hisel said he worked hard to maintain the
original structure which is a modest cottage and hold both dormers back from the front gable by
about ten feet and preserve the gable facade from the street.
Mr. Hisel stated he already cleared a Variance with the Zoning Board of Appeals for the
proposed work.
Mr. Kalsow had some reservations of the details of how some things are executed however, feels
the select proposed addition is appropriately set back from the street elevation and appropriate
scale and it is respectful of the historic building. Ms. Fenollosa agreed.
Moved by Mr. Kalsow find 18 Tucker Avenue historically significant and permit the proposed
addition at 18 Tucker Avenue based off plans dated December 2018 and presented at this
meeting. Seconded by Ms. Fenollosa.
4-0 in favor of partial building demolition and roofline change: Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran, Ms.
Fenollosa and Mr. Kelland.
AGENDA ITEM #4 (8:20 PM)
Public hearing on the roofline change at 6 Rowland Avenue
David Ingram and Laura Atlee, Homeowners
Proposed Plans dated 11/20/2018
Mr. Ingram told the commission he and his family moved into the home last August. Mr. Ingram
said the family enjoys living in a home with so much history. He lives in the home with his wife
and four children. Mr. Ingram would like to add a dormer to the back of the house and install a
bathroom for the children.
Mr. Kalsow mentioned the designer should show existing and proposed elevations when
presenting to the commission.
Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 6 Rowland Avenue preferably preserved and approve plans
presented at this meeting dated 11/20/2018. Seconded by Mr. Doran.
4-0 in favor of roofline change: Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran, Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Kelland.
AGENDA ITEM #5 (8:25 PM)
Public hearing on the roofline change at 14 Percy Road
Richard Pierce, Homeowner
Greg Stanley, Designer
Existing Photos of the home
Proposed plans dated November 2018
Mr. Stanley told the commission Mr. Pierce recently purchased the property and is looking to do
an interior remodel. They would like to remove a chimney located in one of the stairwells. They
are looking to maintain the character of the outside of house and do a renovation on interior of
the home.
The commission did not have any concerns regarding the roofline change. They reminded Mr.
Stanley and Mr. Pierce that they will have to come back to the commission if they plan to do any
other exterior work such as the roof.
Moved by Mr. Doran to find 14 Percy Road preferably preserved and approve the removal of the
left west side chimney based on the plans dated November 2018 presented at this meeting, noting
the wood shingle roof shall be maintained. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow.
4-0 in favor of roofline change: Mr. Doran, Mr. Kalsow Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Kelland.
AGENDA ITEM #6 (8:35 PM)
Status of CPA/MHC Inventory grants
Ms. Fenollosa went over updates with the commission. Town Counsel said this project is not
eligible for CPA funding. Ms. Kowalski said there may be an opportunity to get matching funds
from one of the trusts in town. Ms. Fenollosa also spoke with Mr. Stott at MHC and he suggested
to go ahead and apply.
AGENDA ITEM #7 (8:40 PM)
Discussion of definition of Substantial Demolition
The commission made edits to the current substantial demolition definition.
A motion was made by Ms. Fenollosa to approve the amended definition for substantial
demolition as discussed at the meeting tonight. Seconded by Mr. Doran.
4-0 in favor: Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran and Mr., Kelland.
AGENDA ITEM #8 (9:00 PM)
Nomination and vote of new Historical Commission Chair Person
Mr. Kalsow nominated Mr. Kelland as Chair for the Historical Commission. Seconded by Mr.,
Doran. Mr. Kalsow nominated Ms. Fenollosa as Vice Chair of the Historical Commission.
Seconded by Mr., Doran.
The Historical Commission voted, 3-0 in favor,to re-appoint Mr. Kelland as Chair of the
Historical Commission. Mr. Kelland will serve a one year term that will expire January 161'
The Historical Commission voted, 3-0 in favor,to re-appoint Ms. Fenollosa as Vice Chair of the
Historical Commission. Ms. Fenollosa will serve a one year term that will expire January 161h
AGENDA ITEM #9 (9:09 PM)
Vote to accept meeting minutes dated November 14'h 2018 and December 19'h 2018
A motion made by Mr. Kalsow to accept the minutes dated November 14'h 2018 and December
19'h 2018 as amended. Seconded by Mr. Kelland. 4-0 in Favor: Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley, Mr.
Kelland and Mr. Kalsow.
AGENDA ITEM #10 (9:12 PM)
Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Kelland to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow
4-0 favor to adjourn Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, and Mr. Doran