HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-29-CONCOM-min PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Conservation Commission Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia ___________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA April 29, 2019, 6:55 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 02421 Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, David Langseth, Dick Wolk, Duke Bitsko, Alex Dohan and Kevin Beuttell Staff Present: Katie Luczai, Department Assistant 6:35 pm New Business/Pending Matters Accept the Access and Parking Easement for 45-55 and 65 Hayden Avenue from Trustees of the Hayden Science Center Condominium Trust On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell the Commission voted 6-0 to accept the access and parking easement for 45-55 and 65 Hayden Avenue from the Trustees of the Hayden Science Center Condominium Trust. Issue Order of Conditions for 494 Lowell Street DEP 201-1129 BL 1086 The Commissioners requested that the conditions include a requirement that the applicant provide information regarding the proposed swale. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 6-0 to issue the order of conditions. Issue Order of Conditions for 39 Sherburne Road DEP 201-1131 BL 1088 Mr. Beuttell requested that the conditions include a requirement for a maximum sump pump size. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to issue the order of conditions. Issue Order of Conditions for 140 Marrett Road DEP 201-1130 BL 1087 At the prior meeting the Commissioners decided to add a condition to require the applicant to revisit the wetland delineation at the end of the project. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to issue the order of conditions. Request for Certificate of Compliance: 61 Turning Mill Road and 288 Concord Ave The requests for certificates of compliance will be discussed at a later date. Insignificant Plan Change: 4 Peachtree Road On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve the request for insignificant plan change. Approve Meeting Minutes Discussion and approval of meeting minutes will occur at a later date. Buffer Zone Performance Standards Discussion of buffer zone regulations will occur at a later date. The commission suspended their meeting at 6:46pm on a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. The meeting was resumed at 7:00. 7pm Chairman Hamilton opened the public hearing. Mr. Kevin Beuttell recused himself from the public hearing for 55 Watertown Street. DET 19-13 RDA, 55 Watertown Street Applicant: ND Acquisitions LLC Project: Grading associated with Site Development project Documents Received: RDA application and plans (4-9-2019) Mr. Steve Senna and Mr. Theo Kinderman presented before the Commission. Mr. Senna stated that National Development LLC (ND Acquisitions LLC) is presenting before the Conservation Commission because of a proposed grading project on a small portion of the thirteen acre site. About 140,000 square feet of the site include the wetland buffer zone. The project that Mr. Senna and his team are proposing will impact about 4,000 square feet of the wetland buffer zone. Mr. Senna stated that this project had to go through the Planning Board for approval and ultimately went before the Town Meeting for the project area to be re-zoned. During the Planning Board process, the Board commented that they disliked the current grading on the portion of the property. The portion is currently steep, sloping at a 1:1 grade. The steep slope is neither attractive nor environmentally sensitive. Mr. Senna is proposing to eliminate the riprap characteristic of the slope and re-grade the area into a 2:1 slope. During the project they would be required to remove about 11 trees both in and outside of the buffer zone. Mr. Senna clarified that there will be a net gain of two trees. Mr. Wolk asked what size tree they intend to plan. Mr. Kinderman stated that they typically plant trees with a three to three and one half caliper. Mr. Langseth inquired about the proposed erosion control to be used. Mr. Kinderman stated that they will be using biodegradable matting. Mr. Bitsko stated that it should be added as a condition to make sure that the mat is completely biodegradable and installed with natural stakes. Mr. Bitsko also recommended that they plant a larger amount of smaller trees instead of the proposed plan and to add more shrubbery. Mr. Bitsko recommended using a fern mix as opposed to a meadow mix which would have greater ecological value. The applicant stated that they would submit a revised planting plan. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Wolk, the Commission voted 5-0 to issue a negative determination with conditions pending submission of the revised planting plan. 7:13pm DET 19-14 RDA, 3 Patterson Road Applicant: Rayudu Macha Project: Determination whether area or lot is jurisdictional Documents Received: RDA application and plot plan (4-9-2019) *Request for continuance until May 13, 2019 at the applicant’s request On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted to continue the meeting at the applicant’s request until May 13, 2019. 7:14pm DEP 201-X BL X NOI, 11 Sherburne Road Applicant: John Degnan and Ozan Dokmecioglu Project: raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling within 200-foot Riverfront Area Documents Received: NOI application/plans/drainage (4-9-2019) Mr. Rich Kirby presented before the Commission. Mr. Degnan and Mr. Dokmecioglu were in the audience. Mr. Kirby stated that the dwelling underwent an addition in 2004 which received an order of conditions. The house is within the 200 foot riverfront area. The new owners propose to keep the portion of the house which was added in 2004 and demolish and rebuild the original portion of the house. A stormwater system will be installed in the front yard connected through downspouts and pipes. A trench drain will be installed in the driveway that will connect to a sump pump before connecting to an infiltration system. Mr. Kirby stated that, based on the comments during the Conservation Commission’s site visits, the planting plan has been revised to include removal of debris. Mr. Kirby stated that is it unclear whether the previous owner obtained a certificate of compliance for the 2004 addition. Mr. Langseth noted that during the site visit they did not notice an inspection port for the existing infiltration system. Mr. Kirby stated that the construction team had been waiting to read through the previous filing to see if a Certificate of Compliance had been issued which theoretically included the existing infiltration system and inspection port details. Ms. Dohan noted that the sump pump was draining out onto the property rather than into the infiltration system. Mr. Kirby stated that they would agree to divert the sump pump to the subsurface infiltration system during this construction project. Mr. Wolk inquired what happens when the driveway sump pump stops working. Mr. Kirby stated that there is a trench drain connected to a sump box which is essentially a small manhole (to collect leaves, etc.) which is then directed to the infiltration system. Mr. Kirby continued to explain that the current infiltration system in the rear of the property directs water onto the left hand side. Ms. Mullins stated that in regards to the sump pump, the applicant will need to think about proposing an additional sump pump at this point in the construction process rather than after the construction is already built. Mr. Beuttell asked if this Order of Conditions needs to be tied to the previous certificate of compliance meaning bringing the rear addition up to compliance standards in addition to this current proposal. The Commission concurred. Ms. Mullins asked if the Commission would like to know what the proposed elevation is of the new construction. Chairman Hamilton agreed. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 6-0 to continue the hearing at the applicant’s request until May 13, 2019. DEP 201-1132 BL 1089 NOI, 188 Waltham Street Applicant: John and Bree Aldridge Project: proposed one story addition within the 100-foot BVW Buffer Zone Documents Received: NOI application/plans/drainage (4-9-2019) Mr. Kirby presented before the Commission. Mr. Kirby stated that the applicants are proposing to construct a two car garage with a one story addition in the rear of their property. The applicants will remove the brick pavers and replace them with porous pavement. An infiltration system will be installed on the side of the property adjacent to a second means of access. There will be minimum grading. A retaining wall is proposed as well. Mr. Beuttell inquired what the slope of the backyard is. Mr. Gala stated that it will be at a holding elevation of 209. Mr. Beuttell asked to revise and update their plans to include elevation. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to close the hearing. Continued Public Hearings DEP 201-1120 BL 1076 NOI, 244 Wood Street Applicant: MIT Lincoln Labs Project: Proposed electrical building modifications within the 100 foot Buffer Zone Previous Hearings: 1-7-2019, 1-28-2019, 2-11-2019, 2-25-2019, 3-11-2019, 3-25-2019, 4-8- 2019, 4-22-2019 *Request for continuance until May 13, 2019 at the applicant’s request On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 6-0 to continue the hearing at the applicant’s request until May 13, 2019. DEP # 201-XXXX BL NOI, 758 Marrett Road Applicant: Minuteman Vocational High School Project: Construction of synthetic tuft athletic fields within the 100-foot Buffer Zone Previous Meeting: 2-25-2019, 3-25-2019, 4-8-2019, 4-22-2019 *Request for continuance until May 13, 2019 at the applicant’s request On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 6-0 to continue the hearing at the applicant’s request until May 13, 2019. DEP # 201-1126 BL 1083 NOI, 6 Blinn Road Applicant: Lauren Dillon Project: Proposed raze and rebuild of a single family dwelling within BVW and the 100-foot Buffer Zone Previous Meeting: 3-11-2019 Ms. Lauren Dillon and Wesley Leighton presented before the Commission. Ms. Dillon stated that she is before the Commission in order to verify that the Commission is satisfied with the wetland delineation. Ms. Dillon presented new plans which entirely remove the originally proposed driveway and walkway and eliminates all structures in the rear of the dwelling (i.e., deck, stairs). Ms. Dillon described the changes in impervious surface in relation to the revised submittal. Mr. Wolk asked if Mr. Crossman had taken any soil samples in the front corner of the property. Ms. Dillon stated that several samples were taken close to the property line but not where Mr. Wolk was referring to. Ms. Mullins stated that she went out to 6 Blinn Road with Dave Crossman and Stamski & McNarry to conduct test pits and observe the wetland boundary. The wetland delineation was determined to directly abut the rear edge of the dwelling. The revised wetland delineation was submitted to the Commission. There is a gas line along the edge of the property which restricted test pit exploration but it was confirmed that the wetland delineation was possibly altered during installation of the gas line. Ms. Mullins stated that on the opposite side of the property the soils were definitely hydric which moved the previous delineated wetland line up. Ms. Dohan asked if a basement was being proposed. Ms. Dillon stated that no basement is proposed. Mr. Langseth stated that, though he believes the Commission will have to approve a home in the same footprint, he does not feel comfortable agreeing to confirm a wetland delineation at this property. Chairman Hamilton stated that this filing is an example of extreme grandfathering. Mr. Beuttell stated his concerns the wetland line will move once the current dwelling is removed. Mr. Beuttell confirmed that the proposed house will remain in the same footprint as the current dwelling. Ms. Dillon stated that the proposed house is in the same footprint but will require a new foundation. Mr. Wolk asked if there were a way in which the applicants could quantify the amount of water runoff they will be producing that will make its way to the neighboring properties. Mr. Beuttell stated that he believes it will be almost impossible for a satisfactory wetland delineation to be determined. Mr. Beuttell stated that the Commission should think about how the activities will impact the wetland rather than directing the majority of their focus on the delineation line. Mr. Beuttell recommended the applicant consider installing a walkway in the rear of the property. Ms. Dohan recommended a material that could be walked on such as groundcover rather than an impervious walkway. The Commission and applicant discussed the zoning setbacks and the possibility of the applicant requesting a variance or special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals in order to move the proposed dwelling away from the wetland. Ms. Dohan stated that she would feel comfortable if the applicant asked zoning for a variance or approving the grandfathered footprint. Mr. Langseth stated that the applicant should reconsider the proposed foundation stones underneath the driveway. Mr. Langseth asked for filter fabric and double washed stone underneath the driveway. Chairman Hamilton asked if the square footage of the proposed dwelling is the same as the existing square footage. Ms. Dillon stated that the both existing and proposed houses are about 1,400 square feet. Mr. Steve Huntington, an abutter, stated that he agreed with the end of the wetland delineation on the edge of the property line. Ms. Mullins asked if the crawlspace would be lower than the existing slab. The applicants stated that they will confirm the slab elevation. Chairman Hamilton asked how the applicants intended to accommodate the roof runoff. Ms. Mullins stated that the applicants are proposing to fill in the front yard to accommodate the runoff. On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 6-0 to continue the hearing until May 13, 2019 at the applicant’s request. DEP # 201-1128 BL # 1085 NOI, 3 Rolfe Road Applicant: Anju Srivastava Project: Proposed addition to a single family home Previous Hearings: 3-25-2019, 4-22-2019 *Request for continuance until May 13, 2019 at the applicant’s request On a motion by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 6-0 to continue the hearing until May 13, 2019 at the applicant’s request. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted to adjourn the meeting.