HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-08-CSC-min�y w -AOR yrry . Minutes of the Lexington Ad Hoc Crematory Study Meeting n May 8th, 2019 APRIL&", II,E XI NGT.0 Location and Time: 1625 Massachusetts Avenue; Parker Room; 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Judith Crocker, John Flynn (Board of Health), Sara Iverson, Bridger McGaw (arrived 7:10pm), George Burnell (EDAC), Msgr. Paul Garrity (LICA) Members and Others Absent: Narain Bhatia, Carolyn Kosnoff, Sanjay Padaki (Appropriation liaison) Others Present: David Pinsonneault (DPW liaison), Sandy Beebee (Capital Expenditures liaison — arrived 7:05pm), Suzie Barry (Chair, and Board of Selectmen liaison) Documents Presented: Most documents discussed Ad Hoc Crematory Study committee meetings can be found on this shared google drive: https;A drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GgbEsOCpzhUbYXXoxKaa6jfOtYdU5FW?usp=sharing The Ad Hoc Crematory Sturdy Interim Report to 2019 ATM can be found here: https:llwww.lexingtonma.govlsitesllexingtonma/files/uploadslarticle2ad hoc crematory interim re port april 2019v3 bos ok 4.3.19.pdf Ms. Barry called the meeting to order at 7:OOpm. The committee amended minutes from the March 6, 2019 and April 1, 2019 meetings. Msgr. Garrity made a motion to approve the amended minutes from March 6th; Ms. Crocker seconded, and the committee unanimously approved them. Mr. McGaw motioned to approve the amended minutes from April 1, 2019; Mr. Garrity seconded, and the committee unanimously approved. Committee members presented their assessment of Town Meeting's reaction to the Ad hoc Crematorium Study Committee Interim report. Several members expressed concerns that the interim report may have caused confusion. Some members felt that Town Meeting's expectations for the final report could be beyond the scope of the committee. Mr. Burnell was concerned that the recent move by the Board of Selectmen to approve Green Burials at Westview Cemetery may negatively influence future demand for cremations. Ms. Barry does not want to change the charge of the committee except to update that the committee's work would bypass the original deadline of the 2019 Annual Town Meeting. The committee discussed whether the original charge included a producing a business plan and a marketing plan for a crematory. Some members believed a marketing plan was beyond the scope of the committee. Msgr. Garrity proposed the committee produce a simple business plan. Mr. Flynn suggested creating an operational plan similar to the Littleton Draft Business Plan. Mr. McGaw had begun working on a financial analysis, but felt his assumptions needed further refinement. Mr. Pinsonneault offered to provide information on the staffing, facilities, and utility costs of operating the crematory. Ms. Barry asked the committee what further information they needed in order to produce the final report. Mr. McGaw requested more information on how the $3.1 m contained in the Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust Account could be used. Ms. Barry offered to invite the Trustees to an Ad hoc Page 1 of 2 Lexington Ad Hoc Crematory Study Meeting February 6, 2019 Crematory Study Committee meeting at a future date, or have them document an answer to the committee's questions in a memo. Mr. McGaw also wanted more information on whether other towns were planning on opening a crematory, how they felt about Lexington operating such a facility, and their willingness to form a partnership. Ms. Barry requested that committee members submit questions, and committed to coalescing members' questions and having town staff send these to peer towns. Ms. Beebee suggested researching if there was any change in regulation being considered by the State, which could affect crematory or cemetery businesses in the future. Ms. Crocker offered to inquire if there was anything pending with the State Representatives. Mr. McGaw offered to bring in his work on the financial analysis to the next meeting. The next meeting dates were established, including May 29th, 2019 at 5pm, June 24th, 2019 at 7pm, July 17th, 2019 at 5pm, and August 201h , 2019 at 5pm. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded at 8:30pm. The vote was unanimous in favor of adjournment. Page 2 of 2