Monday June 11, 2018
6:30 P.M.
Parker Room, Town Office Building
1625 Massachusetts Ave
Chair Philip Hamilton opened the meeting at 6:32pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office
Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, Alex Dohan, Ruth Ladd, Kevin Beuttell, Duke Bitsko,
Dick Wolk
Others present: Casey Hagerty, Conservation Department Assistant
6:32 pm
Approval to expend funds for bee keeping at Idylwilde Community Gardens
The funds for this project will be taken out of the Conservation operating budget.
Approval of expenditure from Lexington Nature Trust for new Stewards safety vests
The funds for this project will be taken out of the Conservation operating budget
Request for Informal Meeting— 1295 and 1303 Mass Avenue and 1-5 Hollow Lane, Drainage
Kenneth Strzepek- engineer
Mr. Strzepek explained that the neighbors of 1295 and 1303 Mass Ave and 1-5 Hollow Lane are
concerned about an increase in ponding in their back yards. He explained that since the bike path
was built, the water does not flow in the same pattern and ends up ponding in their back yards.
They are interested in proposing a method to restore surface drainage that existed before the
creation of the bike path to allow for drainage of standing water, but still retain percolation to
maintain the current wetland and buffer.
The commission explained that this is something that they may approve, but they would need
more details. The commission recommended that they get the wetland delineation done and then
come back to them informally again.
Request for Wetland Restoration Approved Plan Modifications, 82 Grant Street, DEP 201-988,
BL 945
Michael and Linda Levitt- 82 Grant Street
Mr. Hamilton explained that the applicant's proposed restoration plan does not match up with the
as-built. There is lawn that extends into the 25 ft. buffer as well as a portion on the shed.
Ms. Levitt explained that during the permitting process, they did not realize how much of their
lawn they would have to give up.
The commission discussed the situation and stated that they are ok with the location of the shed.
They stated that they want to protect a much of the 25-foot buffer as in the approved plan. They
will accept the current lawn and plantings in the back of the house, behind the deck, except for
the portion bumped out beyond the shrub line, which will have to be restored. Lawn must be
pulled back to the 25-foot buffer along the sides of the house, with additional plantings
delineating the 25-foot buffer The commission stated that the next step should be that the
Levitts get a plan drawn up showing the new proposed plantings.
Request to Extend Order of Conditions, 201-968 ,BL 926, End of Rangeway, 6/2018 to 6/2020
Motion to extend Order of conditions made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 5-
0 in favor.
7:21 pm
Continued Public Meetings
DET 18-12
33 Hayden Ave
Owner/applicant: Melanie Waldron, Boston Properties
Project: Landscape Improvements
Nick Skoly- VHB Engineering
Mr. Skoly stated that he has talked with Boston Properties regarding increasing the number of
plantings in the area where some trees are to be removed. He stated that they have agreed to
increase the number of native trees and shrubs.
Motion to issue a Negative Determination with Conditions made by Mr. Bitsko and seconded by
Mr. Wolk. Vote: 5-0 in favor.
New Public Meetings
DEP 201-1102, BL 1059
NOI, 99 East Street
Owner/applicant: 99 East Street LLC
Project: Raze and rebuild SFD
Scott Smyers- Oxbow Associates, Peter Daus-Haberle- owner/builder
Mr. Smyers explained his client is proposing to remove an existing single family home and
replace it with a new one. The site falls along the Lower Vine Brook. Most of the site falls within
the 100 ft. inner riparian zone. There is also 100 year flood plain on the property. The applicant
stated that he is trying to use the existing footprint as much as possible to reduce disturbance.
They are proposing a large restoration area as well as a flood compensation area.
Mr. Daus-Haberle explained that he is working with FEMA to determine the exact flood zone
line. He stated that the previous owner of the house received a letter from FEMA alerting him
that the flood zone had changed and he no longer had to purchase flood insurance. Mr. Daus-
Haberle stated that he has submitted a Letter of Map Amendment(LOMA) to FEMA to confirm
where the flood zone line is. This process may take up to 60 days.
Questions and comments from the Commission:
The commission asked for more information regarding the LOMA. Mr. Daus-Haberle stated that
he is not sure if FEMA is going to send a new elevation or just telling him that he is not in the
flood zone.
The commission expressed concern that FEMA will only be looking at historical data and not
looking forward with predictive methods.
The commission requested that the burning bush shrubs be removed. The applicant agreed.
The commission stated that the shed along the river should be removed. If there is just a slab
foundation they should remove it. If there are full footings, they can leave those.
The commission asked about a bump out on the side of the house. Mr. Daus-Haberle stated that
it is a set of stairs and a landing. They will look at removing the landing.
The commission stated that they may need more information regarding the flood elevations
depending on what information FEMA comes back with.
The commission asked if it is possible to move the infiltration system outside of the inner
riparian zone. The applicant will talk to the engineer regarding this.
The commission stated that this project appears to be more of a redevelopment project rather
than a new development project. Mr. Smyers stated that he will evaluate this.
The commission asked the applicant to look at other options for the driveway that are pervious
rather than crushed stone.
The commission asked the applicant to reconsider the proposed three-car garage. The applicant
stated he will consider this.
Motion to continue the hearing to 7/9/2018 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Wolk and
seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 5-0 in favor.
Continued Public Meetings
DET 18-8
RDA, 489 Concord Ave
Applicant/owner: The Cotting School
Project: Increased use of existing path
Meg Buczynski- Activitas, Bruce Embry- attorney, Bridget Irish- Cotting School
Mr. Hamilton explained that a draft of the conditions has been circulated and both the applicant
and the commission have come to an agreement regarding the use of the path.
Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by
Mr. Wolk. Vote: 5-0 in favor.
The commission also stated to the applicant, that is has come to their attention that they are in
violation of a Conservation Restriction on a portion of the property. Ms. Buczynski stated that
they are aware of this and are working on a letter that they will submit to the commission with a
plan for correcting that violation. The commission stated that they would like to see the disturbed
area restored ideally.
DEP 201-1101, BL 1058
443 Lincoln Street
Owner: The Gertrude M. Piantedosi Trust
Applicant: Symes Development and Permitting LLC
Project: Balanced housing development and associated site work
Jeff Rhuda- Symmes Development, Richard Harrington- Stamski and McNary
Mr. Harrington explained that since the last meeting, they have made the requested revisions
which included a new O and M plan, slight changes to the infiltration systems, and landscape
Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 5-0 in favor.
DEP 201-1098, BL 1055
NOI, 4 Grimes Road
Owner/applicant: Irene Palmieri
Project: Home addition
Motion to continue the hearing to 6/25/2018 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Wolk and
seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 5-0 in favor.
DEP 201-1099, BL 1056
NOI, 473 Lowell Street
Owner/applicant: Saurabh and Naridini Lshatriya
Project: Home addition
Mary Trudeau- wetlands scientist
Ms. Trudeau stated that they have revised the plan to reflect the changes the commission wanted.
They are still waiting for the Engineering department to review the plans. FENO markers have
been added along the restored wetland line.
Questions and comments from the commission:
The commission stated that the location of the FENO markers is acceptable because the applicant
will be restoring a significant portion of their lawn back to wetland.
Motion to continue the hearing to 6/25/2018 at the applicant's request made by Ms. Ladd and
seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 5-0 in favor.
DEP 201-1092, BL 1049
NOI, 7 Ledgelawn Ave
Owner/applicant: Jian Shao
Project: Raze and rebuild SFD
Motion to continue the hearing to 7/9/2018 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Wolk and
seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 5-0 in favor.
Pendine Matters continued
Issue Order of Conditions for DEP 201-1100, BL 1057, NOI, 85 Maple Street
Motion to issue Order of Conditions made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 5-0
in favor.
Approve minutes from 5/14/2018 and 5/29/2018 meeting
Motion to approve minutes from 5/14/2018 made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell.
Vote: 5-0 in favor.
Motion to approve minutes from 5/28/2018 made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote:
5-0 in favor.
Schedule Site Visits for the 6/25/2018 Meeting
Site visits were scheduled for Monday 6/18/18 at 6pm
Bufferzone Regulation discussion
The commission discussed the proposed regulations. They stated that they hope to have the
regulations in place by the end of October.
Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 5-0 in favor.