HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-09-TREE-min A meeting of the Lexington Tree Committee was held on May 9, 2019, 7:30-9:30 a.m. at the Samuel Hadley Public Services Building. A quorum of seven was present. Members Present: Gerry Paul (chair), Gloria Bloom, Jewel Kuljian, Pat Moyer, Nancy Sofen, Anne Senning, Jim Wood, Chris Filadoro, (Tree Warden Superintendent of Public Grounds), David Pinsonneault(Director of Public Works) delivered some information before the start of the meeting. The meeting acted on the following items: 1. Anne Senning was appointed as scribe. We agreed to move our June and July meetings to the third Thursdays (6/20, 7/18)to accommodate conflicts on the original dates. 2. Jewel Kuljian announcement. Jewel, after serving on the Tree Committee for most of its existence, announced that she is considering retirement. Members of the Tree Committee thanked her for all her excellent contributions and dedicated work, and wished her well in what they hoped would be a relaxed future. 3. Review of Minutes of April ll, 2019. Minutes approved with changes. 4. Inventory Status: Chris Filadoro, Tree Warden and Superintendent of Public Grounds reported the Tree Inventory status. Chris is still working the issue identified in Oct. 2018 of inadequate GPS accuracy. Chris will arrange for a demo of the new inventory program at our June 20 meeting. 5. Tracking Tree Removals On Bylaw Sites But Not In Setback: Discussion; the Bylaw covers setback trees only. Additional trees not in the setback maybe cut after the original plot plan is submitted. So it is not as straight forward as we had hoped to track removals not in the setback 6. Watering/Survival: East Lexington Corridor State Project is under warranty. Foti will water the Spring 2019 planting. (2017/2018) survival rates will be determined by observing which trees survived annually. 7. Selection of Bare Root Species for Planting Spring 2019: Chris Filadoro announced the following species for Spring 2019 spring planting; 10 Ginkgo biloba, (Ginkgo), 14 Halesia carolina, (Carolina silverbell), 15 Cladrastis kentukea(Yellowwood), 15 Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweet gum), 10 Platanus x acerifolia Bloodgood' (London plane tree), 10 Sorbus x hybrinda oak leaf(Oakleaf Mountain Ash), 2 Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn redwood). 8. Status of the Setback Tree Planting Program: Chris Filadoro outlined the 2019 system of tree planting used by the Lexington Forestry Department. Chris gets emails from the public requesting setback or street trees, which he passes onto Joel Custance, Chief Forester. Joel finds locations for trees on streets and public properties. Matt Foti, private contractor,plants the trees. There has been no need to advertise currently, as the Forestry Department is working on a backlog of locations. 9. 2019 Spring Planting: Chris Filadoro presented four lists of completed 2019 Spring tree plantings detailing species, number, location and planting dates. 10. Applying Tree Bylaw to Public Building Sites: Gerry Paul, Tree Committee Chairman talked with Mike Cronin, Public Facilities Director, Town of Lexington who said he would be might be able to provide mitigation for trees removed at Hastings School, Lexington Children's Place, The new Visitors Center and the new Fire HouseA motion was made and passed to invite him to a future Tree Committee meeting. Gerry will contact him. Chris will report on inches of DBH removed vs the inches of DBH planned to be replanted at the sites. 11. Tree Related Inventory Information: We developed a list of areas involving the accessibility of tree related information for further discussion with Dave Pinsonneault and IT. 12. Visitors Center Landscape Plan This item was postponed. 13. EAB policy for ash trees on private property: The Town has no jurisdiction over ash trees on private property. All ash trees are subject to EAB. Infected trees on private property jeopardize all other trees in Town. The DPW and Tree Committee must rely on education of homeowners to care for observing signs of EAB on their trees and the removal of any infected trees. Jim Wood will draft a notice for a town wide mail on EAB. 14. Lexington Urban Forest Master Plan: John Livsey, P.E., Town Engineer is in charge of submitting the Town's Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program grant. Nancy Sofen wrote a letter for the Tree Committee in support of the grant to fund an Urban Forest Management Plan which Gerry will forward to John. 15. Plans for Discovery Day: Gerry has organized the table, supplies and a rotation of volunteers to work with him, Anne, Pat, and Gloria. Additionally Pat will bring Arbor Day rulers and flyers and Nancy a list of recommended trees. There was no remote participation. The meeting was not recorded. Respectfully submitted, Anne Senning, Scribe Next regular meeting: June 20, 7:30 a.m. at Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125