HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-12-SC-minLEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen's Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 7:00 p.m. Chair Eileen Jay welcomed and introduced committee members, including newly elected member Scott Bokun SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Eileen Jay, Chairperson Kate Colburn, Vice -Chairperson Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun Rosanna Jiang, Student Rep NOT PRESENT: Peter Rowe, Interim Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee and Administrative Assistant to Superintendent Reorganization of School Committee: Chair/Vice-Chair Ms. Colburn nominated Ms. Eileen Jay to continue as Chair. Ms. Colburn noted that Ms. Jay has done an excellent job transitioning with the new Superintendent. Ms. Jay will provide steady continuity and leadership for the committee with all the upcoming challenges ahead. Ms. Lenihan echoed Ms. Colburn's comments and suggested from an organizational standpoint to follow the same protocol as other committee's and rotate the chair every two years with the option for a third year. Ms. Colburn nominated Ms. Jay to continue as Chair of the School Committee; seconded by Ms. Sawhney (Approved 5-0) Ms. Sawhney nominated Ms. Colburn to continue as Vice -Chair. Ms. Sawhney noted that Ms. Colburn has amazing experience with Town Meeting and her experiences on School Committee LSC Meeting 3/12/2019 APPROVED - 5/7/2019 to date have been extremely valuable on the role. She will do well in this position as she has done in the past year. Ms. Lenihan echoed Ms. Sawhney's comments. Ms. Sawhney nominated Ms. Colburn to continue as Vice -Chair of the School Committee; seconded by Mr. Bokun (Approved 5-0) SCHOOL COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rosanna Jiang: Ms. Jiang congratulated the National Ocean Science Bowl Team and Department of Energy Science Bowl Team for placing first at the regional competition and the team will move on to nationals. Ms. Sawhney: Ms. Sawhney attended the Diamond Middle School production of Annie. She extended her congratulations to the Director, Kate Bromley, Musical Director and Choreographer, Jessica Delgado, and Technical Director, John Diperna and to all the students participating in an amazing performance. Earlier in the day, Ms. Sawhney attended the Mock Town Meeting at Diamond Middle School. Ms. Colburn: Ms. Colburn reported on the quarterly meeting of SEPAC Presidents with school committee members, Dr. Hackett and Ellen Sugita. Some topics discussed were: • the impact of school start times and children who have aides to assist them in the mornings • LHS transition and ongoing concerns with respect to the dyslexia screening and it's process • Equity Audit Ms. Colburn noted that a Special Ed update will be held at the Central Office on March 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Sugita and Dr. Hackett will both be present at this meeting. Great opportunity for families who are interested in special education issues to hear what is happening and to raise their concerns. Ms. Colburn attended the SHAC LGBTQ+ Task Force on March 7, 2019 and reported on upcoming events. Ms. Lenihan: Ms. Lenihan attended the Youth Substance Use "What Parents Need to Know" sponsored by the PTO. 2 LSC Meeting 3/12/2019 APPROVED - 5/7/2019 Ms. Lenihan reported on the Human Rights Committee meeting she attended. One topic of discussion was the ability to anonymously report issues. Ms. Lenihan noted that nearly everyone was not aware that on each school website there is a "Bullying Reporting Form" that can be filled out anonymously and suggested there be a better way of communicating to families and possibly suggest changing the "Bullying" report to a different title. Ms. Lenihan extended her congratulations to Diamond Middle School on the production of Annie. Mr. Bokun: Thanked all of Lexington for coming out to vote and thanked Superintendent Hackett for closing school. A great learning opportunity for younger kids to go with their parents and see what they do when they go in a voting booth. Ms. Jay: Ms. Jay echoed Mr. Bokun's comments regarding voting. Ms. Jay reminded the community about the Lexington Parent Academy, co-sponsored with SHAC on March 24, 2019 at the Community Center from 9:30-12:30. Ms. Jay provided a brief update on the Minuteman Intermunicipal Agreement. CONGRATULATIONS & CELEBRATIONS: Dr. Hackett attended Mona Roy's "Womanhood and Gender in Tagore's songs" on Saturday, March 9 at the Munroe Center. Congratulations to all the performers, it was an amazing event. Dr. Hackett extended her congratulations to Clarke Middle School students who participated in the MATHCOUNTS State Championship on Saturday, March 2. Clarke took first place for the eleventh time in the last thirteen years. Dr. Hackett congratulated the LHS Department of Energy (DOE) National Science Bowl Team for taking first place, second place and the wildcard competition on Sunday, March 3, 2019 at the Northeast Super Regional Science Bowl held at the University of Connecticut. This is the twelfth consecutive year that Lexington has won the Regional Science Bowl. Dr. Hackett attended an I -Block session earlier in the day with Dr. Christine Lyons, Monica Visco and Andrew Stephens. Discussion was around the lack of diverse staff at Lexington as well as the lack of curriculum addressing black history and black literature. The students presented two petitions that each had over 350 signatures on them. Ms. Colburn commented that it would be great for School Committee to hear what kind of efforts have been made with Human Resources on recruiting more people of color to the schools. 3 LSC Meeting 3/12/2019 APPROVED - 5/7/2019 Superintendent Hackett remarked that efforts are coming together and more work needs to be done as well. Brief discussion continued. CONSENT AGENDA: ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS/GIFTS NONE PAYROLL AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT APPROVAL 1. Payroll Period Dated March 1, 2019 ($3,724,130.45) 2. Accounts Payable Warrant Dated February 8, 2019 ($1,327,473.56) 3. Accounts Payable Warrant Dated March 8, 2019 ($658,790.83) Mr. Bokun moved to approve items 1-3 under Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrants on the consent agenda; seconded by Ms. Colburn (Approved 5-0) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. February 26, 2019 Ms. Lenihan moved to approve School Committee minutes from February 26, 2019 under the consent agenda; seconded by Ms. Sawhney (Approved 4-0 Mr. Bokun abstained since he was not on the committee at that time) COMMUNITY SPEAKS: Ms. Mona Roy - Ms. Roy extended her thanks to School Committee and Dr. Hackett for looking at the hiring of a diverse staff. Ms. Roy commented on behalf of the Human Rights Committee and the anonymous reporting of civil rights incidents. They are trying to figure out what is the best way that people the community can be made to feel safe in reporting and feel safe expressing their concerns, but at the same time make sure the right people are collecting the data. What happens once a form is completed? SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Superintendent Hackett reported on the following: Integrated Building Policy Update: The co -construction of a sustainability policy is important to thoughtful planning for resilient buildings. Town Manager Malloy has taken on the new policy and proposes a Working Group meeting on March 18, 2019 to edit the Integrated Building Design policy in real-time. As proposed by the Town Manager, the Working Group, comprised of representatives from the Board of Selectmen, the School Committee, the Permanent Building Committee, Sustainable Lexington, the Capital Expenditures Committee, the Director of Public Facilities, and the Superintendent of Schools, will edit the integrated building policy in real-time. Mr. Malloy is 4 LSC Meeting 3/12/2019 APPROVED - 5/7/2019 requesting that the Chair of each of the Boards/Committees designate one individual to represent them. It is the Superintendent's understanding that the final policy must be approved by the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee. In related news, Dan Voss will be moving a resolution regarding Article 36 at Town Meeting. The article asks fhe Board of Selectmen and the School Committee to assist in developing and adopting two policies: (1) an Integrated Building Design Policy for new and renovated Town buildings (in progress); and (2) a Building Policy for existing Town buildings. Mr. Voss responded to questions from School Committee members. Ms. Lenihan moved to appoint Ms. Colburn and Ms. Sawhney as the School Committee Representatives to the "Integrated Building Policy Working Group'; seconded by Mr. Bokun (Approved 5-0) A New Look for Lexington Public Schools: Superintendent Hackett announced a new design logo for Lexington Public Schools. The logo, is a modernized version of the Minuteman hat worn in the American Revolutionary War. Embedded within the image is Edison's creative invention—a light bulb symbolizing great ideas and knowledge—a nod to our ten terrific public schools in Lexington. The logo development is part of LPS's recent website redesign contract with Stirling Technologies. In addition to our website, Stirling Technologies is assisting us with letterhead, a google slide template, and business cards. Many thanks to our Director of Technology and her team for doing an outstanding job getting this project off the ground so quickly! Administrative Appointments: Dr. Hackett announced two new administrators to join Lexington Public Schools. Mr. David Coelho, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, and Ms. Lisa Riendeau, Principal of Estabrook Elementary School. A bio for both Mr. Coelho and Ms. Riendeau can be found here: 3-12-19 i LPS Community Report: The Historic Past Meets the Progressive Future: An action item noted in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Our Call to Action position paper and in the Strategic Planning Timeline is the public communication of our efforts. Our first Lexington Public Schools Community Report will be published and distributed in both electronic and print form to Lexington residents this month. The first edition of the LPS Community Report will feature updates on our work related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as strategic planning, redistricting, school facilities master planning, student mental health, a later school start and more. Dr. Hackett noted the plan to publish and distribute two community reportes will take place between now and the end of the school year. In the 2019-2020 school year, three community reports will be distributed, along with monthly electronic newsletters. Statement of Interest for A New or Renovated Lexington High School: The Lexington High School Statement of Interest is finalized and will be uploaded to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) on Friday, March 15, 2019. The 47 -page 5 LSC Meeting 3/12/2019 APPROVED - 5/7/2019 document provides a realistic look at the challenges we face with severe overcrowding and inadequate school facilities. Superintendent Hackett thanked all those who provided thoughtful input and feedback. PRESENTATION: DEI Update Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development, and Ms. Caitlin Ahern, Director of Professional Development, provided a brief update on the Equity Audit as part of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) work that is being done in the district. Dr. Lyons noted the purpose of the equity audit was to identify an outside agency to give an analysis of the district's practices and policies and to give a neutral outside view of how to do better. It also provides an opportunity to work with an external group that has expertise to teach Lexington and to build an internal capacity to continue this work for the long term. It was decided MAEC - Mid -Atlantic Equity Consortium, Inc. is the only consulting agency to provide what Lexington is seeking in both the short term and long term. Dr. Lyons reviewed the milestones since the last update as well as the next steps. • Identify o Focus group members for each of the constituent groups o Data Inquiry Team members o Key document review • Co -develop of a Curriculum Review/Revision evaluation tool • Goal of June 4, 2019 presentation to School Committee results of above work and plan for next steps Dr. Lyons responded to questions from School Committee members. COMMUNITY SPEAKS: Valerie Overton, 25 Emerson Gardens- Would like to see an updated version of the equity action plan and the equity audit tool. Ms. Overton feels the amount of confusion over the scope and purpose of this process shows that there needs to be further clarification on the structure and what the desired outcomes are. Ms Overton also expressed concerns over the equity questionnaire tool. Mona Roy - Ms. Roy expressed her appreciation for the steps Lexington is taking in moving in the right direction and for the School Committee and Dr. Hackett's leadership in addressing this issue. Ms. Roy made further comments. Christina Lin, 2 Eustis Street - Ms. Lin commented on the bullying form that was discussed earlier in the evening. The current form is a google form and she expressed concerns about sharing sensitive materials with a "google" form. Ms. Lin would like the district to look into other types of forms that will protect the person making the claim. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 6 LSC Meeting 3/12/2019 APPROVED - 5/7/2019 Homework Update Dr. Lyons reported that a Homework Task Force working group has been formed. The purpose of the task force is to review the existing LPS homework policy and implementation guide and to present any proposed revisions and/or updates for School Committee consideration. The task force or administration might also develop support materials for teachers that may come up as a result as proposed revisions and updates. A survey will be send to students, parents,, teachers, and administrators the week of March 18. Dr. Lyons responded to questions from School Committee members. School Master Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Superintendent Hackett reported on the School Master Planning Committee meeting from Friday, March 8th. Principal Stephen and Donna DiNisco, DiNisco Design, walked members through the LHS spacing mining options and recommendations for short-term "strategies". Committee members reviewed the draft copy of the Statement of Interest (SOI). A copy of the March 8, 2019 Presentation can be viewed here: Master Plan aing_Comm ittee Updates COMMUNITY SPEAKS: Many community members came out to speak on behalf of the Homework Policy. A motion to adjourn was made; so moved by Ms. Kathleen Lenihan at 10:23 p.m. (Approved 5-0) LSC Meeting 3/12/2019 APPROVED - 5/7/2019