HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-09-PB-min Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes January 9, 2019 Ms. Johnson called the Planning Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Chair Ginna Johnson, Richard Canale, Robert Creech, Charles Hornig, and Nancy Corcoran Ronchetti. General Updates: Ms. Kowalski introduced Ms. Shelia Page as the new Assistant Planning Director. Ms. Kowalski discussed Ms. Page’s background including her previous employment as a Town Planner with the Town of Ashland and that she attended the Conway School of Design. Ms. Kowalski also said the new Planning Director will be joining the Planning Department within the next few weeks. Ms. Johnson thanked Ms. Kowalski for all she has done while the above positions were unfilled and said the Board deeply appreciated it. A brief Comprehensive Plan update was provided. Development Administration: 15-17 Fairland Street - Preliminary Subdivision Plan Before the above discussion commenced, Ms. Johnson recused herself and Associate Planning Board Member Michael Leon joined the Board for its discussion. Attorney Farrington, on behalf of the Applicant (“Applicant’s Representative”), provided a timeline of the project and said a revised conventional subdivision plan was submitted upon the acquisition of a smaller lot adjacent to the property. As per a letter dated January 2, 2019, the Applicant’s Representative requested a 30-day extension of the statutory time frame and requested the Board agree to an extension of the hearing deadline in order to give the Applicant an opportunity to read and review various project reports (i.e., engineering work, road changes, etc.). Mr. Canale discussed his thoughts with extending the deadline to February 12, 2019. Mr. Hornig then moved a Motion for Extension, with a second from Mr. Canale. The Board unanimously approved the foregoing Motion. 15-17 Fairland Street - Sketch Balanced Housing Development Mr. Hornig confirmed with the Applicant’s Representative that they were asking the Board to extend the hearing to February 12, 2019 to afford the Applicant more time to gather information. Mr. Hornig was also concerned that the Board’s discussion of this item at the meeting would not violate the Open Meeting Law (OML) because the Notice of the Meeting did not list it. After discussion, Ms. Kowalski said with notice and the Applicant’s site plan being before the Board tonight, the Board was on firm footing. 1 The Applicant presented the proposed project information: The proposed trail link connection from Fairland to Lincoln Street. The engineering and drainage system design/redesign and its capacity for handling major and minor flooding events, the subsurface drainage plan and offsite system, the water high pressure pump station with costs being paid by the Developer, Barons Homes, and not the Town. The Applicant has met with Town Engineering, the Fire Department and the Police Department re: the proposed plans. The Applicant will continue to engage the neighborhood regarding its plans. A new Conventional Subdivision Plan was submitted because the original 5.9- acre site, when combined with newly acquired parcel, is now 6.25. 1/3 open space with buffers for wildlife to move freely; A proposed Walking Plan with respect to Lincoln Street with neighborhood access with clear visible train signage, a walking path, averaging a 15% - 20% grade drop, using native materials for enhancement, and a possible neighborhood public/private crosswalk; and Storm water location and associated information regarding water runoff. Board Comments: Mr. Hornig asked if the Applicant envisioned Architectural Access Board (“AAB”) problems with trail access. The Applicant responded even in park construction, it isn’t expected that the trails be handicapped accessible. Mr. Hornig thinks the Applicant should think about a variance from AAB. The Applicant said it will confirm with AAB re: its regulatory requirements so there is no disagreement. Engineering and storm water runoff information was also provided including engineering plans, chamber storage units, soils and gravel types being used in discharge area(s), the amount of fill needed to construct the roadway, the storm water holding capacity and planning for 2-year event, a 5-year event and a 25-year storm event. Applicant said the system will be built for a 100-year storm event. The Applicant estimated 1000 yards of fill will be needed. Mr. Canale, like Mr. Hornig, shared his AAB concerns, i.e., wheelchair access within the subdivision, and said he would like to see it included in the Definitive Plan. The Applicant discussed their position re: handicapped public accessory access within a usual subdivision. Mr. Canale then asked the presenter to talk about the site’s grades and fill as well. 2 Mr. Creech and Mr. Leon had questions and concerns regarding storm water run-off and storage, site access and handicapped accessibility within the development, the lack of groundwater data re: this proposed project, the impact of 14,500 sq. ft. of pavement, as proposed, and how it could change the contour of the land. Mr. Leon discussed the estimated maintenance costs with respect to the system’s catch-basins and the need to have adequate and proper maintenance for the system. The Applicant’s Representative estimated the yearly costs to be about $3,500 to $5,000. Maintenance would include vaccuming organic debris from several basins into a truck. Mr. Leon also discussed the Applicant’s ownership model, i.e., Home Owners Association (“HOA”) vs. Condominium Association, its associated paperwork with a provision allowing the Town access when needed. Mr. Leon also noted there is no legal way to hold a HOA responsible re: annual charges and collection of those charges whereas a Condominium Association can impose administrative restrictions. Mr. Creech added that systems are bound to fail if not maintained properly. The Applicant said it will address the Board’s concerns as raised this evening, including AAB compliance concerns, the development’s ownership model, access to Fairland Street and child safety issues re: the width of Fairland Street and possibly adding more shared units. After discussion, the Board decided, with proper notice, to put this item on its Agenda in two weeks and Applicant agreed all material requested by the Board would be available 1-week prior to 1/23/19 meeting. Upcoming Meetings & Anticipated Schedule Ms. Johnson returned to the Board for the discussion re: Warrant Articles and the Hearing Schedule. Ms. Page provided a Summary for the Board: Annual Town Meeting – 3/25/19: Three separate Zoning Articles  PD Development - 186 Bedford Street  Citizen’s Petition to expand requirements of Site Plan Review.  Board of Selectmen name change Discussion ensued re: filing deadlines, dates for hearings and Board reports. Ms. Johnson expressed concerns with the timeline re: 186 Bedford Street PDSUP and a possible new sketch plan. Ms. Johnson also wants the Board to start drafting its Town st Meeting Board Reports on or before March 1 since the Board’s reports are due March th 11. She added timelines are tight and indicated one alternative is to hold more hearings as needed. 3 The Board also discussed timelines re: Board notice postings and requested Ms. Kowalski reach out to Applicants currently before the Board regarding any concerns they may have with timelines. Board members also discussed their availability re: future meetings if more meetings are needed and reserving dates in February 2019 and March 2019 for editing Board Reports. Board Administration- Updates: Open Meeting Law violation filed 10-18 re: e-mail communication and staff’s incorrect summary of the Meeting. Update: upon advice from the AG.’s office, if the staff makes the changes, the complaint will be closed. Mr. Canale moved a Motion to make the changes, with a second from Mr. Creech. The Board voted 4-0. Mr. Hornig recused himself from the vote. Ms. Johnson discussed the upcoming joint Workshop of the Planning Board and the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) in February. She said this Workshop will give the public another opportunity to weigh in on the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Johnson said the Workshop’s format will include a short presentation, break-out session groups with public comment and believes this Workshop is a great opportunity to keep the public up-to-date. She also said having an outline of other Town initiatives that are running parallel to CPAC is useful. Ms. Johnson also said there will be no staff available for the Workshop so Board Members will be asked to assist. Ms. Johnson suggested a Doodle Poll with CPAC re: joint meeting details, (i.e., Joint Meeting, reserving a meeting venue and handouts, etc.) to see what a majority of respondents wish to do and will work with Ms. Page and Ms. Kowalski regarding final Workshop information. Board Member Updates: Mr. Hornig discussed the Tri-Town Update, Transit Systems, Fixed Route systems to Micro transit systems, the CPC’s upcoming meeting to decide which proposals move forward. Mr. Hornig also discussed a citizen’s proposal re: changing the CPA surtax from 3% to 1%. (Ms. Johnson requested this item be added as an Agenda item at a future Board Meeting as well as adding it to the Board’s Public Workshop Agenda), an update re: the School Master Plan Advisory Committee regarding current and future enrollment. Mr. Canale provided an update re: MAGIC, Transportation improvements Plans – both short term and long term and the MPO project timeline process and that the Board should meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the foregoing. Mr. Hornig added he heard the Board of Selectmen wanted to have a Joint Meeting with the Planning Board re: Economic Articles so Ms. Kowalski will check with the Board of Selectmen regarding scheduling a Joint Meeting with the Planning Board and get back to the Board. Ms. Johnson suggested the Joint Meeting should be scheduled closer to Town Meeting but if the Select Board wants to meet earlier, that would be fine. 4 Mr. Canale also updated the Board regarding the Toole Design meeting and working th with MassDOT re: 128 Multi-Model being January 15, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Hanscom Field. Mr. Hornig requested Mr. Canale forward the information to all. Review and Approval of Board Minutes: After Board review of the October 19, 2018, October 31, 2018, November 5, 2018, November 13, 2018, November 28, 2018, and December 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes, Mr. Hornig moved a motion to adopt with a second from Mr. Canale. The Motion was unanimously adopted. Mr. Creech moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Mr. Canale. The Board voted 5-0 to adjourn. Mr. Leon discussed the estimated maintenance costs with respect to the system’s catch- basins and the need to have adequate and proper maintenance for the system. The Applicant’s Representative estimated the yearly costs to be about $3,500 to $5,000. Maintenance would include vaccuming organic debris from several drains(?) into a truck. Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti, Clerk 5