HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-04-LHRC-min `OVS MOOD? pQ 1775 �O Q ry z� y U APRIL19Y' �FXI NUf Town of Lexington Lexington Human Rights Committee Sean D. Osborne, Chair hUrnanr phts�mte lex n€�tonma.g Tanya Gisolfi, Vice Chair Monami D. Roy, Clerk Minutes for January 4, 2019 Meeting January 4, 2019 8:00 a.m. (8:07—9:40) Location: Room 237 (second floor of mansion)—Lexington Community Center(LCC) Attendance • Members: Sean Osborne (Chair), Tanya Gisolfi (Vice Chair), Mona Roy (Clerk), Bonnie Brodner, Jeffrey Toronto, James Barry (Police Department), Barbara Hamilton (LPS), Koren Stembridge (Town) • Liaisons and Guests: Mark Corr (Chief of Police), Aidan Evelyn (Lexington Police), Julie Hackett (LPS Superintendent) Kathleen Lenihan, (School Committee), Brent Maracle (LICA), Valerie Overton (LexPride), Tony Serio (Human Services), Patricia Jacotin (ABCL/SEPAC), Christina Lin (LHS PTO/PPC), Matthew Cohen, Mabel Amar, Pamela Tames I. Welcome by Mr. Osborne (8:07) 2. Not In Our School Joint Workgroup — Mr. Osborne and LPS Superintendent Dr. Hackett opened the discussion on the possibility of piloting Not In Our Schools and forming a joint initiative. LHRC and LPS will form a workgroup which will include Ms. Gisolfi, Ms. Roy and the principal of school that will pilot NIOS. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 3. Public Comments Pastor Maracle discussed the incident in NJ in which a wrestler had his dreadlocks cut off before a match. He also noted the need to revisit rules and well-meaning initiatives that are counter to cultural norms of some groups. 4. Approval of Minutes a. October— no changes. Motion to approve by Ms. Gisolfi, approved by all present. b. November minutes —under 5, add a bullet "Ms. Brodner requested that LHRC develop guidelines for sponsorship of events" Motion to Amend November minutes made by Ms. Brodner, approved by all present. Motion to approve amended minutes made by Ms. Gisolfi, approved by all present. c. December minutes — under 3a "Mabel Amar spoke" instead of"Mabel Amar poke" For 7d, Ms. Brodner clarified what she said namely, Ms. Brodner also requested that get mins out within a week of the meeting, Ms. Brodner sent info to Mr. Osborne on Anti Bias training [to] for TMM and wanted to follow up to see if BOS knows this information and will act upon it. Discussion among members re: should Mr. Osborne put this on the next agenda for further discussion. Ms. Brodner motioned to approve amended minutes as discussed approved by all. 5. Chair Report a. MLK Day of Service, January 21, 2019, Unity Walk— after discussion, noted that LHRC will not walk as a group b. Raising White Kids: Building Skills for Raising Anti-Racist Children, Thursday, January 24, 7-9 pm, Rm 24-25, Temple Isaiah, 55 Lincoln Street, cosponsored by Follen Responds to Racism Team and Temple Isaiah 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 c. Including Samuel"Screening and Discussion with Joe Petner, PhD, January, 17, 2019, 7:00 pm — 9:00 pm, Lexington Venue, 1794 Massachusetts Avenue. 6. Community Conversation on Race — Monday, January 21, 2019 ■ LHRC Working Group Ms. Gisolfi, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Osborne and Ms. Roy ■ Want people to get there by 8:30 am ■ Working on getting 25 small group facilitators. ■ There will be 5 readers who will then discuss their personal stories encountering/confronting white privilege/institutional racism ■ Ms. Hamilton will be recruiting high schoolers to take photos and write articles for the LHS paper and for community service hours. ■ One goal is to encourage the participation of high schoolers and young adults so as to lower the average age in the room. Public Discussion: • Questions raised re: Hate Crimes categories for Race. • Officer Barry confirmed that those were the racial categories per the law. • Mr. Osborne noted that he wants to address this arbitrary legal construct right up front to be clear what is the trigger of an investigation into meeting standards of racial hate crimes. 7. Workgroup Updates a. Community Conversation on Race Community Toolbox (March) Mr. Osborne and Ms. Roy will aim for a March timeframe b. Fair and Affordable Housing (April) Ms. Brodner and Ms. Huang) — no new updates but discussion on possible training c. Community Presentations with ADL on Hate Symbols (May) Officer Barry and Ms. Gisolfi— no new updates, Officer Barry noted that Dan 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Levinson is no longer there so working to make new ADL contact. d. Race Amity Day (2nd Sunday in June — looking for volunteers), Valerie Overton (LexPride) noted Pride March is 2nd Saturday in June, Lexington's celebration is always the day after and asked for coordination as both will fall on the same day. e. Social Media (Ms. Huang, Mr. Osborne and Ms. Roy) — no updates 8. Reports and Updates on Human Rights Related Incidents and Programs from Committee Members • Mr. Osborne reported hearing of an incident from Ms. Stembridge (Town) — starting an investigation; listen to both sides; try to diffuse before it becomes a police incident; Ms. Stembridge got the call as the replacement to Charlotte Rodgers. • Officer Barry — no new incidents, Investigation still going on at LHS re: previous anti-Semitic incident. • Ms. Brodner asked for training for TMM, Mr. Osborne noted his previous recommendation to BOS, noted maybe the TM moderator could help; and asked if BOS would allocate money; Mr. Osborne asked committee to come up with wish-list for BOS to request appropriate funding — timeframe January and item will be on Feb agenda. Mr. Osborne will ask BOS for a placeholder. Group discussion on process to get funding. Ms. Brodner will discuss with Deborah Brown (TM Moderator) • Public Comments Mabel Amar— witnessed an incident of racial harassment of an elderly Chinese woman who then did not want to report despite Ms. Amar's offer of support; Ms. Amar noted that there is still racism against Chinese residents. Valerie Overton stated that she will be meeting with the Town Meeting executive committee regarding overcoming unconscious bias training Request to move meeting time to 8:30 — so we will test it in February Motion to Adjourn — Officer Barry 9:40 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 LIST OF DOCUMENTS • Agenda 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420