HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-12-SC-min Lexington School Committee Minutes - January 12, 1968 Page 1 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Tuesday, January 12, 1988 at the Lexington High School Student Library. • • Present were Koplow, Leader, Newman, Wik, Clough and Student Repre- sentative Christa Johanson. Also present were Zimmerman, Bent, • DiGiammarino, Maclnnes and Barnes. Mrs. Wik gave a brief report on the status of the Superintendent SUPERINTENDENT • Search. SEARCH • Dr. Glick presented a tape of activities at Lexington High School. VIDEO TAPE OF • The tape was produced in conjunction with the Coordinator of Cable LHS PROGRAM Programs, Wendy Thompson. The Lexington High School philosophy and its development was re- LHS PHILOSOPHY/ • viewed by Dr. Zimmerman and Mr. Bent. Mr. Bent emphasized that the NEASC reformatting of the philosophy had been undertaken in preparation for the NEASC assessment. He noted that there was very little different in this statement from the one previously adopted by the School • Committee. After the presentation, a recess was held until 8:15 p.m. At approximately 8:30 p.m. the members of the Capital Expenditures CAPITAL EXPENDI- Committee cave a presentation to the School Committee. Mr. Sheldon TURES COMMITTEE Spector and Mr. Paul Hamburger reviewed the need for a long-range per- spective regarding capital expenditures contemplated by the School ;e,: Committee. Capital Expenditures Committee members made special em- phasis that future planning was critical and that one main item for consideration was cooperative services between the Town and the Schools (i.e. custodial/maintenance services. ) The Capital Expendi- tures Committee members emphasized that by cooperative and long-range planning, some stability would be provided to the Town. The School Committee thanked the Capital Expenditures Committee members for their presentation and expressed appreciation for their request. Possible reductions in the elementary 88-89 budget were reviewed ELIMINATIONS AND by Dr. Zimmerman. She said that it was sad to have to make such a REDUCTIONS (88-89 presentation but it was necessary due to the financial constraints. BUDGET) The point Dr. Zimmerman made was that she would present a cluster of possible considerations for elimination and/or reduction in the 88-89 budget during the next several meetings. Proper notice would be given so that various constituencies could express their feelings to the School Committee during these hearings. It was VOTED: to accept the Minutes of November 2, 1987 as corrected. MINUTES - (Newman, Wik, Unanimous) NOVEMBER 2, 1987 VOTED: to accept the Executive Minutes of July 21 , 1987. (Newman, EXECUTIVE MINUTES- Wik, Unanimous) JULY 21, 1987 AUGUST 13, 1987 VOTED: to accept the Executive Minutes of August 13, 1987. (Newman, SEPTEMBER 8, 1987 Wik, Unanimous) SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 VOTED: to accept the Executive Minutes of September 8, 1987. (Newman, OCTOBER 6, 1987 Koplow, Unanimous) NOVEMBER 2, 1987 Lexington School Committee Minutes - January 12 t G88 O_,..p r. VOTED: to accept the Executive Minutes of September 15, 1597 as cor- rected. (Newman, Kcplow, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the Executive Minutes of September 30, 1287 as cor- rected. (Koplow, Nawm=n, Unanimous) , .yen, . to accept the Executive Minute=_ of cont Wber 30, 19e7 for :FubLi..y (Newman,Y}�}=O_ (Newman, Koplow, Unanimous) • .- accept the Executive Minutes F October E, 19E7 as correct- ed. (Newman, Nk, us. ____ . *.. =,-^=r ,h_ Executive Minutes of November 2, 1987. (Newman _na Mr=. ,._F. tu_r= -_ he Schen: C.mmi _ . ced uss - . a SUPER N__ND_N. t r- c 5 e a is o= he. r A"—:. ;='= for • to=it_ of a.. i t_ .__. FSchool_. Mrs. Nik, liaison for the School Comnittee said that she w _u__ davelc =ch F - a= _ rt,.:_ ?=rr}eA7d would r=port peck to _ - ___ Committee at a Later date. No further WES taken on the matter. the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it I rlE accent the Personnel Change== (Cert i=e) _= u.___.. cn FacS. PERSONNEL CriAN?_S- e ,.ik, ___=.pilus! (To be embodied __ the _ CERTIFIED I _ . to e t the Ptrer;rna'. Mange= (C_assif_eC) as l_=ted. _ Page PERSONNEL_and CHANGES- E5 ANGES- __ (Leaker, . b_ c _ + (Cont. ) .(Cunt . i , Koplow, `�„.Cu.._ =j a`,'= V _..._=-died in the Official Minutes. ) rTE.., tn_ =cc=pt the PaY^nrr.ci Chq_.ES � LCd SSer. _u9a_) listed _a PERSONNEL CHANGES- :Rana irNGES- II ('eader, Ka o , Unan_m_us) _o be embodied in FOOD SERVICES the Official M_nut . . ISI An i - m. tion sheet regarding the T7CH Te=m wa= ^r=a=n+ r to the TECH TEAM School Committee. INFORMATION SHEET ._ informational sheet was given tC the School Committee which SHARED SABBATICAL outlined thehighliuhv: of the Yae.=-t shared sabbatical leave for 4 _ndi tri a..= = at Lexington High School . It was VOTE:: ._ convene __ Executive Session at __ ::im. to discus: mat- ters pera_ninto t Collett ^ _ve a _caini and litigation. Yes, Newman; Yes, Nik; Yes, K.op ow; Yes, Leader; Yes, _ . .. _ Clough. _ e ChaErman a1IlCLnCeu that Lhe School Committ== would be return- incPublic Sessi'=n. It was Lexington School Committee Minutes - January 12, 1988 Page 3 VOTED: to reconvene in Public Session at 10:29 p.m. Yes, Wik; Yes, Newman; Yes, Koplow; Yes, Leader; Yes, Clough It was VOTED: to ratify the Memorandum of Agreement as reached by the NAGE and School Committee negotiators for the contract for the school years 1987-1990. (Wik, Newman, Unanimous) It was VOTED: to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. (Newman, Koplow, Unanimous) Respectf ply submit// 4fig- -rd H. Bar es ng S retary Recordi APPROVED: MARCH 22, 1988